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Jelly Donut Feeding

Jelly donut feeding is a messy food game. It involves blindfolds and sticky jelly doughnuts! Have some cleanup supplies on hand.

This is played as an up front game. Have two or three pairs competing against each other.

Jelly Doughnut Feeding Game


  • Jelly donuts - 3 per pair
  • Paper plates - 1 per pair
  • Blindfolds - 2 per pair


  1. Get four or six volunteers and divide them into pairs.
  2. Have the pairs sit opposite each other.
  3. Put a plate with 3 donuts on it in front of one member of the pair.
  4. Give all players a blindfold and have them put it on.
  5. One member of each pair (the one with the donuts) will try to feed the donuts to their partner
    • The person being fed cannot use his or her hands. They must keep their hands behind their back.
    • The feeder can only use one hand. They must keep their other hand behind their back.
  6. The first pair to successfully have one person feed all three donuts to the other person wins. Alternately, set a time limit and whoever consumes the most wins.

More Resources

Donut Fishing

This is another funny donut game which will get everyone laughing. It is only a little messy, so it can easily be done indoors. Your teens will love it.

Astronaut Pudding

If you don't want use doughnuts, you can make up some astronaut pudding and have one person feed it to the other. This will also be very messy!

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