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Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2

Tuesday January 27, 2026

Daily Mass Readings for Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2

  • First Reading - 2 Samuel 6:12b-15, 17-19: David led the joyous return of the Ark to Jerusalem with dancing, sacrifices, and music. Celebrations included offerings and blessings, culminating in generous distributions to all Israelites
  • Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 24: Let the gates open wide for the king of glory. The Lord, mighty in battle, commands respect and awe. He is the powerful LORD of hosts, our eternal king.
  • Gospel - Mark 3:31-35: As Jesus' family arrived at a house and sent for Him, the crowd relayed their presence. Jesus questioned the concept of His true family and, looking at His followers, proclaimed them as His real family. He emphasized that anyone who follows God's will is akin to His brother, sister, and mother, thereby elevating spiritual bonds over biological ones in God's kingdom.

Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.

Mark 3:34-35

Themes for the Readings for Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2

For Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2, several themes emerge from the readings:

  • Joyful Worship and Celebration: The First Reading from 2 Samuel depicts David's jubilant celebration as the Ark is brought to Jerusalem. This shows the importance of joy, music, and dance in worship, and how these expressions can deepen our connection to God.
  • Reverence and Awe for God: Psalm 24 emphasizes the majesty and power of God. It invites us to reflect on God's greatness, which demands our respect and awe, and reminds us of His presence as the eternal king and mighty Lord.
  • Spiritual Kinship and Community: In Mark's Gospel, Jesus redefines the concept of family, emphasizing spiritual relationships over biological ones. This highlights the value of the Christian community and our spiritual bonds as brothers and sisters in Christ, united by doing God's will.
  • God's Presence and Blessings: The First Reading and the Psalm both highlight the presence of God among His people and the blessings that come from this presence. This theme invites reflection on how we experience God's presence in our lives and communities.
  • Obedience to God's Will: The Gospel reading particularly emphasizes obedience to God's will as the defining characteristic of those who belong to Jesus' family. This theme challenges us to consider our own faithfulness and commitment to living according to God's will.

These themes for Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 can provide rich material for reflection, discussion, or homily preparation, offering insights into worship, community, obedience, and our relationship with God.

Thoughts for Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2

On Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2, the Gospel of Mark presents a profound moment in Jesus’ ministry, subtly yet powerfully connected to the day's other readings. Jesus redefines the concept of family, extending it beyond biological ties to encompass all who do God's will. This scene challenges our understanding of kinship, urging us to see our spiritual bonds as equally, if not more, significant.

In Mark 3:31-35, Jesus’ biological family seeks him, but he turns to the crowd and declares, "Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother." This statement is revolutionary, especially in a culture where familial bonds were paramount. Jesus isn't dismissing family; rather, he's elevating the idea of spiritual kinship. In God's kingdom, relationships aren't just formed by blood but by a shared commitment to the Father’s will.

This message resonates deeply with the First Reading from 2 Samuel, where David, in a spirit of joy and celebration, brings the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. The Ark symbolized God's presence among His people, and David's act of bringing it to the city was a unifying moment for the nation of Israel. Similarly, Jesus' words unify his followers, creating a new family centered around God's presence and mission. The joy and celebration in David’s time reflect the joy we find in being part of God’s family.

The Responsorial Psalm, Psalm 24, with its imagery of gates lifting for the King of Glory, complements this by emphasizing the majesty and sovereignty of God. It serves as a reminder that in all our relationships and communities, God is the ultimate authority and the source of our unity. As we open our hearts and communities to God, just as the gates open for the King of Glory, we allow His will to reshape and define our relationships.

Jesus' redefinition of family challenges us to look beyond our immediate, biological connections. It calls us to form and cherish spiritual bonds with those who share our faith and commitment to God’s will. In every Mass, when we gather as a community, we enact this spiritual kinship, united not just by our presence but by our shared participation in Christ's body and blood. Sometimes there is bickering and arguing in the Church, just as there is in any family. But in the end, we must remember our love for each other and act out of charity.

Furthermore, the Gospel invites us to reflect on how we respond to God’s will. Are we, like Jesus' followers in the Gospel, willing to listen, understand, and act upon His teachings? Our participation in God's family is not passive; it demands an active, obedient engagement with His will, much like the reverence and awe expressed in Psalm 24.

As we ponder these readings for Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2, let us ask ourselves: How do we contribute to the spiritual family of our church? Do we recognize and honor the spiritual bonds that connect us to fellow believers? And importantly, are we committed to doing God's will, as Jesus defines it, to be part of His spiritual family? In answering these questions, we find the true essence of being part of the family of Christ, bound together not by blood, but by faith, love, and obedience to God.


Jesus, teach me to love my faith family, even when we don't agree. Let us always cherish each other as you showed us. Amen.

Homilies and Reflections
for Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

Belonging, Believing, Behaving: The 3 B’s of Faithful Being

In this reflection by Fr. Billy Swan, the order of priority in the development of faith is explored. Traditionally, it was believed that faith began with believing, followed by behaving, and finally belonging to a faith community. However, recognizing our belonging to God, who created and loves us, precedes believing and shapes our behaving. The reflection delves into biblical examples, including the Gospel for Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2. Faith in God's claim on us leads to belief and behavior rooted in a living relationship with Him. Ultimately, the question is not "Who am I?" but "Whose am I?" as believers are marked by the sign of the cross and claimed by Christ.

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Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2
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Coming together as a faith community - Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2

Frequently Asked Questions
for Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2

What date is Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?

The next date is Tuesday January 27, 2026.

Cycle 1 is used in odd numbered years and Cycle 2 is used in even numbered years. The gospel is the same for both years. For odd numbered years see Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1.

What are the Mass readings for Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?

The Mass readings for Tuesday January 27, 2026 are:
First Reading  - 2 Samuel 6:12b-15, 17-19: Joyful Return of the Ark
Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 24: Proclaiming God's Majestic Entry
Gospel Mark 3:31-35: True Kinship in God

How does the Gospel reading for Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 redefine family?

In Mark 3:31-35, Jesus redefines family by stating that anyone who does God's will is his brother, sister, and mother. This elevates spiritual relationships over biological ones, emphasizing the importance of a shared commitment to God’s will.

What is the connection between the First Reading and the Gospel on Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?

The First Reading about David bringing the Ark to Jerusalem with joy and celebration parallels the joy and unity in the Gospel, where Jesus forms a spiritual family with those who follow God's will. Both readings emphasize unity, joy, and the presence of God in communal worship.

How does Psalm 24 relate to the other readings on Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?

Psalm 24 speaks of God's sovereignty and might, complementing the themes of reverence and awe for God seen in the First Reading and the Gospel. It highlights the idea of God as the central authority and unifying force in our spiritual family.

What themes are explored in the readings for Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?

Key themes include the joy and celebration of worship, the majesty and power of God, spiritual kinship within the Christian community, the blessings of God's presence, and the importance of obedience to God's will.

How can the message of Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 be applied in daily life?

This day's message encourages us to foster spiritual relationships within our faith communities, actively participate in worship with joy, respect God's majesty, and live according to God's will in our daily lives.

What is the importance of Jesus' message in Mark 3:31-35 for contemporary Christians?

The message for Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 underscores the importance of spiritual bonds in the Christian community. It reminds contemporary Christians that their true family extends beyond biological ties to include those who share in the journey of faith and commitment to God's will.

How can one reflect on the themes of Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 in personal prayer?

In personal prayer, one can meditate on the joy of being part of God's spiritual family, the reverence due to God as depicted in Psalm 24, and the importance of aligning personal actions with God’s will, as emphasized in the Gospel.

How can families and small groups discuss the readings for Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?

Families and small groups can discuss how they can strengthen their spiritual bonds as a community, share experiences of encountering God's presence, and explore ways to live out God’s will collectively and in their personal lives.

How does the Gospel reading for Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 challenge traditional views of family?

The Gospel challenges traditional views by emphasizing that true family is not just defined by blood relations but by shared beliefs and the commitment to doing God’s will, inviting a broader and more inclusive understanding of community and kinship.

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