Ups and Downs Lesson Plan

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Opening Game for the Ups and Downs Lesson Plan

Start this lesson plan by playing Cups and Downs. In this game, players must turn plastic cups over. See the complete instructions here.

Alright, everyone, let’s take a moment to reflect on the game of Cups and Downs we just played. You saw how quickly a cup could go from being right side up to upside down. It’s a lot like the rollercoaster of life, isn’t it? One minute, everything’s looking up, and the next, you might find yourself facing a down you didn’t see coming.

Now, let’s bring it into our lives. I want each of you to think about your past week. Share with us one peak moment—a time you felt on top of the world, and then, if you’re comfortable, share a valley moment—a time when things didn’t go as planned, and you felt down.

Go around the room. Have each youth tell one high point from the past week and one low point.

These highs and lows, these ups and downs, they’re a fundamental part of our journey. They shape us, teach us, and sometimes challenge us in ways we didn’t expect. But remember, it’s during those high points that we gather strength and hope to face the lows. And sometimes, coming down from those highs can feel challenging, making the valleys seem even deeper.

As we transition to our scripture reading, keep this in mind. We’re about to explore a story where the disciples experience an ultimate high and are then faced with the reality of returning to their daily lives. Let’s see what lessons we can draw from their experience and how we can apply them to our own ups and downs.

Scripture Reading for the Ups and Downs Lesson Plan

Read the following gospel passage:

Mark 9:2-10 (The Transfiguration of our Lord) – the Gospel Reading for the 2nd Sunday of Lent – Year B

Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no fuller on earth could bleach them.

Then Elijah appeared to them along with Moses, and they were conversing with Jesus.

Then Peter said to Jesus in reply, “Rabbi, it is good that we are here!Let us make three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” He hardly knew what to say, they were so terrified.

Then a cloud came, casting a shadow over them; from the cloud came a voice, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” Suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone but Jesus alone with them.

As they were coming down from the mountain, he charged them not to relate what they had seen to anyone, except when the Son of Man had risen from the dead. So they kept the matter to themselves, questioning what rising from the dead meant.

Mark 9:2-10

Discussion for the Ups and Downs Lesson Plan

Imagine that you are with Peter, John and James. Jesus takes you on a hike up a mountain. It is a sunny day. There is a soft breeze blowing. It is nice to get away from the crowds and have a chance to spend some quiet time with Jesus.

Suddenly, something happens. Jesus becomes the brightest thing you have ever seen. Elijah and Moses, who are Old Testament superheroes, show up. Peter even suggests putting up some tents so you could just stay here. And then to top it all off, you hear the voice of the Father, calling Jesus “Beloved”.

And then it is just you and Jesus again. Jesus says, “Let’s go home. And don’t tell anyone about this.”

  • What would your reaction be?
  • Would you want to stay on the mountain a little longer and talk to Jesus about what happened?
  • If you thought Jesus was just a man before, how would the transfiguration change your view of him?
  • Would you be ready to go back down the mountain right away?

Now you are back in the local village. Once again, you are with the other apostles. All of the cares of daily life as a disciple of Jesus are right there with you. Somebody has to get food for the meal. Who is going to clean up afterwards? We are moving on to another town tomorrow, and we need to get our things packed up. The more you get caught up in the tasks of the day, the harder it is to remember your experience on the mountain.

The transfiguration of Jesus on the mountaintop helped the apostles understand that he was truly the Son of God, the Light of the World.

Think about your own life’s ups and downs. Moments when you felt incredibly close to God—how do they shape you, especially when you face hardships or mundane tasks? Just like the apostles, you might find that remembering these mountaintop experiences gives you strength and perspective. It’s not just about longing to go back but carrying forward what you’ve learned, letting those moments of closeness to God illuminate your path through darker or more ordinary times.

  • Do you think in later days, when the authorities were closing in on Jesus, or later when the early Church was being persecuted, the memory of this experience helped the apostles?
  • Can you think of a time when you felt especially close to God?
  • Does remembering this experience help you when you experience hardship?

Retreats can often be mountaintop experiences. You can feel so close to Jesus and those around you that you are going to explode with energy. But then you have to go home and deal with homework and chores and siblings. But you will have other times when you feel especially close to God also. These are important also.

Remembering these mountaintop experiences can be really helpful. You can’t go back, but you can remember what you learned. And the memory can help you through more difficult events in your lives

Small Group Reflection Questions for the Ups and Downs Lesson Plan

Following the large group discussion, break into small groups to dive in deeper:

  • What are some of the best experiences you’ve had in your life?
  • What was really great about these experiences?
  • How did you feel when these events were over?
  • Do you have any photos or mementos to help you remember how you felt?

The following questions are especially helpful if this is being done in conjunction with a retreat:

  • What are some things you can do to help you remember your mountaintop?
    • Keep a journal
    • Receive the sacraments, just like you did on retreat
    • Keep in touch with people who shared your mountaintop experience and see how they are doing
    • Spend some time talking to Jesus in adoration

Challenge for the Ups and Downs Lesson Plan

This week, I challenge each of you to take a journey back to a moment where you felt an unmistakable closeness to God. It could be a time when your faith felt as bright and vivid as the transfiguration itself, a peak in the midst of the everyday ups and downs of life. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you as you dive deep into this memory.

Close your eyes, and let yourself be transported back to that moment. What did you see? Can you recall the sounds that surrounded you, the scents in the air, the texture of what you touched, or even the taste of that experience? Immerse yourself fully, reliving the sensations and emotions that made this time stand out.

But don’t just visit this memory—bring it back with you. Hold onto that feeling of closeness to God as you navigate the coming week, through its highs and lows, its challenges and joys. Let this remembered moment be a source of strength and peace for you, a reminder of God’s ever-present love and light in your life, especially when you’re facing the downs after the ups.

Prayer for the Ups and Downs Lesson Plan

As we come to the close of our time together, let’s gather our thoughts and hearts in prayer, reflecting on the journey we’ve embarked upon today. We’ve explored the ups and downs of our faith, just like the disciples experienced with Jesus. Now, let’s turn to God, asking for His guidance and presence in every moment of our lives.

Let us pray:

Heavenly Father, in the midst of life’s ups and downs, we seek Your constant presence and love. As we journey through the highs and lows, help us to remember the moments when we have felt closest to You. In the challenging times, remind us of Your transfiguring light that guides and uplifts us. Grant us the courage to face the downs with faith, and the grace to cherish the ups with gratitude. May we always turn to You, drawing strength and peace from our relationship with You. Amen.

As we go forth, let’s carry this lesson in our hearts, remembering that God is with us through all the ups and downs of life. Let His light guide us, today and every day.

More Resources for the Ups and Downs Lesson Plan


Background Material

Music Suggestions

Mountain Time – A Lesson Plan on Mountains in the Bible

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