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Responsorial Psalm for Wednesday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time I

Tobit 13:2, 3-4a, 4befghn, 7-8, 1b

Summary: I praise God, who shows mercy after punishing. He reveals his greatness, even in exile. All people should praise him for his power, righteousness, and eternal reign.

Praise to the Everlasting God

R. Blessed be God, who lives for ever.

He scourges and then has mercy;
he casts down to the depths of the nether world,
and he brings up from the great abyss.
No one can escape his hand.

R. Blessed be God, who lives for ever.

Praise him, you children of Israel, before the Gentiles,
for though he has scattered you among them,
he has shown you his greatness even there.

R. Blessed be God, who lives for ever.

So now consider what he has done for you,
and praise him with full voice.
Bless the Lord of righteousness,
and exalt the King of ages.

R. Blessed be God, who lives for ever.

In the land of my exile I praise him
and show his power and majesty to a sinful nation.

R. Blessed be God, who lives for ever.

Bless the Lord, all you his chosen ones,
and may all of you praise his majesty.
Celebrate days of gladness, and give him praise.

R. Blessed be God, who lives for ever.

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