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Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent

Monday March 24, 2025

Daily Mass Readings for Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent

  • First Reading - 2 Kings 5:1-15ab: Naaman, commander of the Aramean army, suffered from leprosy and was advised by a servant girl to seek the help of the prophet in Samaria. After receiving a letter from the king of Aram, the king of Israel directed Naaman to Elisha, who instructed him to wash in the Jordan River seven times. Initially angry, Naaman's servants convinced him to follow Elisha's instructions, and he was cured of his leprosy, acknowledging that there is no God in all the earth except in Israel.
  • Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 42: My soul thirsts for the living God, longing to be in His presence. Guided by His light, I aspire to reach His holy place, to offer praise and find my deepest joy.
  • Gospel - Luke 4:24-30: Jesus declares that no prophet is accepted in his hometown and gives examples from the time of Elijah and Elisha. The people in the synagogue become angry and try to harm Jesus, but he passes through them and leaves.

Amen, I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own native place.

Luke 4:24

Themes for the Readings for Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent

For Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent, the readings from 2 Kings 5:1-15ab and Luke 4:24-30 present several interconnected themes that are both profound and relevant to Lenten reflection. Here are some of the key themes:

  • Faith and Obedience: Both readings highlight the importance of faith and obedience to God's will. Naaman, though initially skeptical and angry about Elisha's instructions to wash in the Jordan River, eventually complies and is healed. This act of obedience, prompted by faith, leads to his acknowledgment of the God of Israel as the one true God.
  • Humility: Naaman's story emphasizes humility. A powerful army commander, he had to humble himself to listen to his servants and follow the prophet's simple, seemingly mundane advice to achieve healing. This theme is mirrored in the Gospel, where Jesus implies that God's blessings and miracles are not limited to the privileged or powerful but are accessible to all who approach with humility.
  • God's Universal Salvation: The readings illustrate that God's love and salvation are not confined to a specific group. Naaman was a Syrian, not an Israelite, yet God healed him. Jesus mentions the stories of Elijah and Elisha to remind his listeners that God's miracles often occurred for foreigners, emphasizing the universality of God's salvation.
  • Rejection of Prophets: Jesus' experience in the Gospel reflects a common biblical theme: prophets are often rejected in their own homeland. This rejection points to the broader human tendency to dismiss or overlook divine messages, especially when they challenge existing beliefs or come from unexpected sources.
  • Conversion and Recognition of God: Naaman's healing leads to his conversion, recognizing the God of Israel as the only true God. This theme of conversion is central to Lent, as it is a time for turning back to God, recognizing His sovereignty, and renewing our faith.
  • God Works Through the Unexpected: Both stories demonstrate that God's interventions and miracles often come in unexpected ways—through a foreign prophet, a simple act of washing, or a message that challenges societal expectations. This theme encourages believers to remain open to God's presence and action in all circumstances.

Reflecting on these themes for Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent offers valuable insights into our relationship with God, encouraging humility, obedience, openness to conversion, and recognition of God's universal love and salvation.

Thoughts for Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent

Reflecting on the readings for Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent, we find ourselves immersed in stories that challenge our perceptions of faith, obedience, and the universality of God's grace. These stories—Naaman's miraculous healing in 2 Kings and Jesus' rejection in his hometown as recounted in Luke—serve as powerful reminders of Lent's call to deeper conversion and faith.

The account of Naaman, a respected commander afflicted with leprosy, unfolds a narrative rich in humility and faith. Advised by a servant girl to seek healing from the prophet Elisha in Samaria, Naaman's journey from skepticism to faith is profound. Initially, he expected his healing to be accompanied by grand gestures. However, Elisha's simple directive—to wash seven times in the Jordan River—strikes him as beneath his dignity.

It's only through the persuasion of his servants, who see beyond the act's simplicity, that Naaman submits. This act of obedience, devoid of pride, leads to his miraculous healing. Here, we learn a vital Lenten lesson: true healing and transformation require humility and a willingness to embrace God's instructions, however ordinary they may seem.

Parallel to Naaman's story is Jesus' encounter in the synagogue. Proclaiming that no prophet is accepted in his hometown, Jesus highlights a human tendency to resist messages that disrupt our comfort zones, especially from familiar sources. His reference to Elijah and Elisha—prophets who performed miracles for foreigners—underscores the theme of God's salvation extending beyond the confines of Israel, a notion that provokes his listeners to fury. This reaction to Jesus' message invites us to reflect on our own receptiveness to God's word. Are we open to divine truths, even when they challenge us or come from unexpected quarters?

These readings for Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent collectively remind us that Lent is a season for tearing down the walls of pride and opening our hearts to the transformative power of faith. Naaman's healing is not just a physical cure but a spiritual awakening to the reality of a God who desires to heal and save all humanity. Similarly, Jesus' message in the synagogue calls us to recognize and embrace the universal scope of God's love and mercy.

On this Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent, let us reflect on our own paths to healing and conversion. May we, like Naaman, approach God with humility, ready to follow His guidance, however surprising it may be. And may we, in encountering the word of God, be open to the transformative power it holds, recognizing that God's love and salvation are boundless, extending far beyond our expectations and preconceptions.


Heavenly Father, grant us the humility to heed Your guidance and the courage to embrace Your healing grace. Open our hearts to Your universal love, and help us to see Your hand in the unexpected, trusting in Your path to transformation. Amen.

Homilies and Reflections for Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent

Word on Fire: We Are All Prophets

In this reflection for Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent, Bishop Robert Barron emphasizes that all baptized individuals are called to holiness and share in Christ's roles as priest, prophet, and king, contrary to the belief that prophecy is reserved for clergy. Vatican II highlights this universal vocation, urging lay people to recognize their prophetic duty to speak God's truth, not just their own insights. This role is integral to daily actions and spiritual guidance, underscoring the importance of embracing our baptismal call to actively participate in God's mission.

USCCB Reflection: No Place Like Home

The USCCB reflection for Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent draws a parallel between the journey of healing and transformation in family life and the story of Naaman's healing, using "The Wizard of Oz" as a metaphor. It emphasizes that, like Dorothy, we often overlook the power we possess to foster healing within our homes—a place where patience, forgiveness, love, and faith are crucial yet challenging to practice. True healing and living out the Gospel vibrantly require effort and participation, especially within the family context where our true selves are most exposed. This Lenten season calls us to embrace this effort, recognizing that through it, we can behold the face of God.

Frequently Asked Questions for Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent

What date is Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent?

The next date is Monday March 24, 2025.

What are the Mass readings for Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent?

The Mass readings for Monday March 24, 2025 are:
First Reading - 2 Kings 5:1-15ab: Naaman's Healing
Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 42: Longing for God
Gospel Luke 4:24-30: Jesus Is Rejected in His Hometown

What is the significance of the readings for Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent?

The readings for Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent highlight themes of faith, obedience, humility, and the universality of God's salvation. They challenge us to recognize the power of simple acts of faith and the importance of being open to God's grace in unexpected ways.

How can I apply the message of the readings from Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent to my life?

Reflect on areas in your life where pride or skepticism might be hindering your spiritual growth. Consider how you can approach God with greater humility and openness, trusting in His guidance and being receptive to His healing grace in everyday situations.

Why does the Church choose the story of Naaman for Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent?

The story of Naaman for Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent serves as a powerful example of conversion and faith. It illustrates the process of moving from doubt to faith through humility and obedience, aligning with Lent's call for repentance and renewal.

What lesson does Jesus' experience in his hometown teach us on Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent?

Jesus' experience teaches us that prophetic messages, including calls for change and conversion, are often met with resistance, especially from those who think they know us best. It invites us to examine how we receive God's word and to be open to His teachings, even when they challenge us.

How can I better embrace the theme of God's universal salvation highlighted on Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent?

To embrace the theme of God's universal salvation, actively seek to recognize the dignity and worth of every person, understanding that God's love and mercy extend to all. Engage in acts of kindness and openness, reflecting God's inclusive love in your interactions with others.

Can the stories from Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent offer insights into dealing with rejection or failure?

Yes, these stories remind us that rejection and apparent failure can lead to deeper faith and understanding. They encourage us to trust in God's plan, even when faced with misunderstanding or rejection, and to find strength in faith and perseverance.

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