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This is an easy game for your youth group or Vacation Bible School. It is fun but also provides a lesson about the Holy Spirit.

See the reflection questions and scripture passage at the end of the game to turn this game into a teaching experience or a short lesson plan.

Paper Toss Game (Holy Spirit Game)


  • Paper
  • Waste basket
  • Fan


  1. Give each person three pieces of paper.
  2. Direct the fan so it is blowing between the participants and the wastebasket. You will want it turned to high so it is blowing pretty hard.
  3. Let each participant crumple their paper and throw it into the basket.
  4. The ones who get the most in should have a shoot off until there is a winner.
  5. Move the players farther away from the basket if it is too easy.
  6. If it is too hard, then turn the fan down

Read John 3:8

“The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

Reflection questions

  1. Could you see the wind from the fan?
  2. How did you know the fan was making wind?
  3. What were some of the effects of the wind?
  4. On a windy day, do you see the wind or do you just see what the force of the wind is doing?
  5. What are some ways you see the effects of the Holy Spirit?

Printable Copy of Paper Toss Holy Spirit Game

Click here to view and print a copy

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One response to “Paper Toss Game (Holy Spirit Game)”

  1. Tiny Fishing Avatar
    Tiny Fishing

    I love the creative approach of using a game like Paper Toss to engage young Catholics! It’s a fun way to incorporate faith into playtime. Looking forward to seeing more innovative ideas like this!

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