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Advent Weekday on December 19

Thursday December 19, 2024

Daily Mass Readings for an Advent Weekday on December 19

  • First Reading - Judges 13:2-7, 24-25a: Manoah's wife, barren, is visited by an angel who foretells Samson's birth. Consecrated from the womb, he's destined to begin Israel's deliverance from the Philistines, blessed by God.
  • Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 71: Seeking refuge in God, the psalmist praises Him for lifelong protection and strength. Vowing to declare God's justice and mighty works, they rejoice in His unwavering faithfulness.
  • Gospel - Luke 1:5-25: Zechariah, a righteous priest, and his wife Elizabeth, were childless and elderly. While Zechariah performed temple duties, the angel Gabriel appeared, foretelling Elizabeth's pregnancy with John, destined for greatness and filled with the Holy Spirit. Skeptical, Zechariah was struck mute until the prophecy's fulfillment. Elizabeth conceived, praising God for removing her disgrace.

Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall name him John. And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, for he will be great in the sight of the Lord.

Luke 1:13

Themes for the Gospel for an Advent Weekday on December 19

  • Divine Intervention in Unlikely Circumstances: Both the accounts of Samson and John the Baptist’s conceptions demonstrate God’s intervention in unlikely situations — in one case, a barren woman and in the other, an elderly couple. This theme emphasizes God’s power to work beyond human limitations and expectations.
  • Special Call from Birth: Samson and John the Baptist were both consecrated from birth for special roles in God’s plan. This theme invites reflection on God’s purpose for each life and the idea that everyone has a unique role in God’s story.
  • Faith and Skepticism: Zechariah’s initial skepticism and subsequent muteness represent the struggle between faith and doubt. This theme is a reminder of the challenges in believing God’s promises, especially when they seem impossible by human standards.
  • The Role of the Holy Spirit: The foretelling of John the Baptist being filled with the Holy Spirit even before his birth underscores the Spirit’s role in equipping and guiding God’s servants. It invites believers to seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in their own lives.
  • Rejoicing in God’s Faithfulness: The response of praise and recognition of God’s justice and faithfulness in Psalm 71, as well as Elizabeth’s joy at her conception, highlights the appropriate response to God’s actions: rejoicing and sharing the good news of His works.
  • Preparation for Christ’s Coming: The narratives of Samson and John the Baptist as forerunners in their respective times parallel the Advent theme of preparing for Christ’s coming. It emphasizes readiness for God’s actions in the world and in personal lives.

Thoughts for an Advent Weekday on December 19

The Gospel reading for an Advent Weekday on December 19 from Luke 1:5-25 brings us to the miraculous story of Zechariah and Elizabeth. This narrative, rich with themes of hope and divine intervention, resonates deeply with the Advent spirit. Zechariah and Elizabeth, both righteous in the eyes of God, had longed for a child, yet faced the disappointment and social stigma of barrenness.

Their story reflects the Advent themes of waiting and trusting in God’s timing. Despite their old age, they are given a promise of a son, John, who would play a crucial role in God's plan of salvation. This account encourages us to reflect on the areas of our own lives where we may have lost hope or grown weary in waiting. Advent reminds us that God’s plans often unfold in unexpected ways and invites us to trust in His providential care and perfect timing.

The encounter between Zechariah and the angel Gabriel highlights the human struggle to grasp God's mysterious ways. Zechariah's skepticism and resulting muteness speak to the challenge of faith when confronted with the seemingly impossible. His initial doubt contrasts with the joyous affirmation of God's power later in the story. This transition from doubt to faith is a journey many of us undertake, especially in times of waiting and uncertainty. Advent, a season of anticipation and preparation for the birth of Christ, calls us to renew our faith in God’s promises. It invites us to open our hearts to the miraculous and the extraordinary, trusting that with God, all things are possible.

The First Reading from Judges and the Responsorial Psalm beautifully complement the Gospel, each depicting God's intervention in challenging circumstances. Like Samson, consecrated from birth for a special purpose, John the Baptist's birth to Elizabeth and Zechariah is marked by divine intention. Both narratives remind us of God's active presence in our lives, often working through our weaknesses and limitations. The Psalmist's vow to declare God's justice and mighty works is a call for us to do the same.

In this Advent season, let us recognize and celebrate God's faithful interventions in our lives. As we prepare for the coming of Jesus, let us hold fast to hope, eagerly anticipating the new ways God will work in and through us.


Father, teach me to trust in your love for me. Grant me the grace to never lose hope in you. Amen.

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Homilies and Reflections for an Advent Weekday on December 19

Word on Fire: Echoes of David

Bishop Barron's reflection for an Advent weekday on December 19 delves into the deep connections between the Old Testament and the life of Jesus as depicted in Luke’s Gospel. The story of Zechariah, serving in the temple that King David dreamt of building, links to David's legacy. The miraculous announcement of a child to Zechariah in the temple parallels the story of Hannah, whose son preceded David. This narrative thread continues with Elizabeth's reaction to her pregnancy, mirroring Hannah's experience. These connections highlight Jesus' role in completing what David started: the unification of Israel.

USCCB Reflection: Navigating Life

This USCCB video reflection for an Advent weekday on December 19th draws a parallel between our reliance on GPS navigation apps and the biblical journeys of faith by Zechariah and Manoah. These two figures, unlike modern drivers dependent on technology for direction, had to rely solely on trust in God's promises. Life is not meant to be a journey with a clear, GPS-like path, but rather a walk of faith requiring trust and faithfulness. Just as Zechariah and Manoah were rewarded for their perseverance with sons destined for greatness, we are reminded that our journey, guided by faith and trust in God, can lead to the fulfillment of dreams and promises.

Frequently Asked Questions

What day of the week is the Advent Weekday on December 19?

The next date is Thursday December 19, 2024.

What are the Mass readings for an Advent Weekday on December 19?

The Mass readings for Thursday December 19, 2024 are:
First Reading - Judges 13:2-7, 24-25a: Birth of Samson
Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 71: Trust and Praise in God
Gospel Luke 1:5-25: John the Baptist's Conception

What is the significance of the first reading for an Advent Weekday on December 19?

The angel's announcement of Samson's birth to Manoah's wife, a barren woman, signifies God’s power to act beyond human limitations. In Advent, Judges 13:2-7, 24-25a prefigures the angelic announcements in the New Testament, pointing to God's continuous intervention in salvation history.

What can we learn from Manoah's wife's reaction to the angel's message in the first reading for an Advent Weekday on December 19?

Her faith and acceptance of the divine message, despite its extraordinary nature, serve as a model of trust and openness to God's plans.

How does the responsorial psalm for an Advent Weekday on December 19 connect with the themes of Advent?

Psalm 71’s themes of seeking refuge in God and celebrating His lifelong protection resonate with Advent. It reflects the season's focus on God’s faithfulness and the anticipation of Christ’s coming, who embodies God’s ultimate protection and strength.

What does the Gospel for an Advent Weekday on December 19 signify?

Luke 1:5-25 recounts the angel Gabriel’s announcement to Zechariah about John the Baptist’s birth. It highlights themes of divine intervention and the fulfillment of God's promises, central to Advent as it prepares believers for the coming of Christ.

How can the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth in the Gospel for an Advent Weekday on December 19 inspire us?

Zechariah and Elizabeth's story in Luke 1:5-25, marked by patience, faith, and God's faithfulness despite human doubt, serves as an inspiration during Advent. It encourages believers to trust in God's timing and plan, even when it seems impossible.

What is the lesson from Zechariah’s muteness in the Gospel for an Advent Weekday on December 19?

Zechariah’s muteness in Luke 1:5-25 following his disbelief serves as a reminder of the importance of faith and the consequences of doubt. It encourages believers to embrace God’s promises with faith, especially during Advent, a season of hopeful anticipation.

In what ways does Zechariah's experience in the Gospel for an Advent Weekday on December 19 mirror that of Manoah's wife?

Both narratives involve angelic announcements of unexpected births, highlighting themes of divine intervention and the fulfillment of God's plans through unlikely individuals.

How does Elizabeth's response to her pregnancy in the Gospel for an Advent Weekday on December 19 serve as an example for us?

Elizabeth's joy and gratitude upon conceiving John, despite her old age, demonstrate a profound trust in God’s goodness and timing.

What is the significance of John the Baptist being filled with the Holy Spirit from birth in the Gospel for an Advent Weekday on December 19?

This detail in Luke 1:5-25 signifies his special role in salvation history as the forerunner to Christ, emphasizing the Holy Spirit's work in preparing the way for Jesus.

What overarching message do these readings offer for an Advent Weekday on December 19?

These readings collectively emphasize God’s miraculous interventions in the lives of the faithful and the importance of trust and patience in God’s promises. They encourage believers to reflect on the miraculous nature of God’s actions as they prepare for the celebration of Christ's birth during Advent.

How do these readings for an Advent Weekday on December 19 encourage us to view our own life's circumstances in light of God's plan?

They remind us that God often works through unexpected and challenging situations, urging us to trust in His overarching plan for our lives.

What does the theme of ‘deliverance’ in these readings for an Advent Weekday on December 19 teach us about Advent and Christmas?

The theme underscores the anticipation of a Savior who comes to deliver humanity, aligning with the Advent focus on awaiting Christ's birth and second coming.

How can the stories of miraculous births in these readings in these readings for an Advent Weekday on December 19 inspire those facing disappointment or waiting?

They offer hope and reassurance that God is present in periods of waiting and can bring about miraculous changes in seemingly impossible situations.

In what ways do these readings for an Advent Weekday on December 19 challenge our understanding of power and God's intervention?

The narratives challenge conventional ideas of power and strength, showing that God often chooses the humble and unlikely to fulfill His divine purposes.

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