What Is in Your Church? Lesson Plan on Participation in Mass

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Opening Game for the Lesson Plan on Participation in Mass

Sacred Space Scavenger Hunt

Objective: To prepare youth for the lesson on participation at Mass by creating an engaging and reflective activity that emphasizes the sacredness of the church space and the importance of mindful presence.

Materials Needed:

  • List of items or features commonly found in a church (e.g., altar, crucifix, baptismal font, statue of Mary, candle, hymnal, etc.)
  • Paper and pens for each team
  • Prizes for the winning team (optional)


  1. Divide the youth into small teams, giving each team a list of items or features to find within the church or designated area. Ensure that the items on the list are easily accessible and do not disrupt any church activities.
  2. Explain that the goal is to find and quietly reflect at each item on the list. At each location, they should spend a moment considering its significance in the context of the Mass and their personal faith.
  3. Assign a specific reflection question for each item found. For example, at the altar, the question might be, “Why is the altar central to the Mass?” Teams write brief reflections or answers to these questions.
  4. Set a Time Limit for the scavenger hunt, ensuring there’s enough time for reflection without rushing.
  5. Gather everyone back together and have teams share one or two insights from their reflections. This encourages sharing and deepening their understanding of the church’s sacred space.
  6. Conclude with a brief discussion on how recognizing the significance of these sacred items can enhance our participation in Mass.

Debrief and Transition

Alright, everyone, let’s gather back. I hope you all enjoyed our scavenger hunt. It’s fascinating to see how each item in our church has a story, a purpose, and a way to bring us closer to God. Reflecting on these sacred objects helps us understand the beauty and depth of our faith, especially when we come together to celebrate the Mass.

Now, think about this: every part of our church is carefully designed to help us focus on God. But what happens when distractions creep in? What happens when, instead of focusing on these sacred elements, our minds wander off to our phones, our worries, or the plans we have after Mass?

This brings us to an important moment in the Bible, where Jesus shows us what it means to respect and honor a sacred space. We’re about to read from the Gospel of John, chapter 2, verses 13-25. In this passage, Jesus enters the temple and finds it filled with people selling animals and exchanging money – activities that distracted from the temple’s true purpose as a house of prayer.

As we read this scripture, I want you to think about two things: First, why was Jesus so passionate about keeping the temple a sacred space? And second, how can we apply Jesus’ desire for a sacred space to our own behavior during Mass?

Let’s dive into the reading and see what Jesus’ actions in the temple can teach us about participation at Mass and respecting our church as a holy place.

Scripture Reading for the Lesson Plan on Participation in Mass

Read John 2:13-25 – The Cleansing of the Temple (Gospel for the 3rd Sunday of Lent Year B)

Since the Passover of the Jews was near, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. He found in the temple area those who sold oxen, sheep, and doves, as well as the money changers seated there.

He made a whip out of cords and drove them all out of the temple area, with the sheep and oxen, and spilled the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables, and to those who sold doves he said, “Take these out of here, and stop making my Father’s house a marketplace.”

His disciples recalled the words of Scripture, Zeal for your house will consume me.

At this the Jews answered and said to him, “What sign can you show us for doing this?”

Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.”

The Jews said, “This temple has been under construction for forty-six years, and you will raise it up in three days?”

But he was speaking about the temple of his body. Therefore, when he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they came to believe the Scripture and the word Jesus had spoken.

While he was in Jerusalem for the feast of Passover, many began to believe in his name when they saw the signs he was doing. But Jesus would not trust himself to them because he knew them all, and did not need anyone to testify about human nature. He himself understood it well.

Discussion for the Lesson Plan on Participation in Mass

Imagine you invite a friend over. You have some snacks ready. You have chosen a movie to watch or some games to play. You are looking forward to spending some time with your friend.

Your friend arrives late. The whole time he is there he is looking at his phone. He doesn’t seem to appreciate your preparations at all. Suddenly he gets ups, says “I’m bored”, and leaves.

  • How does your friend’s behavior make you feel?
  • What might you do differently next time you want to do something with this friend?
  • Do you think this might impact your relationship with your friend?

In this gospel, Jesus tells us what the temple is supposed to be – a house of prayer. But the temple has been turned into a noisy place, full of distractions. There are animals being bought and sold. There are people exchanging currency, and cheating people in the process.

So instead of being a place to spend time with God, the temple has become a place full of worldly concerns. People there are doing what they want to do instead of considering the real purpose of the temple as a place of prayer.

In some ways we can have the same problem when we go to Mass. Instead of being focused on encountering Jesus in the Eucharist, we are distracted by the things of this world. Just like the friend we invited over, we are looking at our phones. Or we are bored and looking forward to our opportunity to escape.

Church is a holy place. And Mass is the intersection of heaven and earth. We meet God there. So we should not casually treat it the way we treat other places in the world.

  • So what are some things we can do to make our time at church a sacred time in a holy place, different than any other time or place in our lives?

First, turn off the cell phone. Don’t put it on silent or buzz. Turn it off altogether and resist the temptation to turn it on. Better yet, leave it in the car. There is nothing so important that it can’t wait until you have left church to deal with it.

Then stop thinking about how long Mass is or what you want to do when you leave. Be present. It is very difficult to encounter God when we are thinking about what we want to do next. Be in the moment.

Pay attention to the words. Try to hear them in a new way. Listen to the music. Does anything catch your attention? When it does, decide if the thought is leading you closer to God. If it is, then stay with it. If it is just a distraction, try to put it out of your mind.

What if you can’t get rid of whatever distraction is bothering you? Maybe you are anxious about a test which is coming up. Or perhaps you had a conversation with a friend which upset you. If you can’t rid yourself of the distraction, then turn off the conversation with yourself about it. Instead, talk to Jesus. Ask him for advice. Say to him, “What is the most loving thing I can do in this situation?” This is very different than just thinking about it on your own and you might be surprised where it leads you.

If all else fails, offer the distraction to God. Say to God, “I can’t get this out of my mind. I know I shouldn’t be obsessed with it but it won’t go away. Please help me in my weakness. I offer this distraction to you. Please find a way to use it for your glory.” In that way, you have turned your distraction into a prayer.

  • Have you ever tried any of these methods? Did it help you become more engaged in Mass?
  • Which of these would you like to try?

So the next time you are are Mass, remember that this is a holy time and place. Don’t bring things of the world into church unless you intend to offer them to God in prayer.

Small Group Reflection Questions for the Lesson Plan on Participation in Mass

As part of the lesson plan on participation at Mass, small group discussions play a crucial role in facilitating deeper understanding and personal reflection among youth. Here are some reflection questions designed to guide these discussions:

  • Have you ever felt like the friend who was distracted by their phone during a gathering? What was going through your mind at that time?
  • Can you recall a time when you felt distracted during Mass? What were the distractions, and how did they affect your ability to connect with the service?
  • What does the concept of “sacred space” mean to you? Can you think of a place, other than church, that feels sacred to you, and why?
  • How does treating the church as a sacred space change your behavior or mindset during Mass?
  • What emotions do you think Jesus felt when he saw the temple turned into a marketplace? Why?
  • How can we apply Jesus’ actions in the temple to our own behaviors and attitudes during Mass?
  • Of the strategies mentioned to enhance participation at Mass (turning off cell phones, being present, listening actively), which do you think would be most effective for you? Why?
  • Have you ever tried to turn a distraction into a prayer or a conversation with God? Share your experience and whether it helped you feel more engaged.
  • How do you think improving individual participation at Mass can affect the wider community or congregation?
  • What role can you play in encouraging others to see the Mass as a sacred time and place?
  • Based on today’s discussion, what is one change you commit to making to enhance your participation at Mass?
  • How can our group support each other in making these changes a reality?

Encourage participants to listen actively and respectfully to each other’s responses, fostering an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and experiences. This reflective discussion aims not only to deepen understanding but also to inspire practical steps towards more meaningful participation at Mass.

Challenge for the Lesson Plan on Participation in Mass

This week, I challenge you to transform your Mass experience into something truly special. First, make a conscious decision to leave your phone behind or turn it off before entering the church. This simple act can make a big difference in helping you stay present.

As you sit in the pew, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you’re about to enter into a sacred time and place. Try to clear your mind of the day’s worries and distractions. Focus on being fully present, listening intently to the readings, and actively participating in the prayers and songs.

If you find yourself getting distracted, gently guide your thoughts back to the Mass or turn those distractions into a conversation with God. Ask Him to help you focus or to show you how these distractions can be offered up to Him.

Let’s see how changing our approach to Mass can deepen our connection with God and each other. Share your experiences next time we meet!

Prayer for the Lesson Plan on Participation in Mass

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of Your Son and the grace to participate in the Holy Mass. Guide our hearts and minds to be fully present in this sacred mystery. Help us to lay aside all distractions, focusing solely on You. May our participation be a true encounter with Your love, transforming us and drawing us closer to You. Grant us the wisdom to see Mass not just as a routine, but as a precious moment with You. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.

More Resources for Lesson Plan on Participation in Mass


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