Little Children
Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith

The “Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith” is designed to help young people understand and embrace a simple, trusting relationship with God. Just as children rely on their parents for everything, we are called to depend on God with the same trust and love. This lesson plan helps youth to see the importance of trusting God, even when life is confusing or difficult.
Through this lesson, young people can learn how to strengthen their faith by adopting a childlike attitude. It encourages them to have open hearts, to ask questions, and to seek God’s presence in their lives. This approach helps them understand that it’s okay to not have all the answers, but it’s important to trust in God’s guidance and wisdom.
The lesson plan also emphasizes the importance of staying close to God through prayer, just as Jesus did. By spending time with God, young people can feel comforted and supported, knowing that He is always there for them. This helps them build a strong foundation of faith that can guide them throughout their lives.
Overall, the “Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith” offers a valuable opportunity for youth to grow in their relationship with God. It teaches them to be humble, to trust in God’s plan, and to find peace in His love. This childlike faith is a powerful tool that can help them navigate the challenges of life with confidence and hope.
Opening Game for the Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith
Start by playing the Baby Food Taste Tester game. In this game, youth will try to identify different baby food flavors. For full instructions, check out the Baby Food Taste Tester game details.
After playing, discuss these questions:
- Would you prefer to eat baby food every day or regular food?
- Did you like the flavor of the baby food?
- Are you surprised that babies eat it?
- Which flavors were the hardest to identify? Why?
Scripture Reading for the Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith
Read the Gospel:
Mark 10:2-16 (Jesus welcomes the children) – the Gospel Reading for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B
Then he embraced them and blessed them, placing his hands on them.
The Pharisees approached Jesus and asked, “Is it lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?” They were testing him.
He said to them in reply, “What did Moses command you?”
They replied, “Moses permitted a husband to write a bill of divorce and dismiss her.”
But Jesus told them, “Because of the hardness of your hearts he wrote you this commandment. But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh.
Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must separate.”
In the house the disciples again questioned Jesus about this. He said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”
And people were bringing children to him that he might touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this he became indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.”
Discussion for the Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith
Most of us wouldn’t want to go back to being little children. Imagine having to eat baby food all the time or wearing diapers again—definitely not fun! We enjoy the independence and freedom that come with growing up.
What are some other things about being a small child that you wouldn’t enjoy? Maybe having to go to bed early every night or not being able to do things on your own. Being a kid has its challenges, and as we grow older, we value our independence.
In the gospel, Jesus encourages us to be more like children. But He’s not suggesting we go back to nap times or relearn how to tie our shoes. Instead, Jesus is talking about having the trusting faith of a child.
Young children naturally trust their parents. They follow their parents without question because they know they need them. They get very upset if they’re separated from their parents because they feel safe and loved when they’re close.
Think about other ways young children completely trust their parents. They believe what their parents tell them and rely on them for everything, from food to comfort. They find great comfort in cuddling with their mom or dad. This kind of trust is what Jesus is asking us to have in our relationship with God.
Just as children trust their parents, we are called to trust God in the same way. Jesus Himself showed this kind of trust in God the Father. Even when He knew it would lead to suffering and death on the cross, Jesus trusted that God’s plan was good. He often spent time alone in prayer, enjoying the presence of His Father and seeking His guidance.
As we grow older, it’s natural to want to be more independent. We learn to make our own decisions and handle responsibilities. This is a normal and healthy part of growing up.
However, in our relationship with God, we are still like little children. God sees more than we do and understands things we cannot comprehend. When our own plans or desires clash with God’s will, we need to trust Him, just like a toddler holding onto their parent’s hand. It might be hard to let go of our own ideas, but trusting in God’s love and wisdom helps us to follow His path, knowing He always has our best interests at heart.
So, while we don’t have to go back to eating baby food or wearing diapers, we are called to embrace the simple, trusting faith of a child. This means depending on God, believing in His love, and finding comfort in His presence, just like a child finds comfort in their parent’s arms.
Small Group Reflection Questions for the Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith
In this small group discussion, youth explore what it means to have childlike faith and how we can apply it in our daily lives. This should be a safe space to share thoughts and feelings, so youth feel free to be open and honest.
- How do you see this type of faith in young children?
- Can you think of a time when you had to trust someone completely?
- What qualities do children have that we might lose as we grow older?
- How can these qualities help us in our relationship with God?
- Are there specific areas of your life where you find it hard to trust God?
- How can prayer and reading the Bible help you develop a more childlike faith?
- Have you ever faced a challenge where trusting God made a difference?
- What role does faith play in overcoming fears or uncertainties?
- Is there a specific step you can take to trust God more?
- How can you involve others in this journey, like family or friends?
Allow time to discuss each question and listen to each other’s experiences and thoughts. The goal is to help youth other grow in faith and find ways to trust God more like children do.
Challenge for the Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith
This week, try to identify a specific area in your life where you tend to rely heavily on your own abilities or understanding, and make a conscious effort to place more trust in God instead. It could be a situation at school, a relationship, a decision you’re struggling with, or any challenge where you feel overwhelmed.
Set aside a few minutes each day for prayer, focusing on this area. As you pray, ask God for the grace to let go of control and to approach the situation with the trust and openness of a child. It’s okay to acknowledge your worries and fears during this time, but then turn them over to God.
During your prayer time, after expressing your thoughts and concerns, try to quiet your mind and listen for God’s guidance. Sometimes, answers come through a sense of peace or a gentle nudge in a certain direction. As you close your prayer, repeat the phrase, “Thy will be done. Thy will be done,” several times. This repetition can help you surrender your plans and desires to God’s greater wisdom and love.
Finally, take a moment to imagine yourself resting in God’s loving arms, just as a child rests in the arms of a parent. Feel the comfort and security that comes from trusting in God’s care and love. This practice can help you cultivate a more childlike faith, where you trust in God’s plan and rest in His peace.
Prayer for the Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith
To conclude, you can pray the Patient Trust prayer by Teilhard de Chardin or another prayer, asking God to grant the patience and trust to let His will unfold in life.
More Resources for the Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith
Themes for the Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith
- Trust in God: Children naturally trust their parents, just as we should trust God. He knows what is best for us, even when we don’t understand. Trusting God helps us feel safe and loved.
- Humility: Children often accept their limits and rely on others. We should also recognize our need for God and be humble before Him. This humility allows us to receive His grace.
- Simplicity of Heart: Kids approach life with simple joy and honesty. In faith, we should also keep our hearts pure and focus on what truly matters. This simplicity helps us stay close to God.
- Dependence on God: Just as children depend on their parents for everything, we depend on God for all we need. Recognizing this dependence keeps us connected to Him. It reminds us to seek His help and guidance daily.
- Obedience to God’s Will: Children often follow their parents’ guidance without question. We are called to follow God’s will in our lives. This obedience is a sign of our love and trust in Him.
- Joy in God’s Presence: Children enjoy spending time with their parents. Similarly, we should find joy in spending time with God through prayer and worship. This joy strengthens our relationship with Him.
- Forgiveness and Mercy: Children are quick to forgive and forget. We should also practice forgiveness, as God forgives us. This reflects God’s mercy and helps us live peacefully with others.
- Seeking God’s Kingdom: Children are curious and always seeking to learn. We should seek to know more about God and His Kingdom. This desire helps us grow in our faith.
- Love for Others: Children often show love without conditions. We are called to love others as Jesus loves us. This love is a fundamental part of our faith.
- Living in the Present: Children live in the moment, not worrying about the future. We are encouraged to trust in God’s plan and live faithfully each day. This helps us focus on our relationship with God.
- Innocence: Children are innocent and free from malice. We are called to approach God with a clean heart and a pure spirit. This innocence draws us closer to God’s love.
Background Material for the Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith
The “Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith” emphasizes a key teaching of Jesus in the Bible. In the Gospel of Mark 10:13-16, Jesus invites children to come to Him, saying, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” He then adds, “Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” This passage shows the importance of having a childlike faith, which is humble, trusting, and open-hearted.
Childlike faith is a central theme in Catholic teaching. It reminds us to trust God completely, as children trust their parents. This trust is not about being naive, but about recognizing our dependence on God’s love and mercy. By his submission to the will of the Father, Jesus fulfills the redemptive plan of God. (CCC 606 – 607) Just as Jesus trusted and obeyed His Father, we are called to trust in God’s plan for our lives.
This lesson plan also emphasizes humility, another important aspect of childlike faith. In Matthew 18:3-4, Jesus says, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Humility involves recognizing our limitations and our need for God. It means putting God’s will above our own and being open to His guidance.
The lesson plan teaches that being like children means living with simplicity and purity of heart. Children are often free from deceit and are honest about their feelings and needs. In Matthew 5:8, Jesus says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” A pure heart allows us to see God’s work in our lives and to respond with love and gratitude.
Another key aspect of childlike faith is the joy and love found in a close relationship with God. Just as children enjoy being in their parents’ presence, we are invited to find joy in God’s presence through prayer and worship. This is emphasized in the Catechism, which states, “Man is created by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to himself” (CCC 27). Our relationship with God is meant to be one of love and joy, rooted in His constant call to be close to Him.
The “Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith” also highlights the importance of obedience and trust. Jesus Himself modeled this when He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, “Not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). This teaches us to trust in God’s plan, even when it is difficult or hard to understand.
In conclusion, the lesson plan encourages young people to embrace a faith that is trusting, humble, and joyful, just like the faith of a child. This approach is deeply rooted in Catholic teaching and Scripture, reminding us that we are all children of God. By nurturing a childlike faith, we can grow closer to God and live out our Catholic faith more fully.
Music Suggestions for the Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith

More Youth Ministry Lesson Plans and Reflections
For more free lesson plans and reflections, visit our lesson plans page. You’ll find resources to help teach youth about faith, including more on the Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith. These materials are perfect for teachers, youth ministers, and catechists looking to inspire young people in their faith journey.
Questions and Answers for the Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith
How can we encourage childlike faith in others?
We can encourage childlike faith in others by being good examples, teaching about God’s love and trustworthiness, and praying together. Sharing stories from the Bible and personal experiences can also inspire childlike faith.
What is childlike faith?
Childlike faith means trusting God completely, like how children trust their parents. It’s about being humble, honest, and open-hearted in our relationship with God. This faith is simple and sincere.
Why is childlike faith important?
Childlike faith is important because it helps us depend on God and trust in His love and plan for us. Jesus taught that we need this kind of faith to enter the kingdom of God (Mark 10:15).
How can we develop childlike faith?
We can develop childlike faith by being humble, trusting God, and praying regularly. Spending time with God and reading the Bible also helps us grow in faith and understand His will.
Does having childlike faith mean being naive?
No, having childlike faith doesn’t mean being naive. It means trusting God with a pure and open heart, even when we don’t understand everything. It’s about relying on God’s wisdom and guidance.
Why does Jesus say we should be like children?
Jesus says we should be like children because children are trusting, humble, and dependent. These qualities are important in our relationship with God, as they help us stay close to Him and follow His teachings.
Can adults have childlike faith?
Yes, adults can have childlike faith. It’s not about age but about the attitude of our hearts. Being humble, trusting, and open to God are qualities everyone can cultivate.
How does childlike faith help in difficult times?
Childlike faith helps in difficult times by reminding us to trust God and rely on His strength. It gives us peace, knowing that God is in control and cares for us, even when life is challenging.
What can we learn from children about faith?
We can learn to be more trusting, open, and sincere in our relationship with God. Children often show joy and excitement in their faith, which we can also embrace.
Is childlike faith only for children?
No, childlike faith is for everyone. Jesus taught that all believers should have this kind of faith. It’s about having a simple and trusting relationship with God.
The “Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith” is designed to help young people understand and cultivate a simple, trusting relationship with God. Drawing from the teachings of Jesus, this lesson emphasizes the importance of having a faith that is humble, sincere, and reliant on God’s love and guidance. It encourages youth to approach God with the same openness and trust that children have towards their parents.
The lesson plan covers key aspects of childlike faith, such as humility, dependence on God, and joy in His presence. It teaches that just as children trust their parents completely, we are called to trust God, even when we don’t understand everything. The lesson also highlights the importance of being honest and sincere in our relationship with God, focusing on the purity of heart that allows us to truly see Him.
Another important theme of the lesson is obedience to God’s will. Just as children listen to and follow their parents’ guidance, we are encouraged to follow God’s plan for our lives. This obedience is a sign of our love and trust in God. The lesson also discusses the joy and peace that come from being close to God, similar to how children find comfort and happiness in the presence of their parents.
Overall, the “Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith” provides a practical and accessible way for youth to deepen their faith. It offers a simple, yet profound, understanding of what it means to have a childlike faith, helping young people to grow closer to God and live out their Catholic faith more fully.
Your Turn
Try the “Little Children Lesson Plan on Childlike Faith” with your youth group or class! This lesson is a great way to explore how we can all have a trusting and humble relationship with God. After using the lesson, please share your experiences and any variations or additional notes in the comment section. Your insights can help others as they explore this important aspect of faith.
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