Suscipe Prayer
Take Lord Receive Prayer

The Suscipe Prayer, crafted by St. Ignatius of Loyola, carries a profound message about wholeheartedly giving everything we have and are to God, holding nothing in reserve. It suggests that we should freely offer our freedom, thoughts, and desires to God because, in reality, everything we possess is a gift from Him.
It is also sometimes called the Take Lord Receive Prayer.
In easier terms, this prayer advises us not to clutch our possessions or stick too stubbornly to our own plans. Instead, it encourages us to be open to letting go and allowing God to guide our lives. It serves as a reminder that everything we have, whether it’s belongings or abilities, ultimately belongs to God, and we should be comfortable with that idea.
The primary message is plain and direct: we should be prepared to relinquish all we have in exchange for God’s love and grace, which are sufficient to fulfill our needs.
To put it simply, the Suscipe Prayer teaches us to place our complete trust in God and not hold onto our worldly possessions too tightly. It emphasizes surrendering to God’s will as the path to inner peace and fulfillment.
Suscipe Prayer
Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty,
my memory, my understanding,
and my entire will,
All I have and call my own.
You have given all to me.
To you, Lord, I return it.
Everything is yours; do with it what you will.
Give me only your love and your grace,
that is enough for me.

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Frequently Asked Questions about the Suscipe Prayer (Take Lord Receive Prayer)
What is the Suscipe Prayer, and who wrote it?
The Suscipe Prayer, also known as the “Take Lord Receive Prayer,” was composed by St. Ignatius of Loyola. He was the founder of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) and wrote this prayer as a reflection of his deep devotion to God.
What does the word “Suscipe” mean?
“Suscipe” is a Latin word that means “receive” or “take.” In the context of the prayer, it signifies the act of surrendering or offering something to God.
What is the central message of the Suscipe Prayer?
The prayer’s central message is about surrendering everything to God. It emphasizes giving up our own will, desires, and possessions to allow God to use them according to His plan.
Why is the Suscipe Prayer significant in Catholic spirituality?
This prayer is significant because it encapsulates the core concept of Ignatian spirituality, which is the idea of “finding God in all things.” It encourages individuals to let go of attachments and trust in God’s providence.
How can I incorporate the Take Lord Receive Prayer into my daily life?
You can incorporate the prayer by reciting it daily or during moments of reflection and prayer. It serves as a reminder to surrender your will to God and trust in His love and grace.
Is the Suscipe Prayer only for Catholics?
While it is a Catholic prayer, people of different faiths or spiritual backgrounds can also appreciate its message of surrender and trust in God.
Are there variations of the Take Lord Receive Prayer?
Yes, there are variations and adaptations of the prayer that individuals may use to personalize their prayers or reflect different aspects of their lives. There is also a popular song version by the St. Louis Jesuits.
Can the Suscipe Prayer be used in specific life situations or challenges?
Absolutely. The prayer’s message of surrender can be particularly meaningful during times of decision-making, hardship, or when facing significant life changes. It can provide comfort and guidance.
Is there a specific time to pray the Suscipe Prayer?
You can pray the Take Lord Receive Prayer at any time that feels meaningful to you. Some people choose to incorporate it into their morning or evening prayers, while others use it as a tool for reflection throughout the day.
Does the Suscipe Prayer have a particular role in Catholic liturgy or rituals?
While it may not be a part of the official liturgy, the Take Lord Receive Prayer is often used in personal devotions, spiritual retreats, and meditative practices, where individuals seek a deeper connection with God through surrender and trust.
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