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The Are There Pets In Heaven? Lesson Plan on Resurrection helps young people think about what heaven is really about. Many imagine heaven as a place where they will see loved ones, pets, and favorite things. While this can be a comforting thought, Jesus teaches that heaven is beyond what we expect. This lesson helps youth see that heaven is more than just a continuation of life on earth.

This lesson uses a passage from Luke’s Gospel where Jesus speaks about the resurrection. The Sadducees ask him a tricky question, but he explains that life after death is different from life now. The lesson helps young people understand that heaven is not just about what makes us happy but about being united with God. This challenges them to think more deeply about their faith.

One common question is whether there are pets in heaven. Many feel a deep love for their pets and want to know if they will see them again. The lesson does not give a simple yes or no answer but helps youth see that our greatest joy will be in God. It encourages them to trust that whatever heaven is like, it will be better than anything they can imagine.

By exploring these ideas, young people learn to focus on God rather than their own desires. They see that heaven is about love, joy, and complete union with God. This lesson helps them grow in faith and prepares them to see heaven in a new way.

Opening Game

To start this lesson, play the game Animal Sounds. This is a fun and simple game where players use animal noises to find their partner. It gets everyone moving and laughing while also introducing the topic of animals in our lives. Make sure everyone understands the rules before starting. After playing, use the follow-up questions below to get the group thinking about the role animals play in our happiness. You can find the full instructions for the game here: Animal Sounds Game.

Follow-up Questions:

  • Was it easy or difficult to find your partner?
  • Who was the best at making their animal sound? The worst?
  • What was your favorite animal in the room?

Animals bring a lot of fun and joy to our lives. Whether it’s a pet we love, a favorite wild animal, or just a funny creature we’ve seen, animals make life more interesting. We give them names, play with them, and even talk to them. Some animals, like pets, become part of our families. They bring us comfort, companionship, and happiness.

Because of this, many people wonder what happens to animals after they die. We might ask if we will see our pets in heaven again one day. If heaven is a place of happiness, wouldn’t it include the things that made us happy on earth? It’s a good question, and one that many people have asked. But Jesus teaches us that heaven is more than just a perfect version of life on earth. It is something even greater.

Today, we will talk about the question, Are there pets in heaven? This will help us think about what heaven really is. It is good to wonder about these things and to ask questions. The more we understand about heaven, the more we can trust in God’s plan for us. Let’s see what Jesus teaches about eternal life and what that means for everything we love, including our pets.

Scripture Reading

Luke 20:27-38 or Luke 20:27,34-38 (Jesus Talks about Heaven) – the Gospel Reading for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C

Some Sadducees, those who deny that there is a resurrection, came forward [and put this question to Jesus, saying,

“Teacher, Moses wrote for us, If someone’s brother dies leaving a wife but no child, his brother must take the wife and raise up descendants for his brother.

Now there were seven brothers; the first married a woman but died childless. Then the second and the third married her, and likewise all the seven died childless. Finally the woman also died. Now at the resurrection whose wife will that woman be? For all seven had been married to her.”]

Jesus said to them, “The children of this age marry and remarry; but those who are deemed worthy to attain to the coming age and to the resurrection of the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage. They can no longer die, for they are like angels; and they are the children of God because they are the ones who will rise.

That the dead will rise even Moses made known in the passage about the bush, when he called out ‘Lord, ‘ the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; and he is not God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.”

Luke 20:27-38 or Luke 20:27,34-38


Are There Pets in Heaven?

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine heaven. Think about what you might see. Are there bright colors, beautiful landscapes, or something completely different? What do you hear? Maybe music, laughter, or the voices of loved ones. What about smells and tastes? Imagine your favorite foods or a fresh, clean breeze. Now reach out—what do you feel? Maybe the warmth of sunlight, the softness of grass, or something unknown.

Now, open your eyes. Each of us has our own idea of heaven. Maybe you pictured family and friends, pets, or favorite places. It’s natural to think about heaven in a way that makes sense to us. But today’s Gospel reminds us that heaven may not be what we expect. Jesus tells us that the resurrection will bring something new—something beyond our imagination.

What Did Jesus Say About Heaven?

In today’s reading from Luke, some people called the Sadducees asked Jesus a tricky question. They didn’t believe in the resurrection, so they tried to make the idea sound silly. They asked about a woman who had been married seven times because of an old Jewish law. When she and her husbands were resurrected, they wanted to know whose wife she would be.

Jesus answered that heaven is not just an extension of life on earth. He explained that in the resurrection, people will not marry like they do now. They will be like angels, fully alive in a new way. He reminded them that God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. This means that those who belong to God will live forever with Him.

This is an important lesson for us. Sometimes, we try to picture heaven based on what makes us happy now. We think about seeing family, enjoying our favorite things, or even having pets in heaven. But Jesus teaches that heaven is not just about making us happy—it’s about being with God.

Are Pets in Heaven?

This brings us to a question many people ask: Are there pets in heaven? If you love your pet, you might hope the answer is yes. Pets bring joy, comfort, and companionship. They are part of our lives, and losing them can be very painful. It makes sense that we would want to see them again.

The Bible doesn’t give a clear answer. Some saints and theologians, like St. Thomas Aquinas, taught that animals do not have eternal souls like humans do. If that’s true, then they would not be part of heaven in the same way we are. But other parts of Scripture suggest that all creation will be made new. In Romans 8, St. Paul writes that the whole world is waiting for redemption. Revelation 21 talks about a new heaven and a new earth. Could this mean animals will be there? Maybe.

We don’t know exactly how it will work, but we do know this: Heaven will be better than anything we can imagine. If pets in heaven are part of God’s perfect plan, then they will be there. If not, we will still have everything we need to be completely happy.

What is Heaven Really About?

It’s easy to focus on what we want heaven to be like. But the real question is: What is heaven really about? Jesus teaches that heaven is about perfect joy in God’s presence. Nothing else will matter because we will be completely filled with His love.

If we think, “I can’t be happy in heaven without my pet,” then we might not be seeing the bigger picture. Our love for pets is real and good, but it is small compared to the love we will experience with God. When we are fully united with Him, we won’t feel any loss or sadness. We won’t need anything else to make us happy—He will be enough.

Trusting in God’s Plan

It’s okay to wonder about these things. It’s okay to hope we will see our pets in heaven. But more than anything, we need to trust in God’s plan. He knows what will bring us the greatest joy. Heaven is not about holding on to what we love now—it’s about discovering something even greater.

So instead of focusing on whether there are pets in heaven, focus on getting there. Love God with all your heart. Follow Jesus. Live with faith and hope. Because no matter what heaven looks like, it will be more amazing than we can ever imagine.

Small Group Reflection Questions

Small group discussions help everyone share their thoughts and learn from each other. Encourage youth to listen respectfully and allow everyone a chance to speak. There are no wrong answers, but challenge them to think about what Jesus teaches. Guide the conversation toward a deeper understanding of heaven and our relationship with God.

  • What do you imagine heaven will be like?
  • How does Jesus’ teaching in Luke 20:27-38 challenge our ideas about heaven?
  • Why do you think people want to know if there are pets in heaven?
  • What does it mean that heaven is about being with God more than anything else?
  • If heaven is different from life on earth, what should we focus on now to prepare for it?
  • How can trusting in God’s plan help us when we don’t have all the answers?
  • What does the idea of resurrection mean to you?
  • How does knowing that heaven is beyond our imagination help us grow in faith?


This week, take some time in prayer to think about your image of heaven again. Picture all the things that make it feel wonderful to you. Then, one by one, offer them back to God. Thank Him for each one, and then tell Him that, even without it, you trust that being with Him will be enough. If you imagine seeing loved ones, pets, or favorite things, let God know you are grateful for them. Then, place them in His hands and say, “Lord, I trust that You are all I need.”

If some things feel too hard to give up, that’s okay. Tell God honestly and ask Him for the grace to trust Him more. Letting go is a process, and He understands. Be patient with yourself. Remember that God delights in the love you have for His creation. He is not asking you to love less—He is asking you to love Him most. In heaven, nothing will be missing because He will fill you with perfect joy.


To end, take a moment to pray the Suscipe, a beautiful prayer by St. Ignatius of Loyola. This prayer is all about trust. It is about giving everything to God—our hopes, our dreams, and even the things we love most—because we know that He is enough. Praying this can be hard, but it is also freeing. When we let go and trust God completely, we find true peace.

As you pray, try to mean the words as much as you can. If some parts feel difficult, ask God to help you grow in trust. He knows your heart and loves you deeply. Let this prayer be your way of saying, “Lord, I am Yours, and I know that You will take care of me.”

You can find a printable copy of the Suscipe prayer here: Suscipe Prayer – Take, Lord, Receive. Pray it slowly, and let the words sink in. Then, rest in God’s presence, knowing that He is enough.

More Resources

This Will My Pet Be in Heaven? video from Fr. Mike Schmitz gives a good explanation and can be used to augment this lesson.


  • Resurrection of the Body: Jesus teaches that we will rise to new life after death. This lesson helps youth understand that heaven is different from life on earth. The focus is on our union with God, not just our personal desires.
  • God is Our Joy: Many people wonder if there are pets in heaven because they want to be happy. True happiness in heaven comes from being with God. Nothing else will matter once we are fully united with Him.
  • Trusting in God’s Plan: We may not know exactly what heaven will be like. But we can trust that God has something better than we can imagine. If there are pets in heaven, it will be because they fit into His perfect plan.
  • New Life in Christ: Jesus explains that heaven is not just a continuation of our earthly life. It is something completely new and different. This lesson helps youth understand that our focus should be on preparing for this new life with God.
  • Creation and Redemption: Scripture says that all creation is waiting to be made new. Some believe this could mean that animals will be part of the new heaven and new earth. If there are pets in heaven, it will be part of God’s renewal of all things.
  • Love for All Creatures: The Church teaches that we should care for animals as part of God’s creation. Loving animals is good, but our love for God should be even greater. If there are pets in heaven, it will be because God wills it, not just because we want it.
  • Detachment from Earthly Things: We often cling to things that bring us comfort. But heaven is about loving God above all else. If we think we cannot be happy without pets in heaven, we need to trust God more fully.
  • The Sadducees’ Question: The Sadducees tried to trap Jesus with a tricky question about the resurrection. Jesus answered by showing that heaven is not like life on earth. This lesson helps youth see that we must be open to God’s greater plan.
  • Seeking First the Kingdom: Jesus tells us to seek God above all else. If we put Him first, everything else will fall into place. Whether or not there are pets in heaven, our greatest joy will be in God’s presence.
  • Heaven is Beyond Imagination: We try to picture heaven based on what makes us happy now. But Jesus teaches that it is something far greater. If there are pets in heaven, it will be in a way that fits God’s perfect design.

Background Material

The question of whether there are pets in heaven is one that many people ask, especially those who have lost a beloved animal. The Catholic Church does not give a direct answer, but it does teach us important truths about heaven, the resurrection, and God’s plan for creation. This lesson helps young people understand that heaven is not just about what makes us happy, but about being with God forever.

In Luke 20:27-38, Jesus speaks to the Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection. They ask a tricky question about marriage in heaven, trying to challenge Jesus. But He tells them that life after death is not like life on earth. He explains that in the resurrection, people will no longer marry but will be like the angels. This shows that heaven is different from what we expect. The same is true when we ask about pets in heaven. Heaven is about something greater than our earthly relationships and comforts.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that in heaven, we will see God face to face and experience perfect joy. It says, “Heaven is the ultimate end and fulfillment of the deepest human longings, the state of supreme, definitive happiness” (CCC 1024). This means that in heaven, we will not need anything else to be happy, not even our pets. Our happiness will come from being fully united with God.

At the same time, Scripture speaks about all of creation being renewed. In Romans 8:19-21, St. Paul says that all creation is waiting to be set free and share in the glory of God’s children. This suggests that animals, as part of creation, may have a place in God’s plan for the new heaven and new earth. In Revelation 21:1, St. John describes a vision of a new heaven and a new earth, where God makes all things new. While this does not give a clear answer about pets in heaven, it does show that God is restoring all creation.

St. Thomas Aquinas, a great Catholic theologian, taught that animals do not have immortal souls like humans. He believed that since animals do not have reason, they do not experience heaven as people do. However, other theologians suggest that animals could be part of the new creation in some way. Pope St. Paul VI once comforted a child whose pet had died, saying, “One day we will see our animals again in the eternity of Christ.” This shows that the Church allows room for hope on this question.

The most important thing to remember is that heaven is about God. If pets in heaven are part of His perfect plan, they will be there. If not, we can trust that we will still have complete joy. This lesson helps young people see that while it is okay to ask about pets in heaven, the real focus should be on our relationship with God. Heaven is not just about what we want—it is about being with Him forever.

Music Suggestions

More Youth Ministry Lesson Plans and Reflections

Looking for more resources to engage youth in their faith? Our website offers many free lesson plans and reflections to help teachers, youth ministers, and catechists lead meaningful discussions. These lessons cover important topics like prayer, sacraments, and scripture in a way that connects with young people.

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Questions and Answers for the Are There Pets In Heaven? Lesson Plan on Resurrection

What is the main goal of this Are There Pets In Heaven? lesson?

The lesson helps youth understand that heaven is not just about personal happiness but about being with God. It encourages them to think about the resurrection and trust in God’s plan. The question of pets in heaven is a way to explore deeper truths about faith.

Does the Catholic Church teach that there are pets in heaven?

The Church does not give a clear answer. Some theologians, like St. Thomas Aquinas, say animals do not have eternal souls. Others point to Scripture passages that suggest creation will be renewed, which could include animals.

What Bible passage is used in this Are There Pets In Heaven? lesson?

This lesson is based on Luke 20:27-38. Jesus explains to the Sadducees that heaven is different from life on earth. He teaches that our focus should be on eternal life with God.

How does this lesson fit into Catholic teaching?

It connects to the resurrection of the body, the renewal of creation, and trusting in God’s plan. The Catechism teaches that heaven is complete union with God. If there are pets in heaven, it will be because it fits into His perfect design.

Why do people ask if there are pets in heaven?

Many people love their pets and want to see them again. This question helps start a deeper conversation about what heaven is really about. It reminds us that God is our greatest joy.

How can this lesson help young people grow in faith?

It encourages them to think beyond their own desires. It helps them trust that God has something better than they can imagine. It also strengthens their understanding of the resurrection and eternal life.

What if a student insists that pets must be in heaven?

Acknowledge their feelings and remind them that God wants them to be completely happy. Explain that if they are fully united with God, they will lack nothing. Heaven will be greater than anything we can understand now.

Does the Are There Pets In Heaven? lesson give a yes or no answer?

No, the lesson does not give a definite answer. Instead, it helps students think about heaven in a new way. It shifts the focus from pets in heaven to our ultimate joy in God.

How does this lesson handle grief over a lost pet?

It recognizes that losing a pet is hard and that God cares about our sorrow. It reminds students that heaven will bring complete joy. It also reassures them that God’s love is greater than any loss.

Can this lesson be used with younger children?

Yes, but some ideas may need to be simplified. Younger children may need more focus on trusting God and His love. The discussion can be adjusted based on their understanding.

Beyond Pets in Heaven: A Greater Joy

The Are There Pets In Heaven? Lesson Plan on Resurrection helps young people think about heaven in a new way. Many start by picturing a place filled with the things they love, including pets. But Jesus teaches that heaven is not just an extension of life on earth. It is something completely different and better.

This lesson encourages youth to focus on their relationship with God. The joy of heaven is not about getting everything we want but about being with God forever. If there are pets in heaven, it will be because it is part of His perfect plan.

By discussing this question, young people learn to trust in God’s promise. They grow in their understanding of the resurrection and eternal life. They also see that God’s love is greater than anything they can imagine. This lesson helps them prepare their hearts for heaven, where true happiness is found in Him.

Your Turn

The Are There Pets In Heaven? Lesson Plan on Resurrection is a great way to engage youth in a deep conversation about faith. It helps them think beyond their own desires and focus on God’s promise of eternal life. Try this lesson with your group and see how they respond.

We’d love to hear how it goes! Share your experiences and any variations you used in the comments. Your insights can help others lead meaningful discussions about heaven and the resurrection.

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