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Buried Treasure (VBS or Youth Group Game)

Buried Treasure is a fun game for all ages. It works well for Vacation Bible School or youth ministry. Everyone enjoys playing in a sandbox! For older players, use smaller treasures to make them more difficult to find.

This would be a nice bonus game for Treasured VBS.

It can be played with two or more teams.

Note: The sandbox does not have to be an actual sandbox. A kiddie pool or even a shallow cardboard box will work. The treasure chest does not have to be an actual treasure chest. Use a bucket or a shoebox or something similar.

Buried Treasure Game


  • One sandbox for each team
  • One treasure chest for each team
  • Assorted “treasure” – wrapped candy, fake gold coins, fake jewels, inexpensive jewelry, small trinkets, etc.


  • Before the players arrive, fill the sandboxes with sand and bury the treasure.
  • Divide the players into teams.
  • Give each team their treasure chest and tell them to find as much treasure as possible in their sandbox.
  • At some point call “times up”.
  • Count each teams treasures.
  • The team with the most items in their treasure chest wins.
  • Let each team divide up their spoils. Have a few extra items on hand to ensure that each player gets an equal share.

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2 responses to “Buried Treasure (VBS or Youth Group Game)”

  1. Teresa Mason Avatar

    We are a developing Youth group with to groups operating once a week. Ignite is for years5- 6(NZ). Elevate is for years 7-10(NZ). This term we are concentrating on the Sunday Gospel. We are looking for ice breakers and games on themes based on each Gospel reading.

    1. Young Catholics Avatar

      This page will help you locate resources related to the liturgy of the day for the current date and future dates: https://young-catholics.com/catholic-resources-by-date/

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