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Tuesday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time

Tuesday June 25, 2024

Daily Mass Readings for Tuesday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time

Cycle 1 is used in odd numbered years and Cycle 2 is used in even numbered years. The gospel is the same for both years.

  • First Reading (Cycle 1) - Genesis 13:2, 5-18: Due to growing wealth and ensuing strife, Abram and Lot part ways. Lot chooses the fertile Jordan Plain. God then promises Abram the land and countless descendants.
  • First Reading (Cycle 2) - 2 Kings 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36: Hezekiah prays for help when threatened by Assyrian king Sennacherib. God responds through Isaiah, promising Jerusalem's safety. An angel subsequently annihilates the Assyrian camp.
  • Responsorial Psalm (Cycle 1) - Psalm 15: A virtuous life includes walking blamelessly, being just, truthful, respectful, refusing usury and bribery. Those living this way shall find peace.
  • Responsorial Psalm (Cycle 2) - Psalm 48: Praises are sung for the city of God, known for its beauty and divine protection. God's mercy, fame, and justice reach the ends of the earth.
  • Gospel - Matthew 7:6, 12-14: Jesus warns his disciples not to cast pearls before swine, urging them to exercise discernment in sharing valuable truths. He then teaches them the Golden Rule, emphasizing treating others as they would like to be treated. Jesus concludes by highlighting the narrow path that leads to life, contrasting it with the broad road that leads to destruction, encouraging his followers to choose wisely.

Themes for the Daily Mass Readings for Tuesday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time

  • Discernment in Sharing Truth: Jesus instructs His disciples not to give what is holy to dogs or cast pearls before swine, emphasizing the need for discernment and wisdom in sharing valuable truths with those who may not appreciate or understand them.
  • The Golden Rule: Jesus presents the Golden Rule, stating that His followers should treat others as they would like to be treated. This principle encapsulates the essence of loving one's neighbor and guides interpersonal relationships.
  • The Narrow Gate: Jesus highlights the importance of entering through the narrow gate that leads to life, indicating that the path to eternal salvation and abundant life in Him is not wide or easily accessible.
  • Few Find the Narrow Way: Jesus acknowledges that the way to life is challenging and that few will find it. This emphasizes the need for intentional commitment, perseverance, and making choices aligned with God's will.
  • Fruitful and Destructive Paths: Jesus uses the imagery of good and bad fruit to illustrate the outcomes of following the narrow and wide paths, emphasizing the need for discernment and choosing the path that bears good fruit in one's life.
  • The Relationship Between Love and the Law: Jesus states that the Law and the Prophets can be summed up in the command to love one's neighbor as oneself. This underscores the significance of love as the foundation of righteous living.

Thoughts for Tuesday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Tuesday of the 12th week in Ordinary Time, Jesus provides a series of teachings that offer wisdom for righteous living and making wise choices. He cautions against sharing what is holy with those who are unappreciative or hostile, symbolized by the dogs and pigs. Jesus advises discernment in sharing valuable truths, urging his listeners to use discretion in the proclamation of sacred teachings.

Jesus then presents the famous Golden Rule, summarizing the Law and the Prophets: "Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them." This principle guides our interactions and relationships, reminding us to treat others with love, respect, and fairness. It encapsulates the essence of righteousness and compassion in our dealings with one another.

Lastly, Jesus presents a metaphorical image of two gates: the wide gate that leads to destruction, and the narrow gate that leads to life. He highlights the prevalence of the easy path that leads to destruction, taken by many, and contrasts it with the challenging path that leads to life, taken by few. Jesus calls his followers to choose the narrow gate, the path that requires dedication, discipline, and faithful obedience to God's will.

As we reflect on this passage, let us embrace discernment and wisdom in sharing sacred truths and treasures. May we be mindful of the audience and receptive hearts before sharing the depths of our faith. Let us also wholeheartedly adopt the Golden Rule, treating others with love, kindness, and fairness. Finally, may we choose the narrow path that leads to life, embracing the challenges and joys of living out our faith authentically and in alignment with God's purposes.

Prayer for Tuesday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time

Heavenly Father, help us to treat others with kindness and respect, following the golden rule of doing to others as we would have them do to us. Lead us on the narrow path that leads to life, and empower us to make choices aligned with your will. Amen.

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Homilies and Reflections for Tuesday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time

Word on Fire: Love, Freedom, and the Reality of Hell

In the gospel for Tuesday of the 12th week in Ordinary Time, the question of who will be in heaven or hell arises, with varying perspectives presented by figures like Origen and St. Augustine. Bishop Robert Barron approaches the issue by highlighting two fundamental truths: God's love and human freedom. God's love is all-encompassing, and no act can make Him stop loving us. However, we possess the freedom to accept or reject His love. Turning toward God's love opens us up, while turning away from it brings pain and resistance. The agony experienced in hell is the consequence of resisting divine love, much like a spelunker emerging into sunlight after being accustomed to darkness.

USCCB Reflection: Living by the Golden Rule

In this USCCB video reflection for Tuesday of the 12th week in Ordinary Time, we hear that the scripture passage reminds us not to give pearls to swine or dogs, which can be difficult to understand. Jesus guides us on how to treat others, emphasizing the Golden Rule found in various traditions. If we all practice kindness, generosity, and gentleness towards one another, the world would be transformed. We must let go of anger, jealousy, and retaliation, treating every person as we would like to be treated. It may seem challenging, but we can strive to embody God's teachings. Imagine a world where we forgive and refrain from holding grudges. Let us make the decision to live by these principles, aligning our actions with God's will.

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