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Is the Price Right? (Value Games)

Our world is constantly bombarding us about what is valuable and what is not. Materialism games and value games will help us understand that money is not the real measure of the worth of something.

Media is flooded by information about what is valuable and what is not. Consumerism and materialism can make it seem like everything has a dollar value. Value games like Is the Price Right help youth understand that not everything is defined by a price tag.

Think of this game as The Price Is Right with a twist.

Is the Price Right? (Value Games)


You can use the actual items or pictures. For these items, you will need to know the price.

  • Box of pasta
  • House
  • Can of food
  • Car
  • Item of Clothing
  • Cell phone
  • Several other items

And now for some other items. The ones below are examples. You can use people or concepts which would be significant to your group. For nonspecific items, like the ones in quotes, just write the words on a sheet of paper. For the others, use words or an image

  • "Your family"
  • "Your best friend"
  • Clean air and water for our planet
  • A homeless person
  • Jesus


  1. Put all of the items out of sight.
  2. Have someone "come on down" like they are a contestant on the Price Is Right.
  3. Give them four items from the first list. Have them put them in order, from lowest price to highest price. The audience may offer suggestions.
  4. If they are in the correct order, give them a small prize, like a piece of candy.
  5. Now ask for another volunteer to play the game.
  6. Repeat the game, but give your next volunteer three items from the first list and one from the second list.
  7. Repeat again with another volunteer, but give them one item from the first list and three items from the second list.

Reflection Questions

  • Was that game fair? Why or why not?
  • Does the use of currency make us think some things are more valuable than others?
  • How do we determine what is valuable and what is not?
  • How does our perception of value impact the decisions we make?

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