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Survival Skills Game

This game asks teens to consider how long they could survive in the case of a disaster. Use it as a lead in to a meeting about how we cannot survive without the help of Jesus. We won’t last long if we try to go it alone.

Surviving a disaster can be a daunting idea. This game helps youth think about what they need to survive in tough situations. By making choices about food, water, shelter, safety, and comfort, they learn to prioritize what’s important. This activity can teach valuable survival skills.

In the game, teens face a survival challenge. They must pick items to take with them during a disaster. Each choice has a different point value. At the end, they see how their choices affect their survival. This is a fun way to think critically and make smart decisions.

This game is not just about survival skills. It is also a way to show how we need help and support from Jesus and each other. Just as they need certain items to survive a disaster, we all need Jesus to help us through life’s challenges. We can’t do it all on our own.

Playing this game can also bring youth together. They can discuss their choices and learn from each other. This can build a sense of community and teamwork. It shows that helping each other is important, both in survival and in faith.

Connecting Survival Skills to Faith

This game can be tied to many Biblical themes. One theme is trust in God. Just as we trust in certain items to help us survive, we need to trust in God to guide us through life’s difficulties. The Bible is full of stories where people trusted God in hard times, like Noah during the flood or the Israelites in the desert.

Another theme is the importance of community. The game shows that we can’t do everything alone. We need others to help us. This is like how the early Christians lived, sharing everything and supporting each other. It teaches youth that being part of a faith community is important.

This game also connects to the idea of preparedness. Jesus taught us to always be ready, like the wise virgins who kept their lamps full of oil. Being prepared with the right items in the game can remind us to be spiritually prepared by praying, reading the Bible, and following Jesus.

The game enhances youth ministry by making learning fun. It helps youth think about real-life situations and how their faith can guide them. It encourages discussion and teamwork. This helps build stronger relationships within the group and with God. It shows that faith is practical and important in every part of life.

Survival Skills Game Rules and Instructions

Give each youth a survival worksheet and a pencil. Explain to them that disaster has struck. Maybe it is a flood of Biblical proportions or a plague like in the Book of Exodus or the zombie apocalypse has finally come. You need to leave home and head to somewhere safer. You will be traveling on foot for at least two weeks.

They have a few minutes to gather what they need to get by. Tell them that you are going to give them some choices for what they would take with them in various categories in a survival situation. They should mark their choices on the sheet.

If your time is limited, don’t use all of the categories.

(There are some graphics for you to project or print. Right click to save them.)

Water (choose two)

water options 1
  1. Six bottles of water
  2. Water purifying tablets to use with stream water so it doesn’t make you sick
  3. One large empty water container
  4. A hydration backpack with 1 gallon of water

Food (choose two)

food options 1
  1. 2 pounds of dried beans
  2. A fishing pole
  3. A box of Twinkies
  4. A box of granola bars

Shelter (Choose one)

shelter options 1
  1. 100 feet of paracord
  2. A hatchet
  3. A small tent
  4. A tarp

Safety (Choose two)

safety options 1
  1. A first aid kit
  2. Matches
  3. A fire stick
  4. A Swiss army knife

Comfort (Choose one)

comfort options 1
  1. A small cooking pot
  2. A spare set of underwear
  3. Bug spray
  4. A sleeping bag

Total your points based on what you chose:

Water Points

  1. Six bottles of water
    • + 2 points
    • These save you time, but they are a little heavy to carry. And they will not provide enough water for long
  2. Water purifying tablets to use with stream water so it doesn’t make you sick
    • + 5 points
    • Sure river water tastes weird, but these will let you fill up along the way, providing a long term solution
  3. One large empty water container
    • + 1 points
    • This will be handy to have and you can fill up on water when you find it. But, if you can’t find a faucet you will need to purify the water or boil it before drinking
  4. A hydration backpack with 1 gallon of water
    • + 2 points
    • This is a handy way to carry your water with you, although it is not as large as the empty container will be. But, you are starting off with a drinking supply.

Food Points

  1. 2 pounds of dried beans
    • + 5 points if you brought a cooking pot and a method to start fire
    • These are a great energy source and easy to carry, but only if you can cook them.
  2. A fishing pole
    • + 3 points if you have ever caught a fish
    • Fishing is a good source of calories, but catching one isn’t as easy as you might think. And if you can’t start a fire, you are going to be eating sushi.
  3. A box of Twinkies
    • + 1 point
    • OK, it’s not the best food source, but it will give you and energy boost and maybe since the world is falling apart you are going to need some comfort.
  4. A box of granola bars
    • + 3 points
    • A good choice for the end of the world as we know it.

Shelter Points

  1. 100 feet of paracord
    • + 3 points
    • Paracord can be used to tie some branches together to shelter you from the elements and has many other uses
  2. A hatchet
    • + 5 points
    • You can cut small trees and evergreen branches and make a lean-to
  3. A small tent
    • + 5 points
    • It’s hard to beat a tent for shelter, provided you know how to set it up
  4. A tarp
    • + 3 points
    • You can wrap up in it like a blanket and if you don’t have a tent then it will keep the rain off of you if you make a lean-to.

Safety Points

  1. A first aid kit
    • + 5 points
    • You are going to need this when you cut yourself with your hatchet.
  2. Matches
    • + 3 points if you have ever started a fire
    • A fire will keep you warm and comfortable.
  3. A fire stick
    • + 5 points IF you have ever started a fire using a fire stick
    • Using flint and steel takes some practice, so don’t choose this if you don’t know how to use it.
  4. A Swiss army knife
    • + 3 points
    • So many little tools. So many uses….

Comfort Points

  1. A small cooking pot
    • + 5 points IF you have a way to start a fire.
    • This will let you boil water you collect. And if you are scavenging for food, it will taste better cooked.
  2. A spare set of underwear
    • + 3 points
    • Yep. This will make you feel better for sure.
  3. Bug spray
    • + 2 points
    • If bugs drive you crazy, you’re going to want this one
  4. A sleeping bag
    • + 4 points
    • Comfy and cozy. And if your shelter plans don’t work out, at least you can curl up in your sleeping bag.

Total your points

  • Less than 10 points: Your survival skills are minimal. You are totally unprepared. You’re not going to last the first night
  • 10 to 19 points: You have a few survival skills. That’s a good attempt, but after a few days you are going to be in trouble
  • 20 to 29 points: Not bad survival skills. Make some friends along the way and help each other out and you might just get by.
  • 30 or more points: Good job! Use your survival skills to help others who are in trouble. Look around. Your friends are going to need you!

Resources for Survival Skills Game

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More Youth Ministry Games

Looking for more fun and engaging youth ministry games like Survival Skills? Visit our games page for a variety of games that help teach important lessons and build community. These activities are perfect for helping teens learn about faith, teamwork, and decision-making in a fun and interactive way. Check out our collection today and find the perfect game for your next youth group meeting.

Questions and Answers for Survival Skills Game

What is the Survival Skills game?

The Survival Skills game is an activity where youth choose items to survive a disaster. They learn how their choices affect their survival chances.

How does the Survival Skills game work?

Each youth gets a worksheet with different categories like food, water, shelter, safety, and comfort. They pick items from each category. Each item has points. They total their survival skills points to see how well they would survive.

What is the goal of the Survival Skills game?

The goal is to teach youth about making good choices in tough situations. It also helps them understand the importance of trust, community, and preparedness.

How can the Survival Skills game be used in youth ministry?

The survival skills game can be used to start discussions about faith and trust in God. It helps youth see the importance of being prepared spiritually and relying on each other.

How long does the Survival Skills game take?

The survival skills game can take as long as you need. You can shorten it by using fewer categories or just moving it along faster. It usually takes about 30 minutes including discussion.

Can the Survival Skills game be played with small groups?

Yes, the survival skills game works well with small groups. It encourages discussion and teamwork, which is great for group bonding.

What age group is the Survival Skills game for?

The survival skills game is best for teens, but it can be adapted for other ages. The key is to make sure the items and points system are easy to understand.

Do we need any special materials for the Survival Skills game?

You just need the printable worksheets, pencils, and some graphics to show the choices. No special materials are required.

Can we change the items in the Survival Skills game?

Yes, you can change the items to fit your group or the lesson you want to teach. Just make sure to adjust the points accordingly.

What do youth learn from playing the Survival Skills game?

Youth learn about making smart choices, the importance of community, and trusting in God. They also see how being prepared helps in tough situations.


The Survival Skills game is a fun and educational activity designed for youth. In this game, teens face a survival scenario where they must choose items to help them survive a disaster. The choices they make, from food and water to shelter and safety, determine how long they might last. Each item has a point value, and at the end, they add up their points to see how well they would do in a real-life situation.

This game teaches valuable life skills. Youth learn to prioritize their needs and make smart decisions. They also learn the importance of being prepared for emergencies. By thinking critically about their choices, they can see how different items impact their chances of survival.

The Survival Skills game also connects to important faith themes. It shows that, just like in a survival situation, we need help and support in life. This game can be a way to discuss how we need to trust in God and rely on our community. It can lead to meaningful conversations about faith and the importance of being spiritually prepared.

Overall, the Survival Skills game is a great tool for youth ministry. It encourages teamwork and discussion, helping to build stronger relationships within the group. It makes learning about survival and faith practical and engaging. This game can be a memorable and impactful part of any youth program.

Your Turn

Try the Survival Skills game with your youth group today! This fun and educational activity helps teens learn to make smart choices in tough situations. Play the game and see how your group fares in a survival scenario.

Share your experiences and any variations you come up with in the comment section below. We’d love to hear your ideas and notes on how you used the Survival Skills game. Give it a try and join the conversation!

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