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Daily Mass Readings for Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent

  • First ReadingJeremiah 17:5-10: The LORD contrasts the fate of those who trust in humans—likened to a desert shrub, with those trusting in Him—compared to a flourishing tree by water. Highlighting the deceitfulness of the human heart, God asserts His role in judging motives and actions.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 1: Blessed are those who avoid sin, delight in God’s law, and meditate on it constantly. They prosper like trees by water, unlike the wicked, whose ways vanish. God guards the righteous.
  • Gospel Luke 16:19-31: Jesus tells a parable about a wealthy man who lived in luxury while ignoring the suffering of a poor man named Lazarus, who lay at his doorstep. After both men died, Lazarus was taken to the bosom of Abraham, while the rich man was tormented in the netherworld, and he begged for Lazarus to quench his thirst, but was told that a great chasm separated them.

Lectionary Reference: 233

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If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.

Luke 16:31

Themes for the Readings for Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent

On Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent, the readings invite reflection on trust, justice, and eternal choices. Jeremiah warns about trusting in people instead of God, and Jesus tells the story of the rich man and Lazarus to show the results of earthly decisions.

  • Trust in God: Jeremiah shows how those who trust in God are like trees planted by water, flourishing even in hard times. This reminds us to rely on God instead of human strength.
  • Warnings about pride: Jeremiah warns against trusting in ourselves or human power. Pride separates us from God and leads to trouble.
  • True riches are eternal: The Gospel contrasts the rich man’s selfishness with Lazarus’s suffering. Earthly wealth is temporary, but love and mercy last forever.
  • Caring for the poor: The rich man ignored Lazarus at his gate. This shows the importance of seeing and helping those in need.
  • Consequences of choices: Both readings show that our choices have lasting effects. Turning from God leads to suffering, but trusting Him brings life.
  • God knows the heart: Jeremiah reminds us that God sees the truth about us. He rewards those who trust and obey Him.

The readings for Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent call us to choose trust in God and care for others. They show that God’s justice is always right, and we are responsible for how we live.

Reflection for Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent

On Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent, the readings encourage us to reflect on trust, compassion, and the choices we make in life. Jeremiah highlights the strength that comes from trusting in God, while the Gospel calls us to care for those in need and warns of the eternal consequences of selfish living. Together, these passages invite us to examine how we live and who we rely on.

Trusting in the Lord Brings Life

The first reading on Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent shows the difference between trusting in people and trusting in God. Jeremiah compares those who rely on human strength to a dry shrub in the desert, struggling to survive. In contrast, those who trust in God are like trees by water, growing strong and steady even in harsh times.

This imagery encourages us to think about where we place our trust. When we rely on people or things, we often face disappointment. Human strength and wealth do not last, and they cannot give the peace and stability we need in life.

Trusting in God is the better choice because He is faithful. When we lean on Him, we find hope and strength that carry us through hard times. The reading calls us to examine our lives and choose to put our trust in the Lord.

Caring for the Poor Matters

The Gospel on Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent tells the story of a rich man who ignored the poor man, Lazarus, sitting at his gate. The rich man lived in luxury but did nothing to help Lazarus, who was in great need. When they both died, the rich man faced punishment while Lazarus found peace.

This parable reminds us that how we treat others matters. God calls us to care for those who are suffering, especially the poor. If we fail to see the needs of others, we turn away from God’s plan for us.

The rich man in the Gospel had many chances to help Lazarus but chose to ignore him. We should not wait for signs or special moments to act. Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent invites us to look for ways to help those in need and live with compassion.

Our Choices Have Lasting Results

Both the first reading and the Gospel on Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent focus on the results of our choices. Jeremiah speaks of the blessings that come to those who trust in God and the troubles that follow those who rely on human strength. The Gospel shows the rich man suffering after death because he chose to ignore the poor man at his gate.

Every day, we face choices about how to live. We can trust in God or put our faith in things that will not last. We can act with love and generosity or focus only on our own comfort. The readings remind us that these choices lead to very different outcomes.

Trusting in God and helping others bring blessings now and in eternity. Turning away from God and living selfishly lead to separation from Him. Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent invites us to choose God’s way and live with faith and love.

The reflections for Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent challenge us to place our trust in God and to open our hearts to others. They remind us that our daily decisions have lasting effects, both on earth and in eternity. May these reflections inspire us to grow in faith and love.


Lord, help me trust in You and not in things that fade away. Open my eyes to the needs of others, and give me the courage to act with love and mercy. Guide my choices so that they honor You and bring me closer to Your will. Amen.

Reflection Questions

  • Where do you place your trust during difficult times?
  • How do you respond to the needs of the poor and vulnerable in your life?
  • What daily choices could you change to reflect greater faith and love?
  • How do the readings challenge you to grow closer to God?

Homilies and Commentaries for Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent

Word on Fire: Ownership and Use

In Bishop Robert Barron’s reflection for Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent, he emphasizes the Gospel’s challenge to economic inequality and God’s desire for justice. Highlighting the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, Barron underscores God’s displeasure with wealth disparity and calls for a focus on the common good in the use of personal property.

Inspired by St. Thomas Aquinas, he distinguishes between the right to ownership and the moral obligation to use property for the benefit of those in need, urging a compassionate response to the “Lazaruses” at our gates.

USCCB Reflection: An Unbridgeable Gap

The USCCB video reflection for Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent discusses the dangers of spiritual laziness and the importance of trusting in God, not humans, as highlighted by Jeremiah. It critiques the societal trend of moral relativism and underscores the Catholic Church’s role in guiding us toward Christ.

The reflection connects the Gospel’s depiction of the rich man and Lazarus to our modern challenge of living faithfully in a world that often ridicules such commitment. It calls believers to embrace a life that serves God, using the Church’s teachings not as restrictive rules but as liberating truths that enable us to fulfill our divine purpose.

Questions and Answers for Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent

What date is Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent?

The next date is Thursday March 20, 2025.

What are the Mass readings for Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent?

The Mass readings for Thursday March 20, 2025 are:
irst Reading – Jeremiah 17:5-10: The folly of trusting in human strength
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 1: The way of the righteous and the wicked
Gospel – Luke 16:19-31: The parable of the rich man and Lazarus

Why does Jeremiah talk about trusting in people instead of God in the first reading for Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent?

Jeremiah warns that trusting in human strength or wealth leads to failure because these things do not last. Trusting in God brings strength and peace, even in hard times.

What does Jeremiah mean when he says God tests the heart?

Jeremiah reminds us that God sees beyond what we do or say. He knows our thoughts and intentions, and He judges us fairly.

How can we trust God more in our daily lives?

We can trust God by praying, reading the Bible, and asking for His help in decisions. When we rely on Him, we find peace and strength.

Why does Jeremiah compare trust in God to a tree by water?

Jeremiah shows how trusting God keeps us steady and strong. Just as a tree by water grows even in dry times, trusting God helps us stay faithful in challenges.

What does the rich man in the Gospel teach us?

The rich man shows the danger of living only for ourselves. He ignored the poor man at his gate, and this selfishness had eternal consequences.

How can we avoid being like the rich man in the Gospel for Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent?

We should open our eyes to the needs of others and act with love and generosity. Helping those in need is a way to honor God and follow His will.

Why is Lazarus important in the Gospel story?

Lazarus shows how God values those who are poor and suffering. Even if someone is ignored or rejected on earth, they are precious to God.

What does the Gospel mean by showing the rich man suffering after death?

The Gospel reminds us that how we live has eternal results. If we turn away from God and ignore others, we risk losing the happiness He offers.

What does Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent teach about wealth?

It teaches that wealth is not as important as love and mercy. God cares more about how we treat others than how much we own.

How do the readings help us prepare for Lent?

The readings remind us to focus on trusting God and helping others. They encourage us to look at our lives and make choices that honor Him.

Trust and Choices

The readings for Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent focus on trust in God and the choices we make. In the first reading, Jeremiah compares those who trust in human strength to dry, barren bushes. In contrast, those who trust in God are like trees planted by water, thriving even when life is hard. This shows the importance of putting faith in God rather than in people or things.

The Gospel shares the story of the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man lived in comfort but ignored the poor man suffering at his gate. After death, their situations reversed, and the rich man faced torment while Lazarus found peace. This parable teaches us to be generous and care for others because our choices affect our eternal life.

Both readings remind us that God sees what is in our hearts. He knows when we choose selfishness over love and trust. By putting our trust in God and helping others, we grow closer to Him and prepare for eternal happiness.

Your Turn

Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent invites us to think about where we place our trust and how we treat others. Take time to reflect on these readings. Are there times you rely more on yourself or others instead of God? How do you respond to the needs of people around you?

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section. Together, we can encourage each other to grow in faith and love.

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