Kingdoms Game Instructions

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Equipment / Materials

  • Paper
  • Pen or pencil


  1. Choose a facilitator. One person will be the facilitator.
  2. Pick a category. The facilitator chooses a category (e.g., animals, fruits, Bible characters).
  3. Choose a word. Each player picks a word within the category. For example, if the category is animals, one player might choose “lion,” another might choose “bear,” and so on.
  4. Keep choices secret. Players do not tell each other their word.
  5. Tell the facilitator. Each player tells their word only to the facilitator, who writes down all the words with the players’ names.
  6. Avoid duplicates. If someone chooses a word that is already taken, they must pick a new one.
  7. Read the list. The facilitator reads the list of words once to the group. Do not tell players which word belongs to which person.

How to Play

  1. Form a circle. All players stand in a circle.
  2. Choose the first player. Use a random method to pick who goes first (e.g., pick a number, roll a die).
  3. Make a guess. The first player guesses a word from the category list.
  4. Find the vassal. If the guessed word matches a player’s chosen word, that player becomes a “vassal” and stands behind the person who guessed correctly. The guessing player is now a “king.”
  5. Vassals support the king. Vassals cannot make guesses themselves but can suggest ideas to their king.
  6. Incorrect guesses. If a player guesses a word that is not on the list, nothing happens. The turn passes to the next player.
  7. Conquer other kingdoms. If a player guesses the word of another king, that king and all their vassals become part of the guessing player’s kingdom.
  8. Continue play. Keep playing clockwise until everyone becomes part of a kingdom.
  9. Win the game. The largest kingdom wins.

Additional Notes

  • Variations:
    • Category change: Try using Bible characters, saints, or parables for a catechetical twist.
    • Reverse roles: After a round, let vassals become kings in a new game.
  • Safety:
    • Make sure the space is clear of obstacles.
    • If playing outside, stay within a safe area.

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