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Friendship Bracelets (Affirmation Activity)

Making friendship bracelets can be both a craft and an affirmation activity. The bracelets are made by sharing a bead with a friend and saying what unique quality you like about that person. This simple exercise reminds youth that each one of us has unique gifts which God gave us.

We did this activity with our middle school Vacation Bible School last summer.

If your group is large, then divide into small groups for this.

Emphasize that they should try to give a more specific affirmation than “You are nice.” The goal is to come up with something unique.

How to Make Friendship Bracelets


  • Jewelry Cord (I prefer the stretchy kind)
  • Beads (these are some I like – use whatever you like or have on hand)
  • Cross beads (nice for the youth minster and/or core team to give to them)
  • scissors


  1. Give each youth enough beads to give one to each other person.
  2. Give each one about 1 foot of cord.
  3. Have them go up to each other and say one nice characteristic about the other person. They give them a bead to put on the cord while doing this.
  4. Each person should give a bead to everyone. Emphasize that no one should be left out.
  5. Tie the cords. Use several knots, especially if using the stretchy cord. It can slip with just a double know.
  6. Clip the ends.

Additional Resources

Fake You Out Lesson Plan

If you are looking to go a little deeper into the topics of authenticity and popularity, then check out this lesson plan.

Who’s Your Buddy? Lesson Plan

This is another lesson plan which is focused on friendship.

True Wealth Is Found in Friendship, Not Things

Read Pope Francis’ thoughts on friendship as background material for this activity.

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