Where Is God? Lesson Plan

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Opening Activity for the Where Is God? Lesson Plan

Start by having some fun with an airzooka. If you can’t obtain an airzooka, you can blow up a balloon and let the air out. In either case, you should practice beforehand, so you know how far away you can stand from the objects you are blasting. The further away you are, the more impressive this is.

Set up some targets around the room to move or blow over. Think a stack of plastic cups, small plastic figures, a house of cards, etc. If allowed, a lit candle is also a good option.

Knock down one or two of your objects.

  • Did you see that?
  • What knocked that down?
  • The air? Could you see it?
  • How do you know the air knocked it down?

Continue knocking down objects and asking them how they know the air did it.

We can’t actually see the air, but we can see the effects of the air. Sometimes we know something is happening even though the cause isn’t visible. We use our intelligence and our other senses to detect it.

Scripture Reading for the Where Is God? Lesson Plan

Matthew 28:16-20 (Jesus is always with us) – the Gospel Reading for the Trinity Sunday – Year B

The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had ordered them. When they all saw him, they worshiped, but they doubted.

Then Jesus approached and said to them, “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”Matthew 28:16-20

Discussion for the Where Is God? Lesson Plan

In today’s Gospel reading, we learn that Jesus is about to leave His disciples in body but not in spirit. The disciples were used to having Jesus physically with them. They talked with Him, ate with Him, and learned from Him. Even though Jesus was leaving, He promised to always be with them. This promise is also for us.

Sometimes we ask ourselves, “Where is God?” Jesus is still with us today. We may not see Him, but He is here. How can we talk to Jesus today? We can speak to Him in prayer, anytime and anywhere. Prayer is like having a conversation with a friend who is always there to listen.

You might wonder how we can share a meal with Jesus. When we participate in the Eucharist, we are having a meal with Jesus. This sacrament allows us to be with Jesus in a very special way. It’s a time to come together and remember Him.

Jesus can still teach us. We hear His teachings when we read the Bible or listen to others talk about the Scriptures. When we go to Mass and listen to the homily, that’s another way we learn from Jesus.

There are many ways to encounter Jesus in our daily lives. Sometimes, we see Him in the kindness of others. Other times, we might feel His presence in moments of peace or when we see beauty in the world around us.

Have you ever felt really close to Jesus? Maybe it was during a tough time when you suddenly felt calm and not so alone. These moments are special. They help us see that Jesus is truly with us.

Remembering to use all our senses and our mind helps us notice Jesus’ presence. It’s like knowing the wind is there because we see the leaves move. We have to pay attention to see the signs of Jesus around us.

One good way to feel closer to Jesus is through daily prayer. Talking to Jesus every day helps us build a strong relationship with Him. It’s like getting to know a friend better each day.

Being thankful is a big part of seeing how Jesus is with us. It’s easy to ask Jesus for help when we have problems. But when we thank Him for the good things, we start seeing how He’s already helping us.

This week, try to find three things each day that you are thankful for. It could be a nice chat with a friend, a good meal, or something beautiful you noticed. Thank God for these gifts. It will help you see how Jesus is present in your life.

Writing down your thankful prayers in a journal is a good idea. On days when you’re feeling down, you can read your journal. It will remind you of all the times you’ve seen Jesus in your life.

Always trust in Jesus. He promised to be with us always. Even when you are wondering, “Where is God?”, remember His promise. He is here with us, every day.

Small Group Reflection Questions for the Where Is God? Lesson Plan

Following the large group discussion, small group reflection questions can help youth consider how God’s presence permeates their lives.

  • What are some ways you talk to Jesus in your daily life?
  • How do you feel during and after you receive the Eucharist?
  • Can you share a Bible story or teaching from Jesus that is important to you?
  • Where do you see Jesus in your everyday activities?
  • Have you ever felt especially close to Jesus? What happened?
  • Why do you think it’s important to use our senses to notice Jesus’ presence?
  • How does daily prayer change the way you feel or think?
  • What are three things you were thankful for this week?
  • How can writing in a journal help us see Jesus in our lives?
  • What does it mean to trust in Jesus? How do you practice this trust?

Challenge for the Where Is God? Lesson Plan

This week, spend some time in gratitude each day. Think of three things specific to that day which you are grateful for. It could be a good conversation with a friend. Or maybe you had a meal you really enjoyed. Perhaps you noticed the smell of flowers in the garden. Or you saw a beautiful sunset. Maybe somebody did something nice for you. In any case, come up with three very specific things each day and thank God for them.

Writing your prayers of gratitude in a journal is also helpful. Then, when you are having a bad day, you can go back and read about how you saw Jesus present in your life.

Prayer for the Where Is God? Lesson Plan

Dear God, Thank you for being with us always. Help us to see You in our daily lives and feel Your presence. Guide us to understand Your teachings and share Your love with others. Give us grateful hearts to recognize Your blessings. Keep us close to You every day. Amen.

More Resources for the Where Is God? Lesson Plan


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Learn more at https://young-catholics.com/8687/where-is-god-lesson-plan/