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Responsorial Psalm for Thursday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time I

Psalm 24:1-2, 3-4ab, 5-6

Summary: The earth is the Lord’s, and the pure-hearted may ascend to his holy place. Those who seek God will receive his blessing.

Seeking the Lord

R. Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.

The LORD’s are the earth and its fullness;
the world and those who dwell in it.
For he founded it upon the seas
and established it upon the rivers.

R. Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.

Who can ascend the mountain of the LORD?
or who may stand in his holy place?
He whose hands are sinless, whose heart is clean,
who desires not what is vain.

R. Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.

He shall receive a blessing from the LORD,
a reward from God his savior.
Such is the race that seeks for him,
that seeks the face of the God of Jacob.

R. Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.

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