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Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

Daily Mass Readings for Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

  • First Reading2 Corinthians 11:18, 21-30: Paul lists his hardships and sufferings to emphasize his dedication to Christ and his concern for the churches, boasting only in his weaknesses.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 34: Praise the LORD always; he delivers the humble and the poor from their troubles and fears, bringing them joy and saving them from distress.
  • GospelMatthew 6:19-23: Jesus teaches his disciples to focus on heavenly treasures and emphasizes the importance of having a healthy perspective to keep their whole being full of light.

Store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal.

Matthew 6:20

Themes for the Readings for Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

On Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, we read about Paul’s sufferings and Jesus’ teaching on true treasures. These readings guide us to reflect on where we place our trust and how we view our challenges.

  • Boasting in Weakness: Paul highlights his hardships to show that his strength comes from God. This reminds us to trust God, even in difficult times.
  • Commitment to Christ: Paul’s sufferings show his deep commitment to serving Christ and the Church. It calls us to remain faithful in our own service to God.
  • Heavenly Treasures: Jesus teaches to value heavenly treasures over earthly ones. This encourages us to focus on eternal life with God.
  • Healthy Perspective: Jesus emphasizes the importance of a good perspective to keep our lives full of light. We are called to see things in the way that God wants us to see them.
  • Concern for the Churches: Paul’s dedication to the churches shows his pastoral care. This invites us to care for our faith community.

Reflecting on these themes for Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, we see how Paul’s experiences and Jesus’ teachings guide our lives. They help us understand what it means to live faithfully and see the true value in our relationship with God.

Thoughts for Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 11:18, 21-30 give us a glimpse into his life. He faced many hardships, yet he remained faithful to Christ. Paul’s struggles remind us that following Jesus is not always easy.

Paul talks about his weaknesses, not his strengths. He wants to show that God’s power is made perfect in weakness. This teaches us to rely on God, especially when we feel weak.

Paul’s dedication to the churches shows his deep care for them. He faced many dangers and difficulties to help them grow in faith. This calls us to care for our own faith community.

Focus on True Treasures

In Matthew 6:19-23, Jesus teaches us about true treasures. He tells us not to store up treasures on earth, but to store up treasures in heaven. Earthly treasures do not last, but heavenly treasures are eternal.

Jesus wants us to focus on what truly matters. When we seek heavenly treasures, we focus on our relationship with God. This helps us live in a way that pleases God.

Jesus also talks about having a healthy perspective. He says that if our eye is healthy, our whole body will be full of light. This means we should see things as God sees them, with a good and pure heart.

Living Faithfully

Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 calls us to reflect on where we place our trust. Are we focused on earthly things or on God? Are we living in a way that shows our faith in God?

Paul’s example of enduring hardships for Christ encourages us to stay strong in our own faith. Jesus’ teaching about true treasures reminds us to keep our focus on God. Together, these readings guide us to live faithfully and with a clear perspective.


Lord, help us to trust in You, especially when we feel weak. Guide us to seek heavenly treasures and live with a pure heart. Strengthen our faith and help us care for our faith community. Amen.

Homilies and Reflections for Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

Word on Fire: Embracing the Eternal

In Bishop Robert Barron’s reflection for Friday of the 11th week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, he delves into the concept of storing up treasures in heaven rather than on earth. He explores the philosophical idea that every finite thing carries the shadow of nonbeing, reminding us of the transient nature of earthly possessions and experiences. Instead of being disheartened, this realization redirects our focus to the treasures of heaven and the eternal presence of God. By viewing everything in light of God’s eternity, we can love the things of this world without clinging to them excessively, thereby avoiding unnecessary disappointment and heartache.

USCCB Reflection: Earthly Treasures and Spiritual Riches

In this USCCB video reflection for Friday of the 11th week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, the Gospel passage on Earthly treasures is examined. Jesus does not expect his disciples to reject all material possessions outright, but rather warns against becoming attached to them and placing undue trust in them. We must look at a larger context in which material goods serve our physical needs rather than dominating our desires and lives. Do we desire spiritual riches, God’s love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness, with the same fervor as we might seek after material possessions?

Questions and Answers for Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

What date is Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

The next date is Friday June 20, 2025.

Cycle 1 is used in odd numbered years and Cycle 2 is used in even numbered years. The gospel is the same for both years. For even numbered years see Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2.

What are the Mass readings for Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

The Mass readings for Friday June 20, 2025 are:
First Reading  – 2 Corinthians 11:18, 21-30: Paul’s Boast of Weakness
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 34: God Rescues the Just
Gospel – Matthew 6:19-23: Treasures in Heaven

Why does Paul talk about his weaknesses in the first reading for Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

Paul talks about his weaknesses to show that God’s power works best in our weak moments. This teaches us to rely on God when we feel weak.

What does Paul mean by boasting in his weaknesses?

Boasting in his weaknesses means Paul is proud of his hardships because they show God’s strength in his life. It reminds us to trust God in our own struggles.

What does Paul’s dedication to the churches teach us?

Paul’s dedication teaches us to care for our own faith community. We should support and help each other grow in faith.

How can we apply Paul’s example to our lives?

We can apply Paul’s example by staying strong in our faith, even when it’s hard. We should also help and support others in their faith journeys.

Why does Jesus tell us to store treasures in heaven in the Gospel for Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

Jesus tells us to store treasures in heaven because they last forever. Earthly treasures can be lost, but heavenly treasures are eternal.

What are heavenly treasures?

Heavenly treasures are things that bring us closer to God, like love, kindness, and faith. They are more important than money or possessions.

How can we focus on heavenly treasures in our daily lives?

We can focus on heavenly treasures by praying, helping others, and living according to God’s teachings. This keeps our hearts and minds on what truly matters.

What does Jesus mean by having a healthy eye?

A healthy eye means having a good and pure perspective. It means seeing things in a way that is pleasing to God.

How can we have a healthy perspective like Jesus teaches?

We can have a healthy perspective by thinking about God’s will and living according to His teachings. This helps us see things clearly and live in the light.

Why are these readings important for Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?

These readings help us reflect on where we place our trust and how we live our lives. They encourage us to focus on God and live faithfully.

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