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Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent

Wednesday April 9, 2025

Daily Mass Readings for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent

  • First Reading - Daniel 3:14-20, 91-92, 95: King Nebuchadnezzar demands that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego worship a golden statue he had made. When they refuse, he throws them into a white-hot furnace, but they are saved by God and emerge unscathed, causing Nebuchadnezzar to praise God.
  • Responsorial Psalm - Daniel 3:52-56: God, exalted by our ancestors, is eternally worthy of praise. In His holy sanctuary, on His divine throne, and across the heavens, His majesty is proclaimed forever, deserving of unending honor and glory.
  • Gospel - John 8:31-42: Jesus is speaking to a group of Jews, telling them that if they continue to follow His teachings, they will know the truth and the truth will set them free. The Jews object, claiming that they are already free and do not need to be set free. Jesus counters that they are actually slaves to sin and that only He can truly set them free. He then goes on to explain that He is from God, but the Jews reject His claim, leading to a heated exchange between Jesus and the Jews.

If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and am here; I did not come on my own, but he sent me.

John 8:42

Themes for the Readings for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent

The readings for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent offer rich themes that are deeply interconnected, reflecting on faith, deliverance, and the true nature of freedom. Let's delve into these themes:

  • Faith in Trials: The first reading from Daniel demonstrates the unwavering faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the face of death. Their refusal to worship the golden statue, even under the threat of being thrown into a fiery furnace, highlights their deep trust in God. This theme encourages believers to hold fast to their faith, even when faced with severe trials and challenges.
  • Divine Deliverance: In the narrative from Daniel, God's miraculous intervention to save Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the fiery furnace symbolizes God's power to deliver those who trust in Him. This theme of divine deliverance is a testament to God's faithfulness and His ability to save.
  • The True Nature of Freedom: The Gospel reading from John explores the concept of freedom through the dialogue between Jesus and the Jews. Jesus teaches that true freedom is not about physical or societal status but is found in following His teachings, which liberate individuals from the bondage of sin. This theme invites reflection on the distinction between superficial freedoms and the deeper freedom that comes from living in truth and righteousness.
  • Identity and Belonging: Jesus' discussion with the Jews also touches on themes of identity and belonging, as He contrasts those who are truly Abraham's descendants not by blood but by faith and action. This theme challenges believers to consider their own spiritual lineage and commitment to living out the teachings of Jesus.
  • Rejection of Truth: Both readings touch on the theme of rejection. In Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar initially rejects the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, while in the Gospel, the Jews reject Jesus' claim to divine origin and His offer of true freedom. This theme reflects the human tendency to resist and reject truth when it challenges existing beliefs or requires a change of heart.

These themes for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent together weave a narrative of faith, challenge, divine intervention, and the pursuit of true freedom that transcends physical constraints. They call on believers to reflect on their own faith, their understanding of freedom, and their openness to embracing the truth as revealed by God through trials and teachings.

Thoughts for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent

The readings for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent offer us powerful lessons on faith, courage, and the importance of staying true to God's teachings.

In the first reading, we encounter the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, three Israelite youths who refused to worship the golden statue erected by King Nebuchadnezzar. Despite the king's threats of death in a fiery furnace, they remained steadfast in their faith, declaring that their God was able to save them but even if He did not, they would not serve the king's gods or worship the golden statue. Their courage and unwavering faith inspire us to remain faithful to God, even in the face of adversity.

In the Gospel reading, Jesus speaks to those who believed in Him, telling them that if they remained faithful to His teachings, they would be His disciples and know the truth. He emphasizes that the truth would set them free, but some of those listening to Him did not believe His words. Jesus reminds them that He speaks only what He has heard from the Father and that He has come to do the Father's will.

Both readings highlight the importance of staying true to God's teachings, even when it is difficult. We are called to have the courage of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who refused to compromise their faith, even in the face of death. We are also called to be faithful disciples of Jesus, following His teachings and striving to do the will of the Father.

Yet, we must also recognize that our faith will be challenged. We may face opposition from those who do not believe, as Jesus did from the Jews who accused Him. We may also face temptations to compromise our faith, as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did when they were threatened with death in the fiery furnace.

In the end, however, we must remain steadfast in our faith, trusting in God's love and protection. Like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, we must have the courage to stand up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. Like Jesus, we must speak the truth and do the will of the Father, even when it is difficult or unpopular.

May these readings for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent inspire us to remain faithful to God's teachings, to have the courage to stand up for what is right, and to trust in God's love and protection, no matter what challenges we may face.


Heavenly Father, please give us the courage and faithfulness of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and the trust and obedience of your Son. Help us to remain steadfast in our faith, speak the truth with boldness, and trust in your protection and guidance always. Amen.

Homilies and Reflections for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent

Word on Fire: Disease and Symptoms

Bishop Robert Barron reflects on Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent, highlighting Jesus' message in the Gospel about being enslaved to sin. He differentiates between individual sins and the overarching condition of sin, likening it to a deep, universal sadness rather than psychological depression. This sadness stems from a sense of unfulfillment and spiritual frustration, a dissonance between our desires for truth, goodness, and what we often experience. Barron underscores sin as an inner debility, a barrier to our spiritual wholeness and fulfillment.

USCCB Reflection: Betrayal

This USCCB video reflection for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent emphasizes Holy Week as the pinnacle of the Church's liturgical year, a time when we deeply encounter God's love through the events of Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection. It highlights the significance of Easter as the "Feast of Feasts." The reflection invites believers to ponder why Jesus embraced his sufferings, emphasizing that His sacrifice was essential for reconciling the world with God. Jesus, as the truth, offers freedom and a path to happiness, peace, justice, and mercy through His teachings. Despite human betrayal, God's love and mercy prevail, offering redemption and the victory of divine love.

Frequently Asked Questions for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent

What date is Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent?

The next date is Wednesday April 9, 2025.

What are the Mass readings for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent?

The Mass readings for Wednesday April 9, 2025 are:
First Reading - Daniel 3:14-20, 91-92, 95: The Fiery Furnace and God's Protection
Responsorial Psalm - Daniel 3:52-56: The Song of the Three Young Men
Gospel John 8:31-42: Freedom Through Truth 

What is the significance of the readings for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent?

The readings for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent highlight themes of faithfulness, divine deliverance, and true freedom. The first reading showcases the faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, while the Gospel emphasizes Jesus' teachings on the truth that sets us free from sin. These readings invite us to reflect on our faith and the nature of true freedom in our lives.

How can I apply the message of the first reading from Daniel on Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent to my life?

On Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent, the first reading from Daniel can inspire you to stand firm in your faith, even in the face of challenges or societal pressures. It encourages a trust in God's deliverance and protection, reminding us that God is with us in our trials.

What does Jesus mean by saying "the truth will set you free" in the Gospel reading for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent?

In the Gospel reading for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent, when Jesus says "the truth will set you free," He is referring to the spiritual freedom from sin that comes through following His teachings and accepting Him as the Son of God. This freedom is a liberation from the bondage of sin and leads to a life lived in the fullness of truth and love.

How can the themes of Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent help me during Lent?

The themes of Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent can guide you in a deeper reflection on your personal journey of faith and freedom. They encourage you to examine areas of your life where you may be enslaved to sin or societal pressures and invite you to embrace the liberating truth of Jesus' teachings. This can lead to a more meaningful and transformative Lenten experience.

Can the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego on Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent teach us about dealing with persecution today?

Yes, the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego on Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent is a powerful example of steadfast faith in the face of persecution. It teaches us that when we stand firm in our beliefs, despite opposition or persecution, we witness to the truth of our faith. It also reassures us of God's presence and support in our struggles, encouraging us to trust in His deliverance.

What is a practical way to live out the lessons from the Gospel on Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent?

A practical way to live out the lessons from the Gospel on Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent is to engage in daily self-reflection, examining areas of your life where you might be bound by sin or falsehood. Committing to truth and authenticity in your actions, words, and relationships can be a concrete step towards embracing the freedom Christ offers. Additionally, studying Scripture and seeking to understand Jesus' teachings more deeply can help you live in the freedom of truth.

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