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Guide Me to Heaven Game for VBS Or Youth Ministry

About the Guide Me to Heaven Game

Guide Me to Heaven is a game which helps youth understand the importance of clear instructions and helping each other stay on the right path. It goes well with a meeting focused on friends or the teaching of the Church.

The idea is that one youth gives instructions to other youth who are blindfolded. The first team to get everyone to "heaven" wins.

A Variation

If you want to use this game to teach how the Church's teachings make it easier for people to get to heaven, have three teams. Call one team "Catholics", one team "Christians", and one team "non Christians". The "Catholics" play with normal rules. The person giving instructions for the "Christians" can only use words which have four letters or less. The person giving instructions for the "non Christians" can only use words which begin with vowels. (Or make up your own restrictions.) This will show how everyone can get to heaven, but it is easier for Catholics.

How to Play Guide Me to Heaven Game

This is a game which helps youth understand the importance of clear instructions and helping each other stay on the right path. It goes well with a meeting focused on friends or the teaching of the Church.


  • Something to mark the finish line to heaven, such as two chairs
  • Some obstacles for the play area that the players must navigate around – chairs, tables, etc.
  • blindfolds - having a different color for each team works well


  • Divide the group into two or more teams. Each team should choose a leader.
  • All of the team members except the leader should be blindfolded.
  • Line up each team at the start line.
  • The team leaders should be near the finish line. Each leader gives verbal instructions to the first team member to help them navigate to the finish line.
  • When one team member gets to the finish line, the next team member in line can start receiving instructions.
  • The first team to get all of their members to “heaven” wins.


Only one member from each team should be in the play area at a time

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