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Tag: how to

  • Recycled Raingutter Regatta

    Recycled Raingutter Regatta

    Recycling activities for kids help youth understand the importance of taking care of God's creation. We did a recycled raingutter regatta at our middle school VBS last year. Many of the student said this was their favorite activity of the week.

  • Homemade Model Magic Recipe

    Homemade Model Magic Recipe

    Making your own model magic can be a practical choice that saves money. While homemade play-dough can be messy and crumbly, especially on carpets, homemade model magic can be a neater alternative.

  • Fox and Chickens Tag

    Fox and Chickens Tag

    Fox and Chickens tag is a variation on tag which the person who is it tries to tag the last person in line. The people at the front of the line try to protect the last person.This game could be used with a theme of how God protects us and loves us even better than…

  • Toothpick Sculptures, Models, or Constructions

    Toothpick Sculptures, Models, or Constructions

    Hands on activities are fun for youth ministry or Vacation Bible School (VBS). One way to incorporate a fun activity is to have students make toothpick sculptures or models to represent your theme. Here are some ideas for items which can be used as materials.

  • Pass It On Relay Race

    Pass It On Relay Race

    Pass It On is a simple game for VBS or youth group. It only requires some rolls of toilet paper and can be played indoors or outdoors. This makes it a good option if you have to suddenly change plans due to rain or other circumstances beyond your control.

  • Leaders We Love - Youth Ministry Activity

    Leaders We Love - Youth Ministry Activity

    Leaders We Love is an activity to help youth think about the qualities of a good leader. It is held in an informal, small group setting so youth will be comfortable sharing.