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Daily Mass Readings for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent

  • First ReadingJeremiah 7:23-28: The Lord rebukes the people of Judah for their disobedience and idolatry. He reminds them that he had commanded them to listen to his voice and follow his ways, but they did not listen, and as a result, they have become a byword among the nations.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 95: Let us joyously worship the Lord, our foundation and savior. As His cared-for flock, let’s listen and not resist His voice, remembering the lessons of our forebears’ trials and God’s enduring presence.
  • Gospel Luke 11:14-23: Jesus casts out a demon from a man who was mute, and the crowd marvels at the miracle. However, some of them accuse Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebul, but Jesus rebukes them and warns that a kingdom divided against itself will not stand.

Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste and house will fall against house.

Luke 11:17

Themes for the Readings for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent

The readings for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent call us to faithfulness and unity with God. They show the importance of listening to God’s voice and staying firmly with Him.

  • Listening to God’s voice: Jeremiah warns the people to obey God and follow His ways. This shows the importance of listening to God and being attentive to His guidance in our lives.
  • The danger of stubbornness: Jeremiah speaks about the people’s refusal to listen and their hardened hearts. Stubbornness against God separates us from Him and leads us away from His blessings.
  • The power of unity: Jesus says that a divided house cannot stand. This reminds us to stay united with God and one another, avoiding division in our hearts and communities.
  • Choosing God or the enemy: Jesus makes it clear that we must choose to be with Him or against Him. There is no middle ground when it comes to following God.
  • Faithfulness in difficult times: Both readings show the struggle of staying faithful to God when others do not. This teaches us to trust in God’s strength and remain firm, even when it is hard.
  • Recognizing God’s work: In the Gospel, some accuse Jesus of working through evil powers, refusing to see the good He does. This shows the danger of rejecting God’s work because of pride or disbelief.

The readings for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent remind us to stay close to God and trust His ways. They encourage us to listen, remain faithful, and choose unity with Him over anything else.

Reflection for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent

The readings for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent call us to reflect on our faithfulness to God. They remind us to listen to His voice, stay united in following Him, and let go of any stubbornness in our hearts. These reflections help us examine how we can grow closer to God and live in His love.

Listening to God’s Voice

In the first reading for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent, Jeremiah reminds the people to listen to God’s voice and obey His commands. He warns them of the dangers of turning away from God and following their own stubborn ways. Listening to God requires humility and trust, as well as a willingness to follow His guidance.

Jeremiah’s words apply to us as well. In the noise of daily life, it can be hard to hear God’s voice. Distractions and our own desires can make it difficult to focus on what God is asking of us. Yet, when we take time to pray, reflect, and listen, we draw closer to Him and find the peace and guidance we need.

Lent is a time to quiet our hearts and listen more closely to God. It is a chance to reflect on how well we are following His commands and to ask for His help in becoming more faithful. Listening to God leads us to a deeper relationship with Him and helps us live as He calls us to live.

Unity in Following God

In the Gospel for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent, Jesus speaks about the danger of division, saying a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. This highlights the importance of unity, both in our relationship with God and within the community of believers. Unity with God means putting Him first and staying faithful to His teachings.

Division weakens our connection with God and with others. When we allow sin, pride, or selfishness to separate us from Him, our spiritual lives suffer. Similarly, when division arises in our communities, it becomes harder to support one another in faith. Jesus calls us to remain united with Him and to work for peace and harmony with those around us.

Lent is a time to reflect on any areas of division in our lives. Are there ways we have strayed from God or allowed conflict to harm our relationships? By seeking forgiveness and reconciliation, we can rebuild unity with God and others.

The Danger of Stubbornness

Both the first reading and the Gospel for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent warn against the danger of stubbornness in our hearts. Jeremiah speaks of the people who refused to listen to God, and Jesus highlights the pride and disbelief of those who rejected His miracles. Stubbornness keeps us from hearing God’s voice and recognizing His work in our lives.

Stubbornness often comes from pride or fear. We may resist change because it feels uncomfortable, or we may hold onto our own ways instead of trusting God’s plan. This can lead to spiritual blindness, where we fail to see the good things God is doing around us.

Lent is a time to examine our hearts and let go of any stubbornness that separates us from God. By humbling ourselves and opening our hearts to His guidance, we can grow in faith and better follow His will. Recognizing and overcoming our own stubbornness allows us to live more fully in God’s love and truth.

As we meditate on the lessons of Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent, let us open our hearts to God’s guidance. May we seek unity with Him and others, listening to His voice and humbly following His ways.


Lord, help us to listen to Your voice and follow Your ways with trust. Keep us united with You and others, and remove any pride or stubbornness from our hearts. Teach us to live in love and obedience each day. Amen.

Reflection Questions

  • How can you take more time to listen to God’s voice in your life?
  • Are there areas where division has weakened your relationship with God or others?
  • What are some ways stubbornness might be keeping you from following God fully?
  • How can you build greater unity within your faith community this Lent?

Homilies and Commentaries for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent

Word on Fire: Communion vs. Scattering

Bishop Robert Barron reflects on the Gospel where Jesus drives out a demon, yet is accused of collaborating with Satan. He highlights Jesus’ response, emphasizing unity over division—a key theme of Jesus’ ministry.

Bishop Barron draws a parallel with the feeding of the five thousand, where Jesus opts for communion over dispersal. He suggests that any force driving the Church apart mirrors the demonic impulse to divide, contrasting with Jesus’ mission to bring together. This reflection invites us to resist the instinct to separate in times of difficulty, echoing Jesus’ call for unity and communion.

USCCB: If Today You Hear His Voice..

The USCCB video reflection for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent emphasizes that sin hardens our hearts, but it only gains power when we allow it. Sin can enter through various means, yet God desires our hearts over sacrifice, seeking a loving heart and knowledge of His ways. Satan’s plan is to turn us away from God, making us question His authority and our need for Him.

The reflection warns against conforming to modern thinking over Church teachings, highlighting Jeremiah’s call to obey God for prosperity. It stresses the importance of standing with Christ through the Church, as our encounter with Christ changes everything, urging us to witness God’s victory over evil.

Questions and Answers for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent

What date is Monday of the Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent?

The next date is Thursday March 27, 2025.

What are the Mass readings for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent?

The Mass readings for Thursday March 27, 2025 are:
First Reading – Jeremiah 7:23-28: Obedience and Disobedience
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 95: A Call to Worship and Obedience
Gospel – Luke 11:14-23: Jesus’ Authority Over Evil 

Why does Jeremiah warn the people about disobedience in the first reading for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent?

Jeremiah tells the people that disobedience leads them away from God. He reminds them that listening to God’s voice brings blessings and keeps them close to Him.

What does it mean to listen to God’s voice?

Listening to God’s voice means being open to His guidance and following His teachings. It involves prayer, reading His word, and obeying what He asks of us.

How does stubbornness affect our faith?

Jeremiah says stubbornness hardens our hearts and keeps us from obeying God. It blocks us from hearing His voice and following His ways.

Why does Jesus talk about a divided house in the Gospel for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent?

Jesus explains that division weakens and destroys. This shows the importance of staying united with God and not letting anything separate us from Him.

What does it mean to choose God or the enemy?

Jesus says we must decide whether we are with Him or against Him. This means putting God first and rejecting anything that leads us away from Him.

Why did people accuse Jesus of using evil powers?

Some refused to believe in Jesus and tried to explain His miracles in other ways. Their pride and disbelief kept them from seeing the truth of His work.

What does the Gospel teach about recognizing God’s work?

The Gospel reminds us to look for the good that God is doing around us. We should not let pride or doubt blind us to His presence in our lives.

How can we apply these readings for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent to our lives during Lent?

These readings call us to listen to God’s voice and stay faithful to Him. They remind us to avoid division and always choose to follow God.

What does unity with God mean?

Unity with God means staying close to Him through prayer, trust, and obedience. It also means rejecting sin and anything that separates us from Him.

Why is faithfulness important in difficult times?

Faithfulness keeps us strong when we face challenges or feel alone. Trusting in God helps us remain steady, even when others around us turn away.

Staying Faithful to God’s Call

The readings for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent focus on listening to God and staying united with Him. In the first reading, Jeremiah reminds the people to obey God’s voice. He warns them about the danger of turning away from God and following their own stubborn ways. Obedience to God brings peace and blessings, while disobedience leads to separation.

In the Gospel, Jesus teaches about the importance of unity with God. He explains that we cannot remain divided in our hearts. We must choose to be with Him and reject anything that opposes His work. Jesus also calls out those who refused to recognize His miracles, showing how pride and disbelief can blind us to God’s presence.

These readings encourage us to reflect on our faithfulness to God. They remind us to listen to His guidance, avoid division, and trust in His work. Lent is a time to renew our commitment to living fully in God’s love and truth.

Your Turn

Reflect on the readings for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent. Think about how you can listen more closely to God’s voice and stay united with Him.

Consider how these lessons apply to your life and share your reflections in the comments. Your thoughts could encourage someone else to grow in faith this Lent.

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