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In Remembrance - A Prayer Based on Psalm 78

Psalm 78 is prayed in remembrance of all the times we have strayed and how God has always shown us mercy.

This prayer based on Psalm 78 reminds us that our history is important. We can learn from what has happened before. In this case, we see that as God's people we are weak. And yet God continues to be faithful to us. This brings us great hope.

A printable copy of the prayer can be found at the bottom of this post.

In Remembrance of Our Wandering and God's Mercy

Based on Psalm 78

We know the stories Lord.
Our parents have told them to us.
We hear in scripture.
They tell of your faithfulness through all of history.
Even when we are unfaithful, you are near.
We listen and repeat these stories in remembrance.

When your people were enslaved in Egypt,
You came to their rescue.
Save me from the things that snare me.
Release me from the traps I create for myself.
Guide me away from them.
Show me a better way.
In remembrance I recall
How you lead me when I am lost.

When your people were thirsty in the desert,
You provided water from a rock.
Quench my thirst Lord.
Help me long only for the life you give.
Teach me not to thirst for what is unhealthy.
In remembrance I recall
How you provided good things for me.

When your people were hungry,
You gave them bread from heaven.
You provide bread for me also.
Help me to hunger for the Eucharist.
Let me not take it for granted.
In remembrance I recall
How you always provide
The Bread of Life for me.

When your people grumbled
Even though you provided for their needs,
Their lives became miserable
And they lost hope.
If only they had trusted in you!
They promised to be faithful,
But their words were not true.
In remembrance I recall
How unfaithful I can be.

Over and over you showed your people
Signs and wonders beyond comprehension.
And you showed them mercy.
For you know we are weak and stubborn.
In remembrance I recall
Your steadfast love for me.

You led your people to a place of abundance.
And in their comfort they forgot you again.
They thought they had everything they needed,
But they forgot they needed you.
Don't ever let me forget Lord,
That I can't live without you.
In remembrance I recall
That you generously provide for me.

When your people forgot you
And turned back to their idols
You chose David to be their leader.
David showed them that you are faithful.
He helped them recall your mercy.
In remembrance I recall that you provide
Faith filled people to be an example to me.
Thank you for them.
Please watch over them.


Copyright 2021 Young Catholics

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About the Psalms

The psalms speak from the heart. They are meant to be prayed and sung. They are also honest and full of emotions.

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