Who’s Your Buddy? A Lesson Plan on Friendship

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Opening Game

Start by playing the Pair Off Square Off game. In this game, each youth is assigned one half of a well known pair and they must find the other half. The catch is that they don’t know who they are and have to find out by asking yes/no questions.

See the complete instructions for Pair Off Square Off.

After playing the game, ask a few questions.

  • Was it difficult to find the other half of your pair? Why or why not?
  • Did you like helping people figure out who they were?
  • Was it fun finding your match? Or did you want to keep asking questions?

Scripture Reading

It is important to form relationships in life. It is especially true that we need friends who will support us in faith. Jesus knew that having a buddy was a good idea also.

Mark 6:7-13 (Jesus sends the disciples in pairs) – the for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over unclean spirits. He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick – no food, no sack, no money in their belts. They were, however, to wear sandals but not a second tunic.

He said to them, “Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave. Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them.”

So they went off and preached repentance. The Twelve drove out many demons, and they anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them.Mark 6:7-13


So, Jesus sent his apostles out in pairs. They could have covered more ground if they had gone out on their own. But Jesus had a good reason for sending them in pairs.

Why do you think Jesus sent his disciples two by two? Is it easier to deal with challenges if you have a friend with you? Think about a time when you felt alone. Would you have been more confident with a good friend by your side?

There are a few reasons why Jesus sent the apostles in pairs. First of all, they could encourage each other. When one was tired or weak, the other could remind him of why they were doing this and the importance of their mission. Paul talks about this in Ecclesiastes 4:10.

If the one falls, the other will help the fallen one. But woe to the solitary person! If that one should fall, there is no other to help.Ecclesiastes 4:10

This shows that having someone by your side makes a big difference.

Second, the Old Testament teaches that two witnesses are more trustworthy than one.

One witness alone shall not stand against someone in regard to any crime or any offense that may have been committed; a charge shall stand only on the testimony of two or three witnesses.Deuteronomy 19:15

The people in the villages the disciples visited would have known this rule from the Torah. So, having two people together made their message stronger and more believable.

Third, Jesus knew the importance of community and fellowship. He called the twelve apostles to be with him at the very beginning of his ministry. Even though he was the Son of God, he didn’t try to spread the Good News on his own. He wanted to show us that having a community and working together is important.

So, it’s not just important to have friends. It’s important to have friends who are Christians and can support us and encourage us in our faith journey. These friends help us stay focused on following Jesus. They keep us from feeling alone when others don’t share our beliefs. And they give us someone to share our faith with in confidence.

Having Christian friends means having someone to remind us of God’s love and our purpose. It means having someone to pray with and talk about our faith. It means having someone to lift us up when we’re down. Just like the apostles, we need friends to help us on our journey. This is why Jesus sent his disciples out in pairs. He wanted them to have the support and strength they needed to spread his message. And we need that same support and strength today.

Small Group Reflection Questions

Sharing in small groups will help youth reflect on these topics and give a real example of how friendship helps us grow in faith. These are some starter questions, but go wherever the conversation leads.

  • Why do you think Jesus sent his disciples out in pairs instead of alone?
  • How do you think working in pairs helped the disciples?
  • Can you share a time when a friend helped you through a tough situation?
  • How does having a friend by your side make facing challenges easier?
  • Why is it important to have friends who share your faith?
  • How can Christian friends support and encourage you in your faith journey?
  • Can you think of a situation where you felt alone and would have been more confident with a good friend?
  • How do you feel when you share your faith experiences with a friend?


This week, your challenge is to identify a friend who shares your beliefs. First, ask that friend to pray for you daily. Let them know you will pray for them, too. You can support each other through prayer.

Each day, send each other a text message as a reminder to pray. It can be as simple as “I’m praying for you today!” or “Don’t forget to pray for me today!” This will help you both stay focused on your faith.

When you face a challenge in your faith journey, reach out to your friend. Instead of trying to handle it on your own, ask your friend for prayer and encouragement. Talk to them about what you are going through. They can help lift you up and remind you of God’s love and support.

Remember, you are not alone. Having a friend who prays for you and with you makes a big difference. This week, take the first step in building a strong, faith-filled friendship.


If appropriate, allow the youth to offer personal petitions. Then close with a prayer such as this:

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for the gift of friendship. Help us to be good friends to each other. Guide us to support and encourage one another in our faith. We ask you to bless our friendships and help them grow stronger. Teach us to pray for each other and to be there in times of need. Thank you for always being with us. Help us to remember that we are never alone. We are grateful for your love and guidance. Amen.

More Resources for the Who’s Your Buddy? A Lesson Plan on Friendship


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See more resources at https://young-catholics.com/9790/friendship-lesson-plan-whos-your-buddy/

Young Catholics