Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter
Saturday June 7, 2025

Daily Mass Readings for Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter
- First Reading – Acts 28:16-20, 30-31: The Apostle Paul, as a prisoner in Rome, boldly proclaims the kingdom of God and teaches about Jesus Christ, welcoming all who come to him, spreading the Gospel until the end of his days.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 11: The Lord, seated on His heavenly throne, watches over all mankind, examining both the just and the wicked, but His favor rests upon the upright, who will behold His face.
- Gospel – John 21:20-25: Jesus and Peter engage in a conversation where Jesus reveals Peter’s future and affirms his call to follow Him. The passage also highlights the beloved disciple, John, and his unique role, while emphasizing the authority of Jesus, the enduring impact of the Gospel, and the importance of focusing on individual discipleship rather than comparing it to others.
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What if I want him to remain until I come? What concern is it of yours? You follow me.
John 21:22
Themes for the Readings for Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter
Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter reflects on faithfulness, trust, and the call to follow Jesus. The readings show Paul’s dedication to spreading the message of Christ and Jesus’ interaction with Peter and John, inviting us to reflect on our own discipleship.
- Faithful Witness in Rome: Paul continues to share the Gospel while under house arrest. His determination shows us that faithfulness to Christ is possible, even in challenging circumstances.
- Focus on Our Own Path: Jesus reminds Peter not to worry about John’s future but to follow Him. This teaches us to trust God’s plan for our lives and focus on our own calling.
- The Mission of the Church: Paul welcomes everyone who comes to him and proclaims the message of Jesus. This reflects the Church’s call to be open to all and share the Good News.
- Jesus Knows Our Hearts: Jesus’ interaction with Peter and John shows His understanding of each person’s unique journey. This reminds us that Jesus knows us completely and guides us with love.
- Living with Purpose: Paul’s actions show a deep sense of purpose in spreading the Gospel. His example encourages us to live with intention and share our faith in daily life.
- God’s Plan for Everyone: The Gospel highlights that each disciple has a unique role in God’s plan. This calls us to trust in God’s guidance and respect the paths of others.
Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter encourages us to reflect on our own discipleship and trust in God’s plan. The readings remind us that faithfulness, focus, and purpose help us live as followers of Christ.
Reflection for Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter
Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter leads us to reflect on faithfulness, trust, and purpose in our journey with Christ. Paul’s determination to share the Gospel in difficult circumstances and Jesus’ guidance of His disciples remind us of the unique ways we are called to follow Him. These reflections help us focus on living with commitment and trust.
Faithfulness in Difficult Times
Paul’s faithfulness in sharing the Gospel during his house arrest in Rome is a powerful example for us. Even though he is confined and unable to travel, he continues to welcome visitors and preach about Jesus. His determination shows that faithfulness to Christ does not depend on our circumstances.
It can be tempting to let challenges hold us back from living out our faith. Paul reminds us that even when things are hard, we can still find ways to serve God. Whether it is through words, actions, or prayer, every effort to share God’s love makes a difference.
Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter invites us to reflect on how we can be faithful in our own challenges. Paul’s example encourages us to trust God’s work in every situation. When we stay committed to Him, our lives can inspire and bless others.
Jesus Knows Our Journey
In the Gospel for Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter, Jesus speaks to Peter and John in different ways. Peter is called to follow Jesus without worrying about John’s path. This shows us that Jesus understands each person’s unique journey and calls us to trust Him.
Not everyone’s path looks the same, and that is a good thing. Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves and leads us in the way that is best for us. Instead of comparing ourselves to others, we are called to focus on following Him.
Reflecting on this, we see how Jesus guides us with care and understanding. His love meets us where we are and helps us grow in faith. Trusting Him allows us to embrace our own journey and walk forward with confidence.
Living with Purpose
Both the first reading and the Gospel for Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter show the importance of living with purpose. Paul’s focus on sharing the Gospel during house arrest and Jesus’ call to Peter to follow Him highlight the value of a life centered on faith.
Living with purpose means letting faith guide our decisions and actions. Paul’s example shows how purpose can be carried out in both big and small ways, even in the midst of difficulty. Jesus’ call to Peter reminds us that following Him is the most meaningful purpose we can have.
When we reflect on these readings, we are encouraged to look at our own lives. Are we living with the purpose of serving and following Christ? Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter reminds us that a life centered on faith brings direction and hope, no matter the challenges.
As we consider the messages of Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter, we are reminded that Jesus knows our hearts and leads us with love. Our faithfulness and trust can bring hope to others and deepen our own relationship with Christ. May these reflections encourage us to live with purpose each day.
Lord, help us to stay faithful to You, even when life is hard. Teach us to trust Your guidance and follow the path You have for us. Fill our hearts with purpose so that we can live for You and share Your love with others. Amen.
Reflection Questions
- How can I show faithfulness to Christ in my daily life, even during challenges?
- What does it mean for me to trust Jesus with my unique journey?
- How can I live with more purpose and intention in following Jesus?
- When have I been tempted to compare my path to someone else’s, and how can I refocus on my own calling?
Homilies and Commentaries for Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter
Word on Fire: Embracing the Cross
In Bishop Robert Barron’s reflection for Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter, he discusses the profound nature of following Jesus, emphasizing it requires a radical transformation and self-denial. Jesus challenges his followers to take up their cross, symbolizing a profound and often painful surrender of the ego. This total transformation is essential for true discipleship and forms the foundation of spiritual life.
Bishop Barron’s reflection underscores the intensity and depth of commitment Jesus demands from those who choose to follow him.
USCCB Reflection: Striving for Holiness
In the USCCB reflection for Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter, the focus is on personal holiness and avoiding judgment of others, as exemplified by Pope Francis. It discusses how, even amid routine activities, we can choose holiness and peace over gossip and conflict.
By emphasizing small, daily actions like resisting gossip, listening patiently, and showing kindness, we’re encouraged to cultivate personal sanctity and peace. This reflection connects these actions to Jesus’ teachings in the Gospel, urging us to focus on our own spiritual path rather than comparing ourselves to others.
Questions and Answers for Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter
What date is Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter?
The next date is Saturday June 7, 2025.
What are the Mass readings for Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter?
The Mass readings for Saturday June 7, 2025 are:
First Reading – Acts 28:16-20, 30-31: Bold Witness in Chains
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 11: Trusting in the Lord’s Refuge and Justice
Gospel – John 21:20-25: Jesus, Peter, and the Beloved Disciple
Why is Paul under house arrest in the first reading for Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter?
Paul is under house arrest in Rome because of his faith and his preaching about Jesus. Even in confinement, he continues to share the Gospel, showing his dedication to spreading the message of Christ.
What can we learn from Paul’s example?
Paul’s actions show that faithfulness and dedication to God’s mission are possible even in difficult times. His willingness to share the Gospel reminds us to live with purpose and share our faith.
Why does Paul welcome everyone while under arrest?
Paul’s openness shows that the message of Jesus is for all people. His actions encourage us to be welcoming and share the Good News with everyone, no matter the circumstances.
What does Jesus mean when He tells Peter to follow Him in the Gospel for Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter?
Jesus is calling Peter to focus on his own relationship with Him instead of worrying about others. This teaches us to trust God’s plan for our own lives and follow Him faithfully.
Why does Peter ask about John’s future?
Peter is curious about what will happen to John after Jesus speaks to him. Jesus reminds Peter to focus on his own calling and trust in God’s unique plan for each person.
What does the Gospel say about individual callings?
The Gospel highlights that each disciple has a different role in God’s plan. This encourages us to respect others’ journeys and focus on the work God has given us.
How does Jesus show His care for each disciple?
Jesus interacts with Peter and John in ways that reflect their unique journeys and personalities. This reminds us that Jesus knows us completely and guides each of us with love and purpose.
What does this teach us about trust in God?
Both the Gospel and the first reading remind us to trust God’s plan, even when it is unclear. Focusing on our relationship with Him helps us live with peace and purpose.
How do these readings apply to our lives?
The readings for Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter remind us to follow Jesus with trust and faithfulness. They encourage us to live with purpose and focus on our unique calling.
Faithfulness and Trust in Following Jesus
Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter highlights faithfulness to Christ, trust in His plan, and living with purpose. Paul’s determination to share the Gospel, even while under house arrest, shows us that faithfulness is possible in any situation. His actions encourage us to remain committed to our mission, no matter the challenges we face.
The Gospel focuses on Jesus’ interaction with Peter and John. Jesus reminds Peter to follow Him without worrying about others’ paths. This teaches us to trust that Jesus knows our hearts and leads each of us in a unique way.
Together, the readings invite us to reflect on how we live as followers of Christ. They call us to focus on our own journey, trust God’s guidance, and live with purpose. Faithfulness and trust open the way for us to grow in love and to share the message of Jesus with others.
Your Turn
Reflect on the readings for Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter and think about what they mean for your life. How is God calling you to live with faithfulness, trust, and purpose? Consider the unique path He has for you and how you can follow it each day.
Share your reflections and experiences in the comment section to inspire and encourage others.
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