In this No No Game for youth group or youth ministry, players try to get each other to say no. It could be used at a meeting about saying “yes” instead of “no”. It also works in well with the Annunciation and Mary’s fiat when she said “yes” instead of “no”.
To make it more challenging, you can also include “not”, “none”, “negative”, “never”, “nobody”, “none”, “nothing”, and “nowhere”.
For a super challenging version, after a few minutes of normal play, you can disallow any words which start with the letter “N”.
How to Play the No No Game
- tokens such as poker chips or small stones – one for each youth
- Give each youth a token.
- They mingle in the room and ask each other questions, trying to ask things which will get the other one to say no.
- If a youth uses the word “no” in their answer:
- If the person asking the question still has one or more tokens, the youth who used the word “no” must give all of his or her tokens to the questioner.
- If the person asking the question doesn’t have any tokens (because they were lost to someone else), the youth who used the word “no” must give one token to the questioner
- If a person asks a question, they must also answer a question from the other person.
- Once both people have asked and answered a question, they should move on to somebody else.
- The person with the most tokens at the end wins.
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Yes No Game (Icebreaker)
The Yes No game is a fun activity for your youth group or youth ministry meeting. This can also be tied in with teaching by reminding us that we need to say “Yes” to God.
Won’t You Smile
In this game one person tries to make someone else in the group smile. Everyone else must keep a straight face. Won’t You Smile is another team-building or icebreaker game suitable for high school youth.

More Games for Youth Ministry
Games are a recommended part of any youth program. Youth ministry games can be used as icebreakers to help youth get to know each other better. They can be used to foster teamwork and trust. They are a way to spend a little energy when they have been sitting to long.

Fiat – A Lesson Plan on Mary’s Let It Be Done
This reflection will help youth understand what it means to be like our Blessed Mother and say “yes” to God.
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