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Daily Mass Readings for Tuesday of Holy Week

  • First ReadingIsaiah 49:1-6: The LORD has named and prepared me since birth to be His servant, making me an instrument of His will. Despite doubts of my impact, my faith remains in His valuation. Beyond restoring Israel, my calling is to be a light for all nations, spreading God’s salvation worldwide.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 71: Seeking refuge in the Lord, I’m shielded by His righteousness. From my youth to now, He’s been my fortress and guide. I vow to share His justice and the tales of His rescue, a testament to His enduring faithfulness.
  • Gospel John 13:21-33, 36-38: During a meal, Jesus announced that one of his disciples would betray him, leading to confusion among them. After being asked by another disciple, Jesus identified the betrayer as Judas Iscariot by handing him a piece of bread, leading to Judas’s departure. Jesus then spoke of his glorification and impending departure, indicating a separation from his disciples. Simon Peter’s declaration of loyalty was met with Jesus’s prophecy of Peter’s denial.

Lectionary Reference: 258

Upcoming dates: April 15, 2025, March 31, 2026, March 23, 2027, April 11, 2028, March 27, 2029, April 16, 2030, April 8, 2031, March 23, 2032, April 12, 2033

Amen, amen, I say to you, one of you will betray me.

John 13:21

Themes for the Readings for Tuesday of Holy Week

Tuesday of Holy Week reflects on themes of God’s call, trust in his plan, and the challenges of faith. The readings highlight Jesus’ mission, his love for his disciples, and the struggles of betrayal and weakness.

  • God’s Call to Serve: The first reading speaks of God calling his servant before birth to bring light and salvation to the nations. This reminds us that God has a purpose for each person and calls us to serve him.
  • Light for the Nations: The servant is described as bringing light to those in darkness. Jesus fulfills this mission by showing the way to God and offering hope to all people.
  • Jesus’ Love for His Disciples: In the Gospel, Jesus shows his deep love for his disciples, even as he prepares to face betrayal and suffering. His care for them reminds us of his unchanging love for us.
  • The Pain of Betrayal: Jesus predicts that one of his disciples will betray him, showing the pain he experiences in his mission. This reflects the human reality of betrayal and the strength needed to face it.
  • Trusting in God’s Plan: The first reading emphasizes the servant’s trust in God, even when the mission seems difficult. This encourages us to trust in God’s care and his purpose for our lives.
  • Human Weakness and Forgiveness: The Gospel shows Peter’s desire to stay faithful but also his upcoming denial of Jesus. This highlights human weakness and the need for forgiveness and renewal.
  • The Mission to Bring Hope: Both readings emphasize the servant’s role in bringing hope and salvation to others. Jesus’ life and sacrifice fulfill this mission, offering light to the world.

Tuesday of Holy Week reminds us of God’s love, Jesus’ mission, and the call to trust him through challenges. The readings encourage us to reflect on our own faith and how we share hope and light with others.

Reflection for Tuesday of Holy Week

Tuesday of Holy Week invites us to reflect on God’s call, the pain of betrayal, and the trust needed to face challenges. The readings reveal the servant chosen by God to bring light to the world and Jesus’ love and strength as he faces rejection. These moments encourage us to trust in God’s plan and remain faithful even when life is difficult.

Called to Bring Light

In the first reading for Tuesday of Holy Week, God calls his servant to bring light and salvation to the nations. This mission was set before the servant’s birth, showing God’s purpose and care. The servant’s role is to guide others out of darkness and help them find hope and peace in God.

This call reminds us that God has a plan for each of us. Like the servant, we are called to share love, kindness, and hope with others. Even when the mission feels challenging, God gives us the strength to carry it out.

Tuesday of Holy Week invites us to reflect on how we can bring light to those around us. By following Jesus’ example of care and service, we fulfill the call to make God’s love known in the world.

The Pain of Betrayal

In the Gospel for Tuesday of Holy Week, Jesus predicts that one of his disciples will betray him. This moment reveals the pain and sadness Jesus experiences as he faces betrayal from someone close to him. Yet, even in this moment, Jesus does not turn away from his mission or stop loving his disciples.

Betrayal is something many people face in their lives. It hurts deeply, especially when it comes from those we trust. Jesus’ response shows the strength it takes to continue loving and serving others, even in the face of rejection or harm.

Tuesday of Holy Week reminds us that Jesus understands the pain we feel and walks with us through it. His example encourages us to stay faithful and to trust God, even in times of hurt and disappointment.

Trusting in God’s Strength

Both the first reading and the Gospel for Tuesday of Holy Week show the challenges of fulfilling a mission. The servant faces difficulties in bringing light to the nations, but God strengthens and supports him. Jesus also experiences hardship in his mission, yet he remains faithful to the Father’s plan.

Trusting in God does not mean our lives will be easy. It means knowing that God is with us in our struggles and will give us the courage we need. The servant and Jesus both show how relying on God helps us face challenges with hope and determination.

Tuesday of Holy Week invites us to reflect on how we trust God in difficult times. When we turn to him for strength, we can face even the hardest moments with courage. This trust helps us to keep going and to fulfill the work God has set before us.

The reflections for Tuesday of Holy Week remind us to embrace God’s call and rely on his strength in all circumstances. By following the examples of Jesus and the servant, we can bring hope to others and stay faithful in our journey of faith. May we trust in God’s care and share his light with the world.


Lord, you call us to follow you and bring hope to others. Help us to trust in your care, especially when life feels difficult. Teach us to rely on your strength and share your light with those in need. May we stay faithful to your call and grow closer to you. Amen.

Reflection Questions

  • How does God’s call to bring light inspire you in your own life?
  • When have you experienced the pain of betrayal, and how did you find strength to continue?
  • How can you trust in God more when facing challenges?
  • What steps can you take to bring hope and peace to others in your daily life?

Homilies and Commentaries for Tuesday of Holy Week

Word on Fire: Judas the Betrayer

Bishop Robert Barron reflects on Tuesday of Holy Week, focusing on Judas’s betrayal during the Last Supper as an expression of the “mysterium iniquitatis,” the inexplicable presence of evil alongside good. He highlights the paradox of sin’s isolation versus the communion of the sacred meal, noting that evil, while irrational and parasitic, persistently shadows the good.

Bishop Barron underscores the symbolic power of Judas’s betrayal, emphasizing its warning to those who, despite their closeness to Christ, partake in darkness, urging reflection on our own betrayals of Jesus.

USCCB: The Feet of Judas

This USCCB video reflection for Tuesday of Holy Week emphasizes confronting our personal betrayals of Christ, symbolized by Judas’s betrayal during the Last Supper in John 13. It invites introspection on our sins, reminding us that Christ bore these sins on the cross, offering us forgiveness.

Highlighting the moment Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, including Judas, it underscores Jesus’s unconditional love, even towards those who betray him. This act of love serves as an example for us to forgive and love unconditionally. As Holy Week progresses, we’re encouraged to participate fully, acknowledging Christ’s sacrifice washing our souls with his blood, and to remember God sees the best in us.

Frequently Asked Questions for Tuesday of Holy Week

What date is Tuesday of Holy Week?

The next date is Tuesday April 15, 2025.

What are the Mass readings for Tuesday of Holy Week?

The Mass readings for Tuesday April 15, 2025 are:
First Reading – Isaiah 49:1-6: God’s Servant
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 71: Finding Refuge in God’s Strength and Faithfulness
Gospel – John 13:21-33, 36-38: Jesus Foretells His Betrayal and Peter’s Denial

Why does God call the servant in the first reading for Tuesday of Holy Week?

God calls the servant to bring salvation and light to the nations. This shows that God’s plan includes all people and that the servant has an important mission to fulfill.

What does it mean to be a light to the nations?

It means to guide others toward God and bring hope to those in darkness. Jesus fulfills this mission by showing people the way to God and offering them peace.

How can we trust in God’s plan like the servant in the first reading for Tuesday of Holy Week?

We can trust God by believing that he has a purpose for our lives, even when things feel hard or unclear. The servant’s example shows the importance of faith and patience.

What does the mission of the servant in the first reading teach us?

The servant’s mission teaches us to care for others and bring them closer to God. It shows that we are all called to share hope and love with the world.

Why is the servant described as called before birth?

This shows that God’s plan for the servant was set from the beginning. It reminds us that God knows each of us and has a purpose for our lives.

Why does Jesus predict his betrayal in the Gospel for Tuesday of Holy Week?

Jesus wants to prepare his disciples for what is to come. He shows that he knows what will happen but remains faithful to his mission of love.

What does Peter’s denial teach us?

Peter’s denial shows human weakness and the struggle to stay faithful. It reminds us of the need for forgiveness and the chance to start again when we fall short.

What can we learn from Jesus’ love for his disciples?

Jesus’ love shows that he cares for his followers, even when they are weak or make mistakes. His example calls us to love others with kindness and patience.

How can the readings for Tuesday of Holy Week help us in our daily lives?

The readings remind us to trust God, stay faithful in challenges, and bring hope to others. They encourage us to rely on God’s love and share his light with those around us.

Trusting God’s Call and Facing Challenges

Tuesday of Holy Week reflects on God’s call to serve and the difficulties that come with faith. The first reading describes the servant chosen by God to bring light and salvation to the nations. The servant trusts in God’s plan, even when the mission feels overwhelming. This reminds us that God calls each of us to share hope with others.

In the Gospel, Jesus shows his love for his disciples, even as he faces betrayal and suffering. He predicts that one of his followers will turn against him and that Peter will deny him. These moments reveal the human struggles of weakness and fear. Jesus’ trust in God and his love for others remain constant, showing us how to face challenges with faith.

Tuesday of Holy Week encourages us to trust in God’s purpose for our lives and to share his light with those around us. The readings remind us to stay faithful, even in times of difficulty, and to rely on God’s love to guide us.

Your Turn

Tuesday of Holy Week invites us to reflect on the call to serve and the struggles of faith. How can you trust God more in your daily life? What does it mean to bring light and hope to others?

Think about the example of Jesus and the servant in the readings. Share your thoughts in the comments and inspire others to grow in trust and faith.

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