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Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time

Daily Mass Readings for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time

Cycle 1 is used in odd numbered years and Cycle 2 is used in even numbered years. The gospel is the same for both years.

  • First Reading (Cycle 1) – Jonah 1:1–2:1-2, 11: Jonah, told by God to go to Nineveh, fled instead. On a ship, a storm arose because of his disobedience. Jonah was thrown overboard to calm the sea and was swallowed by a large fish. After three days, he was released.
  • First Reading (Cycle 2) – Galatians 1:6-12: I’m surprised you’re swayed by a different gospel. If anyone preaches differently than what we’ve taught, they’re wrong. I don’t aim to please humans. The Gospel I preach is a revelation from Jesus.
  • Responsorial Psalm (Cycle 1) – Jonah 2: In my distress, I cried to the LORD and He answered. Despite feeling overwhelmed and distant, I held hope, remembering the LORD and my prayers reached His temple.
  • Responsorial Psalm (Cycle 2) – Psalm 111: I thank the LORD wholeheartedly among the righteous. His works are magnificent. His deeds are trustworthy. He has saved his people, confirming his eternal covenant. His praise lasts forever.
  • Gospel Luke 10:25-37: A scholar questioned Jesus about eternal life. Quoting the law, he recognized loving God and neighbors as key. Wanting clarity, he asked who his neighbor was. Jesus shared a story where a Samaritan aided a beaten man when others didn’t. Jesus highlighted the merciful as true neighbors.

Themes for the Daily Mass Readings for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time

  • Defining Neighborly Love: A scholar questions Jesus about eternal life, leading to a clarification on the true meaning of “neighbor.” This theme dives into the depth and breadth of love for others.
  • Parable of Good Samaritan: Jesus uses a parable to illustrate neighborly love, contrasting the actions of a priest, a Levite, and a Samaritan. This theme showcases unexpected acts of kindness.
  • Breaking Social Barriers: The Samaritan, often despised by Jews, emerges as the hero. This emphasizes the theme of love breaking through cultural or social barriers.
  • Active Compassion: The Samaritan’s actions—from tending to wounds to providing for the man’s care—illustrate compassion in action. This theme underscores that love isn’t just a feeling but is shown through deeds.
  • Concluding Challenge: Jesus ends with a challenge to “go and do likewise.” This theme pushes the message from a mere story to a directive for real-life application.

“Which of these three, in your opinion, was neighbor to the robbers’ victim?” He answered, “The one who treated him with mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”

Luke 10:36-37

Thoughts for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time

The gospel for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time, Luke 10:25-37, contains the Parable of the Good Samaritan, one of the most well-known of Jesus’s teachings. A lawyer questions Jesus about inheriting eternal life, leading Jesus to provide this parable as an answer to the question, “Who is my neighbor?”

The initial exchange between the lawyer and Jesus reaffirms the two great commandments: love God and love one’s neighbor. While these seem straightforward, the lawyer’s question about the identity of the ‘neighbor’ reveals the human tendency to limit the scope of our responsibility. This is as relevant today as it was then, prompting us to examine who we might be excluding from our circle of care.

The parable itself contrasts the actions of three individuals: a priest, a Levite, and a Samaritan. The priest and Levite, despite being religious figures, avoid the injured man. This highlights the danger of being so bound by religious rules or personal biases that one misses the essence of faith – compassion. It’s a call to ensure that rituals and rules don’t overshadow genuine love and care.

The Samaritan, traditionally an enemy of the Jews, becomes the hero by showing kindness to the injured Jew. This challenges the conventional definitions of ‘neighbor’ and underscores the universality of love and care. In a world where divisions based on race, religion, and nationality persist, this parable reminds us of the fundamental call to love beyond boundaries.

It is very easy to show love and compassion for people whom we identify with. It is more difficult to show mercy to people who are different from us, either because of where they are from, how they look, their economic status, or their political views. Jesus doesn’t ask us to try to make them more like us or agree with them. He asks us to love them. We must ask if we are open to loving all people. We must consider how we treat those around me from different cultures, religions, and walks of life.

The practical care given by the Samaritan – tending to the man’s wounds, taking him to an inn, and ensuring his future care – emphasizes that love is not just about feelings but concrete actions. Catholics are reminded that their faith should translate into tangible support and assistance to those in need.

In conclusion, the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 challenges us to expand our understanding of ‘neighbor,’ to prioritize compassion over convention, to love beyond traditional boundaries, and to manifest their faith through concrete acts of kindness.

Prayer for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time

Lord Jesus, please give me a heart like the Good Samaritan. Lord, teach me to show love and compassion for everyone. Let me see all people as my neighbor, especially those who are different than me. Amen.

Homilies and Reflections for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time

Word On Fire: Emulating Christ’s Compassion

In this reflection for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time, Bishop Robert Barron reflects on the parable of the Good Samaritan, emphasizing its depiction of Jesus as the ultimate Good Samaritan. Drawing a connection made by the Church Fathers, as illustrated in Chartres Cathedral, he identifies the Samaritan as a symbol of Jesus, the Savior. The story, thus, serves as a model for Christians to emulate Christ’s compassionate actions. Just as Jesus offers salvation, Christians are urged to actively help those who have been victimized by sin and to extend the Church’s healing power, representing the transformative love and mercy that Christ embodies.

USCCB Reflection: Vision to See God in the Everyday

This USCCB video reflection for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time point out that the Good Samaritan story highlights three individuals encountering a man in need: a priest, a Levite, and a Samaritan. While the priest and Levite are preoccupied with their duties and personal concerns, the Samaritan truly sees the man’s need and helps selflessly. This act of seeing, acknowledging, and responding embodies the core message of Jesus in the gospels: to recognize God’s presence in everyday encounters. By developing this vision, we align with the Beatitudes’ teachings and truly experience the Kingdom of Heaven.

Common-Sense Compassion

Fr. Richard Rohr discusses the parable of the Good Samaritan from Luke 10:30–35, highlighting Jesus’ lesson on compassion. A scholar tests Jesus with a question about eternal life. Responding, the scholar correctly quotes the two major commandments about loving God and neighbor. However, seeking justification, he asks, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus narrates a tale where a man, robbed and injured, is ignored by a priest and a Temple assistant, possibly due to concerns about ritual purity. Yet, a Samaritan, typically seen as an enemy, aids the wounded man with utmost care and compassion. Jesus uses this story to underscore that genuine love surpasses rituals and moral superiority.

Frequently Asked Questions for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time

What date is Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time?

The next date is Monday October 7, 2024.

What are the Mass readings for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

The Mass readings for Monday October 6, 2025 are:
First Reading (Cycle 1) – Jonah 1:1–2:1-2, 11: Jonah’s Escape and Punishment
Responsorial Psalm (Cycle 1) – Jonah 2: Distress and Divine Response
Gospel – Luke 10:25-37: Parable of the Good Samaritan

What are the Mass readings for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?

The Mass readings for Monday October 7, 2024 are:
First Reading (Cycle 2) – Galatians 1:6-12: True Gospel’s Origin
Responsorial Psalm (Cycle 2) – Psalm 111: Eternal Covenant Praise
Gospel – Luke 10:25-37: Parable of the Good Samaritan

What happens in Luke 10:25-37, the gospel for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time?

An expert in the law questions Jesus about what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus responds by asking him what the law says, to which the man correctly replies with the command to love God and to love one’s neighbor as oneself. Wanting further clarity, the man asks, “Who is my neighbor?” In response, Jesus tells the Parable of the Good Samaritan, illustrating that a neighbor is anyone in need, and it’s our duty to show compassion, regardless of race or status.

What are the themes for the Mass readings for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time?

The themes in Luke 10:25-37 include understanding the true essence of the law, defining neighborly love, and challenging cultural biases and boundaries.

Why does Jesus use the figure of a Samaritan in the gospel for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time (Luke 10:25-37)?

Samaritans and Jews traditionally had animosities. By making the Samaritan the hero, Jesus challenges the cultural biases of his audience and emphasizes that true neighborliness isn’t bound by ethnicity or religious affiliation.

What’s the significance of the priest and Levite passing by the injured man in the gospel for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time (Luke 10:25-37)?

Their avoidance underscores the gap between religious duty and genuine compassion. Despite their religious roles, they failed to practice true love and compassion, which is central to God’s commandments.

What lesson does Jesus convey through the story of the Good Samaritan in the gospel for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time (Luke 10:25-37)?

Jesus highlights that true neighbors show mercy and kindness to those in need, irrespective of differences, suggesting that the act of compassion is a key component of loving one’s neighbor.

How can the gospel for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time (Luke 10:25-37) be applied to everyday life?

This passage encourages us to expand our understanding of “neighbor” and challenges us to act with compassion beyond our comfort zones. It emphasizes the importance of action over mere knowledge and serves as a reminder that love and compassion should transcend cultural or social boundaries. It calls for introspection about whether our actions align with the core values of love and mercy.

How can the gospel for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time (Luke 10:25-37) shape interactions in a diverse society?

Prioritize compassion and kindness towards all, irrespective of cultural, religious, or ethnic differences. Actively help those in need, and recognize shared humanity over divisions.

Why did Jonah flee when God commanded him to go to Nineveh in the first reading for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 (Jonah 1:1–2:1-2, 11)?

Jonah fled because he was trying to avoid God’s command to prophesy against the wickedness of Nineveh.

How is Jonah’s disobedience linked to the storm in the first reading for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 (Jonah 1:1–2:1-2, 11)?

The storm arose due to Jonah’s disobedience, and to calm the sea, he needed to be thrown overboard.

How does Jonah depict God’s response to distressful cries in the responsorial psalm for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 (Jonah 2)?

Jonah portrays that in moments of distress, when he cried out, the LORD answered and provided relief.

What is the overarching message of the responsorial psalm for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 (Jonah 2)?

Even when feeling overwhelmed and distant from God, maintaining hope and turning to Him in prayer can bring about His intervention and salvation.

How do the readings for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 illustrate God’s mercy and our response to it?

Jonah experiences God’s mercy even in his disobedience, the psalmist acknowledges God’s saving grace, and the Gospel underscores human expressions of mercy mirroring divine compassion.

What can be learned about repentance and redirection from these passages for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

Both Jonah and the beaten man in the Gospel experience redemption and redirection due to divine intervention. The messages emphasize the importance of acknowledging one’s errors, the transformative power of mercy, and the potential for new beginnings.

How does Paul address the issue of alternate teachings in the first reading for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 (Galatians 1:6-12)?

Paul expresses surprise and concern over the Galatians being swayed by a different gospel. He firmly states that any teaching different from what they’ve received is incorrect, emphasizing the divine origin of his Gospel as a revelation from Jesus.

What’s the take-away for modern believers from this message in the first reading for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 (Galatians 1:6-12)?

It’s vital to be discerning about religious teachings, ensuring they align with the core tenets of faith. Authentic teachings come from genuine divine revelations and are not intended merely to appease humans.

What attributes of God are praised in the responsorial psalm for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 (Psalm 111)?

The psalmist praises God for His wondrous works, trustworthiness, and the salvation He offers. God’s commitment to His covenant is highlighted, emphasizing its eternal nature.

How can individuals incorporate the sentiments in the responsorial psalm for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 (Psalm 111) into their worship?

Reflect on God’s magnificent deeds in personal life, His reliability, and the broader promise of salvation. Acknowledge the lasting nature of His covenant and offer praise wholeheartedly.

How do the readings for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 address the theme of genuine faith and action?

Paul emphasizes authentic teachings rooted in divine revelation. The psalmist acknowledges God’s steadfastness and mighty deeds. Jesus, in the Gospel, stresses living the commandments genuinely, emphasizing mercy. Together, they highlight genuine faith that’s rooted in divine truth and expressed through compassionate actions.

How can one live out these teachings for Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 in daily life?

Be discerning about religious teachings, ensuring they align with genuine faith tenets. Regularly reflect on God’s deeds and promises. In interactions, prioritize kindness and mercy, actively assisting those in need and looking beyond superficial differences.

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