Lent dice is a way to choose what activity to do each day for Lent. You roll two dice. One die will indicate what you will do that day and the other will indicate your intention, whom you are doing it for.
See the instructions below and add your own ideas to the comments at the bottom of the page.
How to Make Lent Dice
You will need 2 blank write on dice. These wooden dice that are larger than standard dice make the writing task a little easier.
On one die write 2 prayer activities, 2 fasting activities, and 2 almsgiving activities, so you have one activity on each side of the die.
On the second die, write six intentions. For example, someone you know is in need of prayer, or someone whom you need to forgive.
Each morning during Lent, roll the two dice. Do the activity shown on the first die. Offer it for the intention shown on the second die.
If you can’t find a pair of dice to write on, you can also just make a separate list and associate each number (1-6) with the activities and intentions.

More Lenten Ideas
Lent is a time to answer the call to conversion. Catholics practice self discipline by abstaining from meat on Fridays and making other small sacrifices. Giving alms and spending increased time in prayer are also traditional practices during this holy season. See more ideas here.
More Resources

Make an Offering Box
Lent is a beautiful opportunity to offer ourselves to our Lord. An offering box is a tangible way to make our offerings. It can be used for many different types of offerings.
Fasting Cup
Fasting is one of the pillars of Lent. Like lent dice, this is a family activity to determine what to fast from each day.
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