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Daily Mass Readings for Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent

  • First ReadingDeuteronomy 26:16-19: Moses instructs the Israelites to follow God’s commands with all their hearts and souls, and reminds them of the covenant they are making with the Lord to become His people and follow His ways, promising blessings and prosperity if they remain faithful to His commandments.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 119: Blessed are those who walk in purity and embrace the Lord’s commandments, seeking Him wholeheartedly. Committing to His laws brings stability and gratitude, with a plea for His unfailing presence.
  • Gospel Matthew 5:43-48: Jesus teaches his disciples to love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them, as this is how they become true children of their Heavenly Father. He also emphasizes the importance of loving all people, not just those who love us in return, and striving for perfection, just as God is perfect.

But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust.

Matthew 5:44-45

Themes for the Readings for Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent

The readings for Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent encourage us to live as God’s people by following His commandments and loving others, even those who are difficult to love. They remind us of our calling to reflect God’s goodness in all our actions and relationships.

  • Living as God’s People: The first reading reminds us that God has chosen us as His people and calls us to follow His commandments. Obedience to His word sets us apart and reflects our commitment to Him.
  • God’s Call to Holiness: God invites us to be holy as He is holy. This means living in a way that reflects His goodness and love in our everyday actions.
  • Loving Our Enemies: The Gospel challenges us to love not only our friends but also our enemies. This kind of love shows that we are children of God, who loves everyone unconditionally.
  • Going Beyond Ordinary Love: Jesus calls us to a higher standard of love that goes beyond what is expected. Loving those who are hard to love reflects God’s boundless mercy and kindness.
  • Living Out the Commandments: The first reading calls us to follow God’s commandments with all our heart. This involves not only avoiding sin but actively doing what is good and right.
  • Being a Reflection of God: Both readings remind us that our actions should reflect God’s character. When we live with love, fairness, and kindness, we show others what it means to be part of God’s family.

The readings for Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent challenge us to live with love and holiness in every part of our lives. They encourage us to follow God’s ways fully and to reflect His love in all our relationships.

Reflection for Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent

The readings for Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent call us to reflect on what it means to live as God’s people. They remind us of the importance of holiness, love, and obedience to God’s commandments. Through these teachings, we are encouraged to live in a way that reflects God’s love and goodness to the world.

Called to Holiness

The first reading for Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent reminds us that God invites His people to be holy as He is holy. This holiness is not limited to religious practices but is reflected in how we live and treat others every day. God calls us to live in a way that shows His goodness to the world.

Being holy means striving to follow God’s commandments with sincerity and dedication. It requires more than outward obedience; it involves aligning our hearts and actions with His will. Holiness is expressed in kindness, fairness, and a willingness to serve others.

This invitation challenges us to reflect on our lives and consider how our choices reflect our relationship with God. By living as God’s holy people, we become a light to those around us and show what it means to be part of His family.

Loving as Jesus Loves

In the Gospel for Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent, Jesus calls us to love not only those who are easy to love but also those who are difficult. Loving our enemies may seem impossible, but Jesus reminds us that God’s love extends to everyone, even those who have turned away from Him.

Jesus challenges us to go beyond the ordinary kind of love that expects something in return. True love means forgiving those who hurt us and treating them with kindness and mercy. This love reflects God’s boundless care and shows that we are truly His children.

When we choose to love our enemies, we open our hearts to the power of Christ’s love. This love changes us and allows us to experience the peace that comes from living as Jesus teaches. Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent invites us to take this challenging but rewarding path.

Living Out God’s Commandments

A shared theme in both readings for Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent is the importance of living out God’s commandments. The first reading emphasizes obedience to God’s laws as a way to show our love for Him. The Gospel shows how this obedience includes acts of mercy and love for others, even in difficult situations.

Following God’s commandments is not just about avoiding sin but about actively doing what is good. It means choosing to treat others with fairness, kindness, and compassion. These actions are not always easy, but they show our commitment to living as God’s people.

Both readings call us to a higher standard of living that reflects God’s goodness. When we follow His commandments with love and sincerity, we bring His light into the world and grow in our relationship with Him.

As we reflect on these messages, let us strive to embody God’s call to holiness in our actions and relationships. May we respond with love, even when it is difficult, and seek to grow in faith and righteousness each day.


Lord, guide us to live as Your holy people by following Your commandments and sharing Your love with others. Teach us to forgive, love, and serve, even when it is hard. May our actions reflect Your goodness and bring others closer to You. Amen.

Reflection Questions

  • How can you strive to live out God’s call to holiness in your daily actions?
  • What steps can you take to love those who are difficult to love?
  • How do God’s commandments shape your decisions and relationships?
  • In what ways can your life reflect God’s goodness to those around you?

Homilies and Commentaries for Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent

Word on Fire: Test of Love

In this reflectionor Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent, Bishop Robert Barron considers loving enemies as taught in the Sermon on the Mount, emphasizing that the greatest love involves willing the good of others, even at great personal cost. He highlights Jesus’ ultimate act of love in dying for all, including those who betrayed and abandoned him.

Jesus’ offering of peace upon his resurrection demonstrates the depth of divine love and sets the standard for how we are to love others, making everything else secondary. This profound love, extending even to enemies, is the core of Christian discipleship.

USCCB: Unclench Your Fists

The USCCB reflection for Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent contrasts the complex laws of the Old Testament with Jesus’ simple command to love enemies and pray for persecutors. It challenges us to open our hearts and minds to understand this difficult teaching.

Emphasizing actions like offering a seat at Mass, understanding different perspectives, and greeting strangers, the reflection suggests that these acts can be transformative. It encourages us to be a source of hope and to see every encounter as an opportunity to manifest Christ’s presence, thereby reducing our own stress and potentially changing the lives of others.

Questions and Answers for Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent

What date is Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent?

The next date is Saturday March 15, 2025.

What are the Mass readings for Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent?

The Mass readings for Saturday March 15, 2025 are:
First Reading  – Deuteronomy 26:16-19: The Covenant Renewed
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 119: Joy in Obedience
Gospel – Matthew 5:43-48: Love Your Enemies

Why does the first reading for Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent emphasize following God’s commandments?

The first reading highlights that following God’s commandments is a way of showing our commitment to Him. Obedience sets us apart as God’s people and reflects His love in our actions.

What does it mean to be holy as God is holy?

Being holy means living in a way that reflects God’s goodness, love, and kindness. It involves making choices that honor Him and serve others.

What is the connection between God’s commandments and love in the first reading?

God’s commandments guide us in living a life of love and justice. They teach us how to honor God and treat others with fairness and care.

Why does Jesus tell us to love our enemies in the Gospel for Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent?

Jesus challenges us to love our enemies because this reflects God’s unconditional love. Loving those who are difficult shows that we are truly following His example.

How can we love those who are difficult?

Loving difficult people involves treating them with kindness, patience, and understanding. It means choosing forgiveness and letting go of anger or resentment.

What does it mean to go beyond ordinary love?

Going beyond ordinary love means loving those who may not love us back. It involves showing kindness and mercy to everyone, even when it is not easy.

How do the readings for Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent encourage us to reflect God’s character?

The readings remind us that our actions should reflect God’s goodness and mercy. By loving others and following His ways, we show the world what it means to be part of God’s family.

How can we apply the message of Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent in our daily lives?

We can strive to live with kindness, forgive those who hurt us, and follow God’s commandments in all that we do. These actions help us grow closer to God and reflect His love to others.

Living as God’s People

Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent reminds us that God calls us to be holy and to live according to His commandments. The first reading highlights that being part of God’s chosen people comes with the responsibility to follow His ways. Obedience to God’s word is a sign of our love for Him and our commitment to His path.

The Gospel builds on this by challenging us to extend love even to those who are difficult to love. Jesus teaches that true love goes beyond loving those who love us in return. It means showing kindness and mercy even to enemies, reflecting the goodness and fairness of God.

Both readings encourage us to think about how we live out God’s call in our daily lives. They challenge us to go beyond ordinary actions and to embody His holiness and love in all that we do. Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent is a reminder to live with purpose, showing others what it means to be God’s people.

Your Turn

Reflect on the readings for Saturday of the 1st Week of Lent. How can you live out God’s call to holiness and love, even when it is difficult? Consider ways you can obey His commandments and reflect His goodness in your relationships.

Share your thoughts in the comments and encourage others to embrace the challenges of living as God’s people.

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