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Love Definitions Icebreaker Game

The Love Definitions icebreaker game is played in a youth ministry setting with the aim of exploring different definitions and perspectives of love, and to open up a discussion on the topic. It can also help to build group cohesion and encourage teamwork.

Participants are divided into small groups and asked to come up with a definition of love in five words or less. The group then reads out each definition one by one, and participants have to guess which group came up with it. Then everyone discusses the definitions, sharing their own perspectives and experiences with love.

Love Definitions

Objective: To help participants explore different perspectives and definitions of love.


  • Index cards
  • Markers or pens
  • A whiteboard or large sheet of paper


  1. Divide the participants into small groups of 3-5 people.
  2. Ask each group to come up with a definition of love in five words or less. Encourage them to be creative and think outside the box.
  3. After each group has come up with their definition, have them write it on a small piece of paper or index card.
  4. Collect all the definitions and post them on a whiteboard or large sheet of paper for everyone to see.
  5. Read out each definition one by one, and ask the participants to guess which group came up with it.
  6. Once all the definitions have been revealed, ask the group to discuss which definition they think is the most accurate or meaningful. Encourage them to share their own perspectives and experiences with love.

Printable Copy of Love Definitions Icebreaker

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