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Davy Jones Locker Game for VBS or Camp

The Davy Jones Locker game is a fun and easy game for kids at Vacation Bible School (VBS) or church camp. In this game, kids pretend to fish out men and treasure from a pool, like they're saving them from the bottom of the sea.

The game is wonderfully inclusive, ensuring that children of all ages, from the very young to older kids, can participate and enjoy the thrill of the rescue. Not only does this activity foster a sense of accomplishment and joy in finding and keeping treasures, but it also encourages sharing stories about the "sea" adventures they embark on. This blend of imaginative play, physical activity, and storytelling makes the Davy Jones Locker game a cherished activity at any VBS or church camp, creating lasting memories for all involved.

The Davy Jones Locker game is based on a fun idea that captures children's imaginations. It's about pretending the bottom of a kiddie pool is like the deep sea, full of treasures and people waiting to be rescued. In this game, the "sea" hides various items, such as pirate figures and shiny treasures, which represent the legendary riches and unfortunate souls trapped in Davy Jones Locker.

Children play the role of brave sailors on a mission to save these treasures and figures from being lost at sea forever. Using fishing poles they craft themselves from simple materials like dowels, string, and magnets, they "fish" for these items in the pool. The excitement of seeing what they can catch adds to the adventure. It's a game of surprise and discovery, as each child eagerly awaits to see what their fishing expedition uncovers.

This game is great because even very young kids can play and have fun. They get excited to see what treasure they can pull out. Plus, they get to keep what they find. This game helps kids work together and use their hands, all while having a great time. It's a game that will make VBS or camp special, making sure the kids have a lot of fun.

Game Rules and Instructions



  1. Make the fishing poles by attaching a magnet to one end of a string and the the other end of the string to the dowel. The magnet is the "hook".
  2. Attach a paperclip to each treasure and pirate figure.
  3. Put the treasures and pirate figures in the kiddie pool.
  4. Give each child a fishing pole and let them pull the treasure and figures from Davy Jones locker by touching the magnet to the paperclip.

Tips for Success

To make the Davy Jones Locker game a hit with the kids, here are some tips to ensure it goes smoothly:

  • Test Your Materials: Before the game starts, check that the magnets and paperclips (or small magnets) connect well. The magnet on the fishing pole should be strong enough to pick up the items without being too powerful. It's a good idea to try lifting different treasures to make sure kids won't be disappointed if they can't catch their chosen loot.
  • Use Multiple Pools: If you have a lot of kids playing, consider setting up more than one kiddie pool. This helps prevent the fishing lines from getting tangled and ensures everyone has enough space to enjoy the game without bumping into each other.
  • Stronger Magnets for Heavier Items: If some treasures are a bit heavier, attaching small magnets instead of paperclips might work better. This ensures that the fishing experience is frustration-free for the kids.
  • Safety First: Make sure the edges of the pools and the fishing poles are safe for kids. Smooth out any rough spots on the dowels to prevent splinters. Also, keep an eye on the children to ensure everyone plays safely around the water, even if it's shallow.
  • Rotation and Sharing: To give all kids a chance to fish plenty of treasures, consider setting up a rotation or limiting the number of items each child can fish out before giving another child a turn. This encourages sharing and makes sure everyone gets a fair shot at the fun.
  • Creative Decorations: Make the pools more exciting by decorating them with blue paper or fabric to look like the sea. You could also place some sand around the pool area and add some seashells for a more authentic pirate treasure hunting experience.

By following these tips, you can ensure that the Davy Jones Locker game is not only fun but also safe and fair for all the kids at your VBS or church camp.


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Frequently Asked Questions about the Davy Jones Locker Game

What age group is the Davy Jones Locker game for?

The Davy Jones Locker game is designed for children of all ages attending Vacation Bible School or church camp. Even the youngest participants will find joy in fishing out treasures and pirate figures from the sea.

How many children can play the Davy Jones Locker game at once?

The number of children who can play at once depends on the size of your kiddie pool. To avoid tangled lines and ensure everyone has enough space, consider using multiple pools or taking turns if you have a large group.

What materials do we need for the Davy Jones Locker game?

You'll need dowels, magnets, string, pirate figures, fake jewelry, treasure chests, paperclips or small magnets for heavier items, and at least one kiddie pool.

Can children keep the treasures they find in the Davy Jones Locker game?

Yes, one of the exciting parts of the Davy Jones Locker game is that children get to keep the treasures and pirate figures they successfully fish out.

How do we make the fishing poles for the Davy Jones Locker game?

To make a fishing pole, tie one end of a string to a dowel and attach a magnet to the other end. The magnet serves as the "hook" to catch the treasures, which should have a paperclip or a small magnet attached to them.

How do we ensure safety during the Davy Jones Locker game?

Check all equipment for safety before play. Smooth out any rough edges on dowels to prevent splinters, and ensure that the kiddie pools are placed on stable ground. Always supervise the children, especially around water.

How can we avoid tangled lines in the Davy Jones Locker game?

Using multiple kiddie pools and spacing children out can help prevent tangled lines. Taking turns is also a good method to ensure you don't have too many lines in a small space.

What if the magnet doesn't pick up the treasure in the Davy Jones Locker game?

Test your materials before the game to ensure the magnet and metal connection works well. For heavier items, consider using stronger magnets. Adjustments can be made to ensure a fun and frustration-free experience for the kids.

Can the Davy Jones Locker game be played indoors?

Yes, the Davy Jones Locker game can be set up indoors, provided there's enough space and you're prepared for a bit of water mess. It's a versatile game that can be enjoyed regardless of the weather.

How do we make the Davy Jones Locker game more exciting?

Consider decorating the pool area with blue paper or fabric to resemble the sea, adding sand around the pools for a beach-like feel, and creating themed challenges or stories to enrich the game's adventure aspect.


Kid can be heroes of the sea, rescuing treasures from the depths of Davy Jones Locker. It encourages them to work together, share their bounty, and enjoy the thrill of discovery. With simple materials and a little setup, you can create an unforgettable highlight for the kids at your next event.

They learn valuable lessons in teamwork, develop fine motor skills, and let their imaginations sail to new horizons. Plus, the joy of keeping their finds adds a special touch to their experience.

Your Turn

Ready for some fun? Get your materials, set up your pool, and start playing the Davy Jones Locker game. Take pictures of the kids having a good time. Tell other teachers, parents, and friends about this game. It's a good way to make Vacation Bible School or camp special for kids.

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