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Advent Weekday on December 22

Monday December 22, 2025

Daily Mass Readings for the Advent Weekday on December 22

  • First Reading - 1 Samuel 1:24-28: Hannah fulfills her vow, presenting Samuel at the Lord's temple. She recounts her prayer for a child, now dedicating Samuel to the Lord for his entire life.
  • Responsorial Psalm - 1 Samuel 2: Hannah rejoices in the Lord's power, celebrating His justice and mercy. She praises God's actions in humbling the mighty and exalting the humble, depicting His sovereignty over life and fortune.
  • Gospel - Luke 1:46-56: Mary, filled with gratitude and awe, glorified God for His favor. She celebrated His might, mercy, and faithfulness across generations, noting His uplifting of the humble and hungry. Acknowledging God's help to Israel, she revered His enduring promise to Abraham's lineage. Mary's stay with Elizabeth culminated in a heartfelt testament to God's greatness before returning home.

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior, for he has looked upon his lowly servant.

Luke 1:46-48

Themes for the Gospel for an Advent Weekday on December 22

  • Fulfillment of Vows and Dedication: Hannah’s fulfillment of her vow to dedicate Samuel to the Lord highlights themes of faithfulness and dedication. This story invites reflection on our own commitments to God and how we honor them.
  • The Magnificat and Mary's Faith: Mary’s song, known as the Magnificat, is a powerful expression of faith and gratitude. It exemplifies a deep recognition of God’s work in her life and the lives of His people, mirroring Hannah's song of praise.
  • God’s Preferential Care for the Humble and Needy: Both Hannah and Mary praise God for uplifting the humble and needy, emphasizing His justice and preferential care for the marginalized. This theme invites believers to reflect on God’s call to care for the less fortunate and to cultivate humility.
  • Recognition of God’s Mighty Deeds and Mercy: The readings emphasize recognizing and celebrating God’s mighty deeds and enduring mercy. They invite a spirit of gratitude and awe for God’s actions throughout salvation history, particularly His intervention in our own lives.
  • God’s Sovereignty over Life and Circumstances: Both Hannah’s prayer and Mary’s song depict God’s sovereignty over life’s circumstances, including raising the lowly and filling the hungry. This theme reinforces trust in God’s providential care and control over all aspects of life.
  • Preparation for Christ’s Birth: As Advent progresses, these readings deepen the preparation for Christ’s birth. They emphasize themes of gratitude, recognition of God’s work, and the need for humility and faithfulness in anticipation of celebrating Jesus’ Nativity.

Thoughts for the Advent Weekday on December 22

The Gospel for the Advent Weekday on December 22, from Luke 1:46-56, offers a profound moment of reflection with Mary’s Magnificat. In this beautiful and powerful hymn of praise, Mary glorifies God for His favor, highlighting His strength, mercy, and faithfulness. The Magnificat is a song of social reversal, where the humble are exalted, and the hungry are filled with good things, while the rich are sent away empty.

This prayer echoes the themes of Advent: anticipation, transformation, and the fulfillment of God's promises. Mary's words invite us to consider God's preferential care for the marginalized and powerless. In a world often obsessed with power and status, the Magnificat calls us to recognize and celebrate God's special concern for those on the fringes of society - the poor, the homeless, the single mother, and those who are marginalized in any way. This Advent season challenges us to ask ourselves: Do we see and respond to God's presence in these individuals? Do we join in Mary’s song of praise, acknowledging God’s justice and mercy, or do we resist it, clinging to our own prejudices and comforts?

Mary's song is not just a personal expression of gratitude; it is also a prophetic voice that speaks of God's action in the world. Through her, we are reminded of God's enduring commitment to justice and His active role in overturning the world's unjust structures. The Magnificat invites us to embrace a God who is actively involved in the world, working to uplift the downtrodden and fill the hungry with good things.

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, we are called to reflect on our participation in this divine mission. How do we contribute to bringing about the justice and mercy that Mary sings about? Are we allies in God's work of lifting up the lowly and filling the hungry, both spiritually and materially?

The First Reading from 1 Samuel and the Responsorial Psalm reinforce the theme of God’s action in favor of the humble and needy. Hannah’s joy in dedicating Samuel to the Lord reflects a deep understanding of God's providence and grace. Her prayer, like Mary's Magnificat, praises God's power to reverse human fortunes, lifting up the humble and enriching the poor.

These readings collectively call us to a deeper awareness of God's presence in the struggles and hopes of the marginalized. They challenge us to be agents of God’s love and justice, especially towards those who are often overlooked or undervalued in our societies. As Advent progresses, let us embrace the spirit of the Magnificat, allowing it to shape our understanding of God's kingdom and our role in bringing that kingdom to fruition in the world around us.


Father, I praise and glorify you for your love of all people, especially for your care of those who are different from me or the ones I don't really understand. Amen.

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Homilies and Reflections for the Advent Weekday on December 22

Word on Fire: The Rhythm of Magnification

Bishop Barron’s reflection for the Advent Weekday on December 22 on the Magnificat, Mary's hymn in today’s Gospel, focuses on the unique dynamic of glorifying God and being glorified in return. Mary's declaration, "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord," signifies her complete dedication to honoring God, setting aside her ego. This act of glorification, while aimed at God who needs nothing, paradoxically magnifies Mary herself, reflecting glory back onto her. In fully surrendering to God, Mary becomes a vessel of abundant life, even bearing God within her. This rhythm of magnifying and being magnified is crucial to understanding Mary's role — from her divine motherhood to her Assumption, Immaculate Conception, and role in the Church.

USCCB Reflection: The Songs of Mary and Hannah

This USCCB video reflection for the Advent Weekday on December 22 contrasts the deep, faith-filled joy in traditional Advent and Christmas hymns with their superficial commercialization. The songs of Hannah and Mary in the Bible are expressions of deep faith and praise, undiminished by time or commercial use. These hymns celebrate God's mercy and justice, unlike the commercialized versions used in shopping environments. Reconnect with the radical message of these hymns, reflecting on God's actions in history. Sing these hymns with the same faith as Hannah and Mary, who recognized God’s mighty deeds in their lives, and to remember that, despite worldly corruption, God is still at work, ready to be born anew in our hearts.

Frequently Asked Questions

What day of the week is the Advent Weekday on December 22?

The next date is Monday December 22, 2025.

What are the Mass readings for an Advent Weekday on December 22?

The Mass readings for Monday December 22, 2025 are:
First Reading - 1 Samuel 1:24-28: Hannah's Gift to the Lord
Responsorial Psalm - 1 Samuel 2: Hannah's Song of Praise
Gospel Luke 1:46-56: Mary's Magnificat

What is the significance of the first reading for an Advent Weekday on December 22?

In 1 Samuel 1:24-28, Hannah's dedication of Samuel to the Lord reflects themes of fulfillment of promises and selfless dedication to God. In Advent, this story parallels Mary’s story, as both women offer their children to God’s service, foreshadowing Jesus’ ultimate dedication to God’s will.

How does Hannah’s dedication of Samuel in the first reading for an Advent Weekday on December 22 mirror Advent themes?

Hannah's act of presenting Samuel to the Lord in 1 Samuel 1:24-28 reflects the Advent themes of anticipation, fulfillment of promises, and dedication to God's plan.

What can we learn from Hannah's faithfulness in fulfilling her vow in the first reading for an Advent Weekday on December 22?

Her faithfulness to her promise to God in 1 Samuel 1:24-28 demonstrates the importance of commitment and trust in God, especially after receiving answered prayers.

How does the song of Hannah in the responsorial psalm for an Advent Weekday on December 22 relate?

Hannah’s song of rejoicing in God’s power and His elevation of the humble prefigures Mary’s Magnificat. 1 Samuel 2 reflects Advent themes of God’s justice, mercy, and the reversal of human fortunes, all of which are embodied in Christ’s coming.

How does Hannah’s prayer in the responsorial psalm for an Advent Weekday on December 22 speak to the power of God’s intervention?

The prayer in 1 Samuel 2 highlights God’s ability to reverse circumstances, uplift the humble, and demonstrate justice, mirroring the transformative power of Christ's coming.

What lessons can be drawn from Hannah’s recognition of God’s justice and mercy in the readings for an Advent Weekday on December 22 ?

These readings encourage us to acknowledge God's sovereignty in every aspect of life and to trust in His equitable and merciful nature.

What does the Gospel for an Advent Weekday on December 22 signify during Advent?

The Magnificat, Mary's song of praise, captures the essence of Advent: joy, gratitude, and recognition of God’s mighty deeds. Luke 1:46-56 reflects on God’s mercy, the lifting of the humble, and the fulfillment of His promises, key themes of the season.

How does Mary’s Magnificat in Luke 1:46-56 echo Hannah’s prayer in the responsorial psalm for an Advent Weekday on December 22?

Both prayers celebrate God’s might, mercy, and the elevation of the humble, illustrating a consistent theme of God uplifting those who are faithful.

How can Mary’s Magnificat in the Gospel for an Advent Weekday on December 22 inspire us?

Mary's Magnificat, with its focus on God’s greatness and mercy, inspires believers to reflect on their own blessings and God’s actions in their lives. Luke 1:46-56 invites a spirit of gratitude and recognition of God’s transformative power during Advent.

What is the significance of God’s faithfulness across generations, as mentioned by Mary in the Gospel for an Advent Weekday on December 22?

Luke 1:46-56 reassures us of God’s enduring commitment to His people, as shown through the fulfillment of promises from Abraham's time to Mary's era.

What is the lesson from Hannah’s and Mary’s experiences in the readings for an Advent Weekday on December 22?

Both Hannah’s and Mary’s experiences teach the value of trust in God and rejoicing in His plans, even when they defy expectations. Their stories encourage believers to embrace God's will with faith and joy, especially relevant in the season of Advent.

What overarching message do these readings offer for an Advent Weekday on December 22?

These readings emphasize themes of gratitude, God’s favor to the humble and lowly, and the fulfillment of His promises. They encourage believers to rejoice in God’s mighty works and to prepare their hearts for the coming of Christ with a spirit of humble gratitude and faith.

How do these readings for an Advent Weekday on December 22 collectively emphasize God's care for the humble and lowly?

Both Hannah and Mary's experiences, along with their prayers, underscore God’s preferential care for the humble, challenging societal norms of power and privilege.

How can Hannah and Mary's experiences inspire those awaiting answered prayers on an Advent Weekday on December 22?

Their stories are testaments to the power of patient, trusting prayer and God’s timing, offering hope to those in periods of waiting.

In what ways do these readings for an Advent Weekday on December 22 challenge our perceptions of strength and success?

They invite a reevaluation of true strength and success, emphasizing spiritual integrity, humility, and faithfulness over worldly measures.

How can the themes of these readings for an Advent Weekday on December 22 be incorporated into Advent preparation?

Reflect on cultivating humility, trusting in God’s plan, and recognizing His work in life, as part of preparing for Christ’s birth.

What do these readings for an Advent Weekday on December 22 teach about the role of women in God’s plan?

They highlight the significant roles women like Hannah and Mary play in salvation history, often through acts of profound faith and obedience.

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