Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time
Tuesday November 10, 2026

Daily Mass Readings for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2
- First Reading – Titus 2:1-8, 11-14: Teachings urge older men and women to exemplify virtue, self-control, and faith, guiding the younger to live with integrity and righteousness, in anticipation of Christ’s saving grace.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 37: Trust in the Lord and do good to dwell securely and receive your heart’s desires. The Lord guides and watches over the just, ensuring their eternal inheritance.
- Gospel – Luke 17:7-10: Jesus taught the Apostles about humility in service, using the example of a servant’s expected duties. Just as a servant fulfills their role without expecting gratitude, so should the Apostles consider themselves as merely doing their duty to God when they obey His commands, without seeking special recognition or reward.
We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.
Luke 17:10
Themes for the Readings for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2
On Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 2, the readings encourage believers to live faithful, humble lives. Paul calls for sound teaching and self-control, while Jesus speaks about humble service without expecting rewards.
- Sound Doctrine: Paul teaches that believers must hold to the truth. This requires learning and sharing the faith in a way that strengthens others.
- Self-Control: The readings encourage self-discipline in thoughts and actions. Living with self-control helps believers follow God’s will and resist temptation.
- Good Example: Paul urges Christians to live in a way that sets a good example. This means being upright and kind in speech and actions, especially to those around us.
- God’s Saving Grace: The letter to Titus reminds us of God’s grace given through Jesus. This grace offers salvation to all and calls us to live lives of gratitude.
- Renouncing Worldly Passions: Believers are called to turn away from things that pull them away from God. This means focusing on what truly matters and avoiding what distracts from a faithful life.
- Humble Service: Jesus teaches about serving others without expecting praise or reward. True service means doing good for its own sake, out of love for God.
- Hope for Holiness: Paul speaks of looking forward to Christ’s coming with hope. This hope inspires Christians to live righteously, preparing for eternal life with Him.
These themes guide believers to live humbly and faithfully. Following them brings peace and prepares the soul for a closer relationship with God.
Thoughts for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2
On Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 2, the readings invite us to consider what it means to live faithfully and serve humbly. Paul encourages believers to focus on what truly matters, setting aside anything that distracts from a life centered on God. Jesus teaches about serving others without seeking recognition or reward, showing that our actions should flow from genuine love for God. These themes guide us to live with purpose, humility, and attentiveness to God’s call.
Turning Away from Distractions
The readings for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 2 call believers to focus on God and turn away from things that pull them away. This message reminds us that distractions can come in many forms—possessions, relationships, opinions, or the pursuit of personal goals. When we let these things take priority over our faith, we lose sight of what truly matters.
For a faithful life, we are encouraged to recognize and release what distracts us from God. Often, these distractions aren’t bad things; they may even seem like blessings. But if they lead us away from God or fill our hearts with worry, they have become obstacles. Paul’s words call us to examine our lives and see what pulls us away from the peace that comes from a simple, faith-filled life.
By letting go of what distracts us, we find freedom in God’s presence. Our lives become more peaceful when we are not pulled by competing desires or opinions. God wants us to choose what brings us closer to Him, even if that means giving up comforts or opinions we hold dear. This focus brings clarity, grounding us in God’s love and helping us live a life centered on Him.
Serving Without Expectation
In the readings for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 2, Jesus teaches us about humble service. He calls us to serve out of love, without expecting praise or reward. This lesson shows that true service comes from the heart, wanting nothing in return but simply seeking to love and please God.
Serving without expectation goes against our usual desire for recognition. Often, we want to be noticed or rewarded, even for doing good things. Jesus reminds us that the most faithful service is done in secret, not seeking the world’s rewards or even thinking of a reward in heaven. When we serve like this, we experience joy and freedom because we are not tied to others’ approval.
This kind of service deepens our relationship with God. Serving selflessly, as Jesus calls us to, draws us closer to Him, focusing us on what truly matters. Instead of looking for others’ validation, we learn to trust that God sees our efforts, even if no one else does. True service in God’s eyes is humble, loving, and willing to give without expecting anything in return.
Faithfulness in Small Things
The readings for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 2 encourage us to be faithful even in the smallest things. Both Paul and Jesus speak of living our faith in all parts of life, big and small. By being faithful in small actions, we build a habit of goodness that shapes our hearts and strengthens our faith.
Small acts of faithfulness matter because they show our love for God in ordinary moments. Choosing honesty, patience, or kindness in everyday situations helps us grow closer to Him. When we focus on doing these small things well, our hearts become more open to God, and we are better prepared for larger challenges of faith.
God doesn’t only call us to be faithful in great acts of courage but also in the little ways we live each day. The readings for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 2 remind us that every small choice matters to God. When we live with faithfulness in the small things, we become more aligned with God’s will, serving Him with love and sincerity in every part of our lives.
The reflections for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 2 remind us that a faithful life is built through small, sincere acts of love and humility. Whether by setting aside distractions, serving selflessly, or showing faithfulness in everyday actions, we grow closer to God in each choice. These teachings encourage us to live with a heart open to God, ready to follow Him in all things.
Lord, help me to set aside anything that takes my heart from You. Teach me to serve with a joyful spirit, expecting no reward. Guide me to be faithful in small things each day. May my life reflect Your love in every way. Amen.
Reflection Questions
- What distractions keep me from focusing fully on my relationship with God?
- How can I serve others without expecting anything in return?
- In what small ways can I show my faith in my daily life?
- How does living faithfully in small actions prepare me to trust God in bigger moments?
Homilies and Reflections for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2
USCCB Reflection: Serving with Humility
In a USCCB video reflection for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 2, Deacon Arthur Miller reflects on Jesus’ teaching about humble service from Luke 17:7-10. Jesus reminds us to do good without expecting praise or reward. Deacon Miller shares a personal story about how he once used his success to gain recognition instead of serving quietly for God’s glory. He realized that true service means acting out of love for God, not love of self. Deacon Miller encourages us to focus on being on God’s side, serving faithfully without seeking attention or approval.
Dynamic Catholic: The Entitlement of Our Age
In a reflection from Dynamic Catholic for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 2, Matthew Kelly discusses Jesus’ message on humble service from Luke 17:7-10. Jesus teaches that we should fulfill our duties without expecting praise or recognition. Kelly contrasts this with today’s culture, where people often seek praise for doing the bare minimum. Jesus’ message calls us to serve faithfully, quietly, and without entitlement, understanding that our actions are simply part of following God’s will. Kelly challenges us to consider areas in our own lives where we might be expecting praise for what is merely our duty.
Word on Fire: Obedience to the Divine King
In this reflection for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time by Bishop Robert Barron, the focus is on the obedience of a faithful servant as depicted in the Gospel. He emphasizes that our lives are dedicated not to self-rule but to serving God, the King. Drawing from the ancient Hebrew understanding of a military tribe, where obedience to a king was paramount, Bishop Barron underlines that we may not grasp the full reasoning behind God’s commands but are called to trust and follow His wisdom and power. The term “obey” originates from the Latin ‘obedire’, meaning to listen attentively and heed. Thus, in God’s presence, we should attentively listen and align our wills with His, embodying true obedience.
Saints and Social Justice: A Guide to the Changing World
A profound exploration of how fourteen saints exemplified service to Jesus through their commitment to social justice. It encourages readers to embrace the same dedication in their own lives, aligning with the message of the gospel for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time about the significance of selfless service in the path of following Christ.
Questions and Answers for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2
What date is Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?
The next date is Tuesday November 10, 2026.
Cycle 1 is used in odd numbered years and Cycle 2 is used in even numbered years. The gospel is the same for both years. For odd numbered years see Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1.
What are the Mass readings for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?
The Mass readings for Tuesday November 10, 2026 are:
First Reading – Titus 2:1-8, 11-14: Guidance for Righteous Living
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 37: Trust and Righteousness
Gospel – Luke 17:7-10: Humble Servitude
What does sound doctrine mean in the readings for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 2?
Sound doctrine means teaching and living out the truth of the faith. The readings show that following the truth helps guide others and keeps us rooted in our faith.
Why is self-control important in these readings?
The reading emphasize self-control to help believers avoid temptation and live in a way that honors God. Self-control keeps us focused on God’s ways instead of getting distracted by our desires.
What does renouncing worldly passions mean in these readings?
Renouncing worldly passions means turning away from things that lead us away from God. Gocus on faith and avoid things that distract us.
Why Paul speak about being a good example?
Paul calls Christians to be good examples to help others understand the faith. Being a good example, as mentioned in the readings, means acting with kindness, honesty, and integrity so others can see God’s love through our lives.
How can we apply the message of humble service from Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 2?
Jesus’s teaching shows us to serve others without expecting praise. We can apply this by helping others quietly, doing our best even when unnoticed.
How does God’s grace relate to the readings for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 2?
God’s grace brings salvation and invites us to live lives of gratitude. The readings remind us that God’s gift of grace calls us to respond with faithfulness.
What does hope for holiness mean in these readings?
Hope for holiness is about looking forward to living with Christ forever. The readings call us to live righteously now, preparing for eternal life with God.
How can I live out these teachings in everyday life?
You can live out these teachings by being kind, serving others humbly, and staying true to your faith. Practicing self-control and focusing on good actions help build a closer relationship with God.
What does Jesus mean when He talks about expecting no reward?
Jesus teaches that true service doesn’t look for rewards or praise. He wants us to serve because it’s right, not because we want something in return.
How can I teach sound doctrine to others?
Teaching sound doctrine means sharing faith in simple, honest ways. The readings for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 2 encourage sharing God’s truth to help others grow in faith and strength.
Living with Focus and Humble Service
The readings for Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 2 encourage believers to live faithfully and serve others humbly. Paul reminds us to focus on what truly matters, pushing away anything that distracts us from God. This could include possessions, personal goals, or opinions that take priority over our faith. By letting go of these distractions, we find peace and simplicity in a life centered on God.
Jesus also teaches about humble service without expecting rewards. True service is not about recognition; it’s about loving and pleasing God alone. When we serve others without seeking praise, we experience freedom and joy, trusting that God alone sees our efforts. Serving selflessly deepens our connection with God, helping us to grow in humility and love.
Paul’s words also remind us to be faithful in small things. Daily choices—like being honest, patient, or kind—strengthen our hearts and keep us focused on God. God sees every small act of faith, and by choosing to be faithful in ordinary moments, we build a habit of goodness that shapes our lives. Through humble service, self-control, and faithfulness, we draw closer to God and experience peace.
Your Turn
Reflect on the themes from Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 2. How can you focus more on God and set aside distractions in your life? Consider what humble service means for you—are there small ways you can serve others without expecting praise?
Think about these questions and share your thoughts or experiences in the comment section.
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