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First Reading for Common of Holy Men and Women

Esther C:1-7, 10

Summary: Mordecai prayed to God for Israel’s salvation, explaining his refusal to honor Haman as a stand for God alone. He asked for mercy and for mourning to turn into praise.

Mordecai’s Prayer for Israel

Mordecai prayed to the Lord and said: “Lord, Lord, King and Ruler of all, everything is in your power, and there is no one to oppose you when it is your will to save Israel.

You made heaven and earth and every wonderful thing under heaven. You are Lord of all, and there is no one who can resist you, the Lord.

You know all things. You know, Lord, that it was not out of insolence or arrogance or desire for glory that I acted thus in not bowing down to the arrogant Haman. I would have gladly kissed the soles of his feet for the salvation of Israel.

But I acted as I did so as not to place the honor of a mortal above that of God. I will not bow down to anyone but you, my Lord.

Hear my prayer; have pity on your inheritance and turn our mourning into feasting, that we may live to sing praise to your name, Lord. Do not silence the mouths of those who praise you.”

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