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Litany of the Call to Discipleship

This Litany of the Call to Discipleship asks our Lord to give us the grace to be His disciples. It focuses on various people in the gospel and asks for the grace to answer His call as they did.

A litany is a prayer which includes requests and repetition. Usually a leader says the first part of a line and everyone responds with the second part.

Litany of the Call to Discipleship

Copyright 2022 Young-Catholics.com

Lord have mercy … Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy … Christ have mercy.
Hear my prayer … Hear my prayer.

You called your mother Mary … Teach me to say yes.
You sent the angel Gabriel … Teach me to say yes.
You came into our world … Teach me to say yes.

You called to your apostles … Make me a fisher of people.
They left their nets and boats … Make me a fisher of people.
They spread your gospel everywhere … Make me a fisher of people.

You called the woman at the well … Let me thirst for you.
You knew all of her weaknesses … Let me thirst for you.
You call sinners back to you … Let me thirst for you.

You called the crippled and the lame … Heal me Lord.
You called the blind and the lepers … Heal me Lord.
You called the outcast and forgotten … Heal me Lord.

You called Peter on the water … Help me trust in you.
You walked with him on the sea … Help me trust in you.
You saved him when he faltered … Help me trust in you.

You called the little girl who was asleep unto death … Bring me back to life.
You called Lazarus from the tomb … Bring me back to life.
You are the Resurrection and the Life … Bring me back to life.

Call to me Lord Jesus Christ … Grant me strength to answer.
Send me to your people … Grant me strength to answer.
Let me call them to you. … Grant me strength to answer.

Lord have mercy … Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy … Christ have mercy.
Hear my prayer … Hear my prayer.


Litany of Humility

This is another litany, praying to have the humility not to be admired and to be center stage. This fits in well with discipleship also.

More Litanies

See more litanies for various needs:

  • Litany for Liberty
  • Litany for Life
  • Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus
  • Litany of the Most Precious Blood
  • Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  • Litany of St. Joseph

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