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The Pig Food Race is a fun and engaging Prodigal Son game. In the parable, the son found himself feeding pigs and longing for their food. This game helps youth imagine what it might have felt like to be in that situation. It gives them a chance to think about the Prodigal Son’s journey in a hands-on way.

Through this game, youth can reflect on the consequences of poor choices, just like the son in the parable. By pretending to root around for food like pigs, they experience a small part of the story. It can spark discussion about how sin can lead us to difficult and uncomfortable situations.

The game also encourages humility. The Prodigal Son had to humble himself to return to his father and ask for forgiveness. Crawling on the floor with only their noses to push a ball helps youth see how humbling life can be when we go astray. It can be a lighthearted way to talk about serious matters like repentance and forgiveness.

Finally, the game brings everyone together in a fun and competitive way. It helps create bonds among the participants. It can open up conversations and help them understand the message of mercy and love from the Prodigal Son’s father.

Connecting the Game to Biblical Lessons

The Pig Food Race can be tied to the theme of humility found throughout the Bible. In the story of the Prodigal Son, the younger son reaches a low point in his life, feeding pigs and longing for their food. The game gives youth a small taste of this humility by having them crawl on the ground, like the son who lost everything. It helps them reflect on how sin can bring us down, but also how humility is needed to return to God.

This game can also be linked to the theme of repentance. The Prodigal Son realized his mistakes and turned back to his father. In the same way, youth can learn that no matter how far they stray, they can always come back to God through repentance. The act of pushing the ball with their noses reminds them of how turning back to God might seem difficult, but it’s always possible.

The game also touches on the theme of God’s mercy. Just as the father in the parable welcomed his son back with open arms, God is always ready to forgive. Youth can reflect on how, even after making mistakes, God loves them and will always accept them when they seek forgiveness. This game helps open up conversations about the boundless mercy of God.

Pig Food Race – Prodigal Son Game Directions


  • Soft foam balls (one per participant)
  • Open play area (gym, cafeteria, or hard surface)
  • Tape or cones to mark starting and ending points


  1. Mark a starting line on one end of the play area.
  2. Mark an end point at the other end of the play area.
  3. Make sure each participant has a foam ball.

How to Play:

  1. Have each participant line up at the starting line with their ball in front of them.
  2. Explain that they can only use their nose to push the ball forward.
  3. On your signal, have them start pushing their ball toward the end point.
  4. The first person to get their ball to the end point wins.

Additional Notes:

  • If space is limited, make the play area shorter or have fewer participants in each race.
  • For a longer game, have them go to the end and back to the starting line.
  • The game works best on a hard surface like a gym floor. Grass or carpet can make it harder.
  • Make sure the balls are soft to avoid any injuries.


Why play games in youth ministry?

More Youth Ministry Games

Looking for more fun games like the Pig Food Race Prodigal Son Game? Visit Young Catholics Youth Ministry Games for more ideas to engage your youth group. You’ll find a variety of games that teach faith lessons while keeping things exciting and interactive. These activities help connect Biblical stories to everyday life, making catechesis both fun and meaningful for youth. Whether you’re planning a retreat, youth night, or faith formation event, you’ll find plenty of inspiration to make learning about our faith enjoyable.

Questions and Answers about the Pig Food Race Prodigal Son Game

What is the Pig Food Race Prodigal Son Game?

The Pig Food Race Prodigal Son Game is a fun activity where participants push foam balls with their noses, representing the Prodigal Son’s struggle in the Bible. It’s a great way to teach humility and repentance.

How does this game relate to the Prodigal Son?

The game connects to the story of the Prodigal Son when he ends up feeding pigs. The participants experience humility by crawling on the floor, like the son who had to humble himself. It makes participants look like pigs rooting for food.

What materials are needed for the Pig Food Race Prodigal Son Game?

You’ll need soft foam balls and an open play area. You can also use tape or cones to mark starting and ending points.

How can this game be used in youth ministry?

The Pig Food Race Prodigal Son Game can teach important themes like humility, repentance, and God’s mercy in a fun, hands-on way. It helps youth connect with the parable through active participation.

Is the game safe for all ages?

Yes, the Prodigal Son game is safe, especially if you use soft foam balls. Make sure to play on a flat, hard surface and watch for any obstacles to avoid injury.


The Pig Food Race Prodigal Son Game is a creative way to bring the parable of the Prodigal Son to life for youth. In this game, participants push foam balls with their noses, simulating the Prodigal Son’s experience of feeding pigs. This fun, physical activity helps youth relate to the story in a hands-on way. It can be used to teach important lessons about humility, repentance, and God’s forgiveness.

This Prodigal Son game begins with each participant lining up with a foam ball. The challenge is to push the ball using only their nose, making it a humorous yet humbling experience. It can be played in a gym, cafeteria, or any open space. The game reminds participants of how sin can bring us to low places, just like the Prodigal Son who found himself feeding pigs. It’s a simple, fun way to reflect on the consequences of our choices.

The Pig Food Race Prodigal Son Game also opens up discussions about repentance. After the son realized his mistake, he returned to his father and asked for forgiveness. This game allows youth to think about how hard it can be to turn back from sin, but how it is always possible with God’s mercy. The game provides a lighthearted yet meaningful way to connect faith with real-life experiences.

Your Turn

Try the Pig Food Race Prodigal Son Game with your youth group! It’s a fun way to teach important lessons about humility and repentance. Give it a try and see how your group reacts. If you come up with your own variations or have tips for making the game even better, share them in the comments! Let’s learn from each other and create even more ways to connect faith and fun.

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