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Psalm 90 is a prayer of Moses, asking God for help and guidance. This psalm reminds us that God is eternal and powerful, while our lives on earth are short and fragile. It helps us understand our place in the world and our need for God’s wisdom.

The psalm also teaches us about the importance of living our lives with purpose. It encourages us to ask God for help in using our time wisely. Life is short, and we need God’s guidance to make the most of it.

In Psalm 90, we also see a reflection on the hardships and struggles of life. The psalmist acknowledges that life can be difficult, but he also asks God to bring joy and gladness into our days.

Finally, this psalm ends with a request for God’s blessing. The psalmist asks God to bless the work we do and to make our efforts successful. It is a prayer for God’s help in all areas of life, from our daily tasks to our bigger goals.

Understanding the Background of Psalm 90

Psalm 90 is often called “A Prayer of Moses.” This psalm is unique because it is the only one in the Psalms written by Moses. It is believed to have been written during the time when the Israelites were wandering in the desert. They had been freed from slavery in Egypt but had not yet reached the Promised Land.

The psalm reflects the struggles and challenges faced by the Israelites during this time. They lived through difficult years in the desert, facing hunger, thirst, and uncertainty. Moses, as their leader, turned to God in prayer, asking for help and wisdom.

In this prayer, Moses acknowledges that God is eternal. He contrasts this with the shortness of human life. The Israelites, like all of us, needed to be reminded of their dependence on God. Moses also asked God to teach them how to live wisely during their time on earth.

Psalm 90 is a reminder of the need to trust in God during hard times. It shows us the importance of seeking God’s guidance in our lives. Just as the Israelites relied on God during their journey, we too should turn to God in our own struggles.

Timeless Truths for Our Journey

One main theme in this psalm is the eternal nature of God. The psalm reminds us that God has always existed and always will. This is important in Catholic teaching because it shows that God is the source of all life. Everything begins and ends with Him.

Another theme is the shortness of human life. The psalm makes it clear that our time on earth is limited. Catholics believe that this life is a journey towards eternal life with God. We are called to live wisely, making choices that reflect our faith and love for God.

The psalm also touches on the reality of sin and the need for God’s mercy. It speaks of the hardships that come as a result of sin. Catholics understand that we all fall short and need God’s forgiveness. This theme reminds us to seek God’s mercy and strive to live according to His will.

Finally, the psalm emphasizes the importance of God’s blessing in our work. Catholics believe that all good things come from God, including the success of our efforts. By asking for God’s blessing, we acknowledge that we need His help in all that we do.

Finding Guidance for Modern Life

Psalm 90 is still relevant today. It reminds us that life is short and that we should make the most of our time. In a world full of distractions, this message is important. We are encouraged to focus on what truly matters—our relationship with God and how we live each day.

The psalm also speaks to the challenges we face in life. Just as the Israelites faced hardships, we too have struggles. Whether it’s personal difficulties or global issues, this psalm reminds us to turn to God for help and wisdom.

As Catholics, the message of seeking God’s blessing in our work is also very important. We often focus on our own efforts and forget to ask for God’s guidance. This psalm encourages us to remember that true success comes from God.

Finally, the psalm’s emphasis on God’s eternal nature offers comfort in an uncertain world. It reassures us that, no matter what changes around us, God remains the same. He is our steady foundation, and we can trust in Him.

A Prayer Based on Psalm 90

A Prayer for Guidance and Purpose

Lord, You have always been with us,
from generation to generation.
You are our safe place in a world that changes.
Help us remember that You are forever,
while our time here is short.

Teach us to make the most of each day,
to live with purpose and wisdom.
Guide us in our choices and actions,
so that our lives reflect Your love
and bring good to those around us.

When life gets hard and we feel lost,
remind us that You are with us.
Bring us joy even in tough times,
and help us trust that You will see us through.

Bless the work we do, big and small.
Let our efforts be meaningful and lasting.
Show us how to use our talents well,
and give us the strength to keep going.

Lord, as we walk through life,
may Your presence guide us.
Help us live in a way that honors You,
and let Your love be the light that leads us. Amen.


Questions and Answers about Psalm 90

Who wrote Psalm 90?

Psalm 90 was written by Moses. It is the only psalm attributed to him. Moses was the leader of the Israelites, and he wrote this psalm as a prayer during their journey in the desert.

What is the main message of Psalm 90?

The main message is that God is eternal, and our lives are short. The psalm encourages us to live wisely, seek God’s guidance, and ask for His blessings in our work.

How does Psalm 90 relate to Catholic beliefs?

Psalm 90 reflects key Catholic beliefs, like the importance of trusting in God, understanding our need for His mercy, and recognizing that life on earth is temporary. It reminds us to focus on our relationship with God and live according to His will.

Why is Psaflm 90 important for Catholics today?

Psalm 90 is important because it offers guidance for modern life. It encourages us to make good use of our time, seek God’s help in our struggles, and remember that true success comes from Him. It also reassures us that God is always with us, no matter what happens.

How can I apply the lessons from Psalm 90 in my daily life?

You can apply the lessons from Psalm 90 by prioritizing your relationship with God, making wise decisions, and asking for His blessing in your work. It’s also important to remember that life is short and to use your time in ways that honor God.


Psalm 90 is a prayer written by Moses, reflecting on the eternal nature of God and the shortness of human life. In this psalm, Moses acknowledges that God has been our refuge throughout all generations. He reminds us that while God is eternal, our lives on earth are brief and filled with challenges.

The psalm calls us to live wisely, asking God to teach us to number our days. This means we should recognize the value of time and use it well, focusing on what truly matters—our relationship with God and how we live our lives.

Moses also speaks about the hardships and sins that people face. He asks for God’s mercy and for joy to fill our days. The psalm ends with a plea for God’s blessing on the work we do, recognizing that without God’s help, our efforts may be in vain.

For Catholics, Psalm 90 is a reminder to trust in God’s eternal presence, seek His guidance in our daily lives, and rely on His mercy and blessings. It encourages us to live with purpose, knowing that our time on earth is limited, and our true home is with God.

Your Turn

Take some time to read Psalm 90 today. Reflect on the messages it offers about life, time, and trusting in God. Consider how these themes apply to your own life and the challenges you face.

After reading, share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section below. Let’s discuss how this psalm speaks to us today and how we can live out its teachings in our daily lives. Your insights might help others on their own faith journey.

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