Materials Needed:
- Balloons (1 per player)
- Small glow sticks (1 per balloon)
- String or ribbon (about 2 feet per player)
- Scissors
Setup Instructions:
- Crack the glow sticks to activate them.
- Insert one glow stick into each balloon.
- Blow up the balloons and tie them securely.
- Cut pieces of string or ribbon, each about 2 feet long.
- Tie one balloon to each player’s ankle using the string. Make sure it is secure but not too tight.
- Clear the play area of any obstacles to avoid tripping or injuries.
- Turn off the lights or dim them enough to make the balloons glow clearly.
Game Play Instructions:
- Have all players spread out in the play area.
- Explain the goal: try to pop other players’ balloons by stepping on them while protecting your own.
- When the game begins, players move around, trying to stomp on other balloons.
- Players are out when their balloon is popped. They should leave the play area to avoid accidents.
- The last player with an unpopped balloon wins.
Additional Notes and Variations:
- For a non-competitive version, challenge the group to see how many balloons they can pop together in a set amount of time.
- For safety, remind players not to kick or push each other. Encourage gentle stepping.
- If the game is too chaotic, limit the number of players on the floor at one time and rotate them in.
- For added fun, use balloons of different colors and assign points to each color.
For more information, see