Monday of the 5th Week of Lent
Monday April 7, 2025

Daily Mass Readings for Monday of the 5th Week of Lent
- First Reading – Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62: Susanna is found guilty of a crime she did not commit and is sentenced to death, but Daniel intervenes and exposes the false testimony of the two elders. The elders are subsequently executed, and innocent blood is spared.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 23: Guided by the Lord, my needs are met, my soul refreshed. Through dark valleys, fear doesn’t touch me, for His presence brings comfort. Surrounded by foes, I’m blessed abundantly, assured of His perpetual kindness and dwelling in His presence eternally.
- Gospel – John 8:1-11: The scribes and Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery to Jesus, hoping to trap him. Jesus responded by challenging them to only stone her if they themselves were without sin and, as a result, they left one by one. Jesus then forgave the woman and instructed her to turn away from sin.
Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.
John 8:7
Themes for the Readings for Monday of the 5th Week of Lent
Monday of the 5th Week of Lent focuses on God’s mercy, justice, and call to repentance. The readings from Daniel and John show God’s care for the innocent and his willingness to forgive those who turn away from sin.
- God’s Mercy for Sinners: Jesus shows mercy to the woman caught in adultery instead of condemning her. God’s mercy invites all sinners to repent and start anew.
- God’s Justice Defends the Innocent: In Daniel, God works through Daniel to save Susanna from false accusations. God protects the innocent and exposes injustice.
- The Call to Repentance: Jesus calls the accusers to examine their own sins before judging the woman. Repentance means turning from sin and seeking God’s forgiveness.
- Avoiding False Judgments: Susanna’s story warns against believing lies without seeking the truth. God values honesty and calls us to avoid rash judgments.
- The Power of Witness: Daniel stands up for the truth and defends Susanna. God works through those who are willing to speak out for what is right.
- God’s Patience with Humanity: Jesus does not immediately punish the accusers or the woman. God gives people time to turn from sin and seek him.
Monday of the 5th Week of Lent reminds us of God’s kindness and his care for justice. These readings invite us to trust in God’s mercy and respond with repentance and truth.
Reflection for Monday of the 5th Week of Lent
Monday of the 5th Week of Lent offers powerful lessons about mercy, justice, and the importance of repentance. Through the stories of Susanna and the woman caught in adultery, we see how God defends the innocent and forgives sinners. These readings invite us to reflect on how we live out truth, mercy, and humility in our own lives.
Speaking Up for What Is Right
The first reading for Monday of the 5th Week of Lent tells the story of Susanna and Daniel. Susanna is falsely accused by two wicked men, but God inspires Daniel to stand up for her. He challenges the lies and defends her innocence, exposing the truth and saving her life. This shows how important it is to speak up for what is right, even when it is difficult.
Sometimes we see people being treated unfairly or hear lies being spread about others. Like Daniel, we are called to stand up for truth and justice. God works through those who are willing to defend others and take a stand for what is good.
Daniel’s courage in defending Susanna is a reminder that God gives strength to those who trust him. When we choose to speak the truth and defend what is right, we become part of God’s work in the world. This story encourages us to be bold in standing up for justice.
Recognizing Our Own Sins
In the Gospel for Monday of the 5th Week of Lent, Jesus faces a group of people ready to condemn a woman caught in sin. Instead of joining them, Jesus asks them to consider their own sins. This causes them to walk away one by one, realizing that they too need forgiveness.
This moment shows the importance of self-reflection. It is easy to point out the faults of others, but much harder to look at ourselves honestly. Jesus teaches us to look at our own hearts and repent before judging others.
We all need God’s forgiveness. By focusing on our own sins and seeking mercy, we grow closer to God and treat others with kindness. The Gospel calls us to leave behind harsh judgments and choose humility and love.
Mercy for the Guilty and Innocent
Both readings for Monday of the 5th Week of Lent show God’s mercy for the innocent and the guilty. In the first reading, Susanna is falsely accused, but God rescues her through Daniel. In the Gospel, a guilty woman faces condemnation, but Jesus shows her mercy and calls her to change.
God’s mercy is greater than human understanding. He defends the innocent and offers forgiveness to those who repent. Both Susanna and the woman in the Gospel remind us that God cares deeply about truth and forgiveness.
We are called to follow God’s example by showing mercy to others. Whether someone is guilty or innocent, God’s justice and mercy are at work. These readings encourage us to trust God and live with mercy and compassion in our own lives.
The reflections on Monday of the 5th Week of Lent remind us to seek truth and show mercy in our words and actions. By trusting God and examining our own hearts, we can grow in love and faith. Let us carry these lessons with us and strive to live with justice and compassion.
Lord, you are full of mercy and justice. Help us to defend the innocent and seek forgiveness for our sins. Teach us to show kindness and to live in truth. May we reflect your love in all we do and trust in your care. Amen.
Reflection Questions
- How can you stand up for truth and justice like Daniel did?
- What sins do you need to bring to God in repentance?
- How can you avoid judging others harshly and show mercy instead?
- In what ways can you trust God more in difficult situations?
Homilies and Commentaries for Monday of the 5th Week of Lent
Word on Fire: Scapegoating
In Bishop Robert Barron’s reflection for Monday of the 5th Week of Lent, he discusses the story of the woman caught in adultery, highlighting it as an example of René Girard’s scapegoat mechanism. He points out the accusers’ eagerness for a scapegoat and praises Jesus’ revolutionary response, which redirects the mob’s violent energy and exposes the societal order’s reliance on scapegoating.
Bishop Barron notes Jesus’ act of writing in the sand as a powerful symbol of exposing the accusers’ sins, leading to a new order based on forgiveness, not condemnation.
USCCB: The First Stone
This USCCB video reflection for Monday of the 5th Week of Lent discusses the human tendency to judge and criticize others, likening it to throwing the “first stone.” It highlights our own susceptibility to sin and the importance of self-examination over fixating on the faults of others.
Emphasizing mercy and forgiveness, the reflection encourages us to embody God’s endless capacity for forgiveness, urging us to drop our stones of judgment. It reminds us that, through self-examination and embracing mercy, we can become ministers of God’s love and forgiveness, reflecting Jesus’ call to be His Sacred Heart in the world.
Frequently Asked Questions for Monday of the 5th Week of Lent
What date is Monday of the 5th Week of Lent?
The next date is Monday April 7, 2025.
What are the Mass readings for Monday of the 5th Week of Lent?
The Mass readings for Monday April 7, 2025 are:
First Reading – Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62: The Story of Susanna
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 23: The Lord is My Shepherd
Gospel – John 8:1-11: The Woman Caught in Adultery
Why was Susanna accused of wrongdoing in the first reading for Monday of the 5th Week of Lent?
Susanna was falsely accused because two men wanted her to sin with them, and she refused. They lied to protect themselves, but God brought the truth to light through Daniel.
How does the first reading show God’s care for justice?
God raised up Daniel to defend Susanna and expose the lies of the men accusing her. This reminds us that God does not ignore wrongdoing and protects those who trust in him.
How can we apply the first reading to our lives?
We can trust God to guide us when we face lies or injustice. Like Susanna, we should stay faithful and rely on God’s help.
Why didn’t Jesus condemn the woman in the Gospel for Monday of the 5th Week of Lent?
Jesus wanted to show mercy and give the woman a chance to repent. He also pointed out that everyone is a sinner and needs forgiveness.
What can we learn from the accusers in the Gospel?
The accusers were quick to judge the woman without considering their own sins. This teaches us to focus on our own need for repentance before judging others.
How does the story of Susanna connect to the Gospel for Monday of the 5th Week of Lent?
Both readings show how God protects the innocent and offers mercy to sinners. They remind us that God calls for truth, justice, and repentance.
What does the Gospel teach about forgiveness?
The Gospel shows that Jesus is ready to forgive those who turn away from sin. He asks us to leave our sins behind and live in a new way.
Why did Jesus challenge the people accusing the woman?
Jesus wanted them to reflect on their own sins before condemning someone else. This reminds us to be humble and not judge others unfairly.
What can we do to follow the lessons of the Gospel for Monday of the 5th Week of Lent?
We can show mercy to others, as Jesus did, and seek forgiveness for our own sins. We should also avoid judging others harshly.
How do the readings for Monday of the 5th Week of Lent prepare us for Lent?
The readings encourage us to repent, trust in God’s justice, and live with mercy and truth. They help us focus on turning back to God and following his ways.
A Day of Mercy and Justice
Monday of the 5th Week of Lent invites us to reflect on God’s mercy and justice. The first reading tells the story of Susanna, a woman falsely accused by two men. Her faith in God leads to her rescue when Daniel, guided by God, exposes the lies of her accusers. This story reminds us that God defends the innocent and brings truth to light.
The Gospel shares the story of a woman caught in adultery. Instead of condemning her, Jesus offers her mercy. He challenges her accusers to consider their own sins before judging her. This encounter highlights the importance of repentance and forgiveness in our lives.
Both readings focus on God’s care for the innocent and his willingness to forgive sinners. They show how God calls us to live in truth and turn away from sin. These stories encourage us to trust in God and strive for justice and mercy in our own lives.
Your Turn
Monday of the 5th Week of Lent is a chance to reflect on God’s justice and mercy. Take time to think about the readings and how they relate to your own life. Have you experienced God’s forgiveness or defended someone who was treated unfairly?
Share your thoughts in the comments. Your insights can inspire others as we journey through Lent together.
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