Drip Drip Drop Game Instructions

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Materials Needed:

  1. Small cup
  2. Pitcher of water

Setup Instructions:

  1. Gather all players and have them sit in a circle.
  2. Fill the pitcher with water.
  3. Fill the small cup with water from the pitcher.

Game Play Instructions:

  1. Choose one player to start as “It.”
  2. “It” takes the cup filled with water.
  3. “It” walks around the outside of the circle, dripping a small amount of water on each player’s head while saying “Drip.”
  4. At some point, “It” chooses someone, pours the rest of the water in the cup on that person’s head, and says “Drop.”
  5. The “Drop” player must get up and chase “It” around the circle.
  6. If “Drop” tags “It” before “It” can sit down in “Drop’s” spot, “Drop” becomes the new “It.”
  7. If “It” reaches the spot without being tagged, they remain “It” for another round.
  8. Refill the cup and repeat the steps.

Additional Notes and Variations:

  • To reduce slipping, make sure the playing area is not too wet. Use towels to dry the area if needed.
  • For a less messy version, use a sponge instead of a cup of water.
  • To make it more challenging, add more ‘It’ players as the game progresses.

Safety Tips:

  • Ensure the playing surface is safe and clear of any objects that could cause players to trip.
  • Remind players to run safely and be aware of others to avoid collisions.
  • Keep the water amount minimal to prevent excessive slipping.

For more information see https://young-catholics.com/2353/drip-drip-drop-game-for-youth-ministry/