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Daily Mass Readings for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2

  • First ReadingPhilippians 3:17-4:1: Imitate my example and observe those who live by our model. Many oppose Christ’s sacrifice; their fate is ruin. We await Jesus from heaven to transform us and all things.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 122: We are glad to enter Jerusalem and its temple, the unified city where tribes gather to thank the LORD and uphold justice as decreed for Israel.
  • Gospel Luke 16:1-8: A rich man’s steward, accused of wasting his employer’s resources, is about to lose his job. He cleverly reduces the debts of his master’s debtors to secure future favors from them. Surprisingly, the rich man praises the dishonest steward for his shrewdness, noting the worldly are wise in their dealings.

And the master commended that dishonest steward for acting prudently. For the children of this world are more prudent in dealing with their own generation than the children of light.

Luke 16:8

Themes for the Readings for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2

The readings for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 explore the importance of living as examples of faith, preparing for eternal life, and managing our earthly responsibilities wisely. These passages encourage us to examine our actions, values, and priorities in light of God’s call.

  • Following Good Examples: Paul urges believers to follow his example in faith, emphasizing the importance of living as good role models. This reminds us that our actions affect others and calls us to live in ways that inspire faith.
  • Heavenly Citizenship: Paul speaks about the difference between earthly concerns and heavenly ones, encouraging believers to focus on their eternal home. This theme reminds us to live with heaven in mind, shaping our choices to align with God’s values.
  • Living with Integrity: The Gospel parable highlights the importance of integrity in our dealings, especially in matters of responsibility. Jesus calls us to act with honesty and faithfulness in all situations, recognizing that our actions have lasting consequences.
  • Using Earthly Resources Wisely: In the parable, the steward is praised for his shrewdness in managing resources, which can remind us to use our time and gifts well. God invites us to make good use of what we have, sharing and investing in ways that serve others.
  • The Value of Accountability: The steward is held accountable for his actions, which serves as a reminder of our own accountability to God. This encourages us to consider our decisions carefully, knowing that we will ultimately answer to God for how we have lived.
  • Striving for Faithfulness: Both readings encourage steadfastness and commitment to God’s ways. Paul’s encouragement to “stand firm” reminds us to stay strong in our faith, regardless of the distractions or temptations around us.

The themes for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 prompt us to reflect on our priorities, integrity, and dedication to God. By living with an awareness of eternity and using our resources faithfully, we grow closer to the life that God calls us to lead.

Thoughts for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2

The readings for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 bring us lessons about prioritizing heaven, using our gifts wisely, and staying committed in faith. Paul’s words and Jesus’ parable remind us that our true home is with God and that each decision we make on earth can reflect this. These reflections invite us to focus on eternal values, be thoughtful stewards of what God has given us, and stand firm in our faith, regardless of what we face.

Our True Home in Heaven

In the first reading for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2, Paul points to a profound difference between earthly and heavenly concerns, encouraging believers to live with heaven as their goal. For Paul, this focus is essential because our eternal home with God is our true destination.

When we recognize that our choices have eternal importance, we naturally become more intentional in living according to God’s values. This focus isn’t about disregarding earthly responsibilities, but about letting our faith guide every area of life. Each decision becomes a small step toward preparing for our eternal home with God.

In living this way, our perspective changes, and the temporary nature of earthly desires becomes clearer. We become more grateful and humble, seeing each moment and resource as a gift meant to help us grow spiritually and serve others. Paul’s reminder to focus on heaven is an invitation to see our lives in the light of God’s eternity, encouraging us to live each day with a faithful and purposeful heart.

Shrewdness with God’s Gifts

In the parable from Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2, Jesus tells a story of a steward who wisely uses his resources in a challenging situation. While the steward’s motivations may have been imperfect, his actions show that our talents and resources are tools for God’s purposes.

This reading encourages us to be wise and intentional with what we have, seeing our time, skills, and possessions as means to help others and further God’s mission in our lives. The call is not only to be generous but to be proactive and thoughtful, using all we have in ways that benefit others and honor God.

When we take stock of our gifts in this way, we begin to see our responsibilities differently, understanding that each choice reflects our commitment to God’s kingdom. Jesus uses this parable to encourage us to be shrewd and strategic in our faith, investing our resources in ways that bring lasting goodness. This way of living honors God and deepens our sense of purpose, making each day a chance to live out our call to serve and love.

Standing Firm in Faith

Both readings for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 emphasize the importance of standing firm in our faith. Paul’s encouragement to “stand firm” speaks to the heart of discipleship, reminding us to stay committed to God’s ways, even when life presents distractions or hardships. This theme of steadfastness is important in all seasons of life, as our faith may be challenged in various ways. Standing firm does not mean stubbornness, but rather a steady dedication to Christ that holds strong, regardless of circumstance.

Jesus’ parable supports this call by showing the importance of consistency in managing what we have been given. As we grow in faith, we are called to make choices that reflect our dedication, even if it means forgoing temporary pleasures or comforts.

Through steadfastness, we show our trust in God and our commitment to living in a way that reflects Christ’s love and truth to the world. By staying close to God, we grow stronger, and our lives become a witness to the stability and hope that faith brings.

Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 reminds us to stay centered on our journey to God, using our time, gifts, and choices wisely. As we live with heaven in mind, we are encouraged to remain steady and committed in our faith. May these reflections help us live with a sense of purpose, always aligning our lives with the eternal home we are called to in Christ.


Lord, guide us to keep our hearts fixed on You as our true home. Help us use our talents and resources wisely to serve others and honor Your name. May we stay strong in our faith, even when challenged, and live each day in a way that reflects Your love and purpose. Amen.

Reflection Questions

  • How does focusing on heaven change my outlook on my daily choices?
  • In what ways can I be more intentional with my gifts and resources?
  • What distractions keep me from standing firm in my faith?
  • How can I better reflect God’s love and purpose to those around me?

Homilies and Reflections for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2

USCCB Reflection: Living Faith Through Actions and Example

In this video reflection for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2, Deacon Bernard Nojadera speaks about living a life that reflects our core values and faith. He emphasizes that our actions reveal who we are and show others our commitment to God. Deacon Nojadera shares lessons from his father, a Navy man, whose faith and conduct influenced him deeply. His father’s example of prayer, service, and humility taught him the importance of compassion and integrity. Deacon Nojadera encourages us to live with purpose, staying true to our faith, and leading others by example, as Christ calls us to.

Dynamic Catholic: The Wisdom of Now

On Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2, Matthew Kelly from Dynamic Catholic reflects on Jesus’ parable of the dishonest steward. Jesus praises the steward’s shrewdness, not his dishonesty, showing that practical wisdom is needed in our lives. Kelly explains that while we seek eternal values, we also live in a world where responsibilities like managing money, work, and daily needs require our attention. Spiritual growth doesn’t mean ignoring these things; instead, it means handling them wisely, with a balance of spiritual and practical insight. Kelly asks how God might be calling us to live wisely and responsibly.

Order of Preachers: Trust in the Lord Always

In this reflection for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2, Fr. Don Goergen reflects on the Gospel parable of the dishonest steward and how we, as followers of Christ, can learn from it. While the steward’s actions are not moral, his shrewd planning teaches us to approach life with prudence and wisdom, especially during uncertain times. Fr. Goergen reminds us that, though life is often challenging, our faith provides consolation and trust in God’s providence. He encourages us to live with purpose, aligning our actions with Gospel values, and working toward a world filled with compassion and justice.

Word on Fire: Take a Hard Look

In this reflection for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time, Bishop Barron highlights the importance of self-reflection as shown in the Gospel, encouraging a thorough evaluation of personal spiritual health. He urges taking stock of one’s prayer life, sacramental participation, and engagement with works of mercy, as well as advocating for justice. Bishop Barron calls for decisive action in making Jesus Christ central in one’s life, emphasizing the necessity of firmness and boldness in the spiritual journey.

USCCB Reflection: A Story Turned Around

This USCCB video reflection for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time explains that Jesus’ parables often use everyday scenarios to deliver unexpected lessons, reversing conventional expectations. In Luke 16, a dishonest steward, about to lose his job for mismanagement, cleverly manipulates debts owed to his master to secure his own future. This twist serves to underline a larger point: the importance of using worldly resources shrewdly to foster future, more meaningful relationships. Luke uses this story to convey Jesus’ message that while earthly possessions are temporary, how we use them can have eternal implications, urging his followers to be as savvy with spiritual investments as others are with earthly ones.

Questions and Answers for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2

What date is Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?

The next date is Friday November 6, 2026.

Cycle 1 is used in odd numbered years and Cycle 2 is used in even numbered years. The gospel is the same for both years. For odd numbered years see Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1.

What are the Mass readings for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?

The Mass readings for Friday November 6, 2026 are:
First Reading – Philippians 3:17-4:1: Model of Conduct
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 122: Joy in Jerusalem
Gospel – Luke 16:1-8: The Shrewd Steward

What does it mean to follow Paul’s example in faith in the first reading for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?

Paul encourages believers to live as he does, focusing on faith and commitment to Christ. This means seeking a life centered on God, avoiding distractions, and following Christ’s teachings, just as Paul does.

Why does Paul talk about heavenly citizenship?

Paul speaks about heavenly citizenship to remind us that our true home is with God. He invites us to see our lives on earth as preparation for eternal life, encouraging us to prioritize spiritual growth over temporary goals.

How does the first reading for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 talk about standing firm?

Paul encourages the believers to stand firm in their faith, meaning to stay committed and not to be swayed by temptations or challenges. Dedication to God’s ways is essential for spiritual growth.

What lesson does the parable of the dishonest steward teach in the Gospel for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?

The Gospel parable highlights the need to be wise and careful with what we have. It reminds us to be responsible with our time, talents, and resources, using them in ways that help others and bring us closer to God.

Why was the steward praised for his actions?

In the Gospel reading, the steward is praised for his clever management of resources, not for his dishonesty. Jesus uses this story to show that we should be thoughtful and proactive in our lives, especially in our spiritual commitments.

Why is accountability emphasized in these readings?

Accountability is a central theme, shown through the steward’s need to answer for his actions. It reminds us that we too will give an account to God for how we have used the gifts, time, and opportunities given to us.

What does it mean to use earthly resources wisely?

Using resources wisely means managing our time, money, and talents with care and generosity. The readings for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2 encourage us to view our resources as tools for helping others and growing closer to God’s will.

How can we apply the message of heavenly focus in daily life?

Keeping a heavenly focus means aligning daily decisions with God’s will and purpose. We must prioritize our faith and values, aiming to live in a way that prepares us for eternity with God.

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