Saturday April 18, 2026
Daily Mass Readings for Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter
- First Reading – Acts 6:1-7: In the early days of Christianity, complaints arose from Greek-speaking Jews about their widows being neglected in daily food distribution. The Twelve called a meeting and delegated the responsibility to seven reputable men, allowing them to focus on preaching the word of God, resulting in the spread of the faith and growth of the believers in Jerusalem.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 33: Let the upright praise the LORD with music, for His promises are true and He loves justice. He watches over and saves those who trust in His steadfast love.
- Gospel – John 6:16-21: Jesus’ disciples set off across the sea to Capernaum, but a strong wind picked up and Jesus did not join them at first. Later, they saw Jesus walking on the water towards them, and he comforted them before they reached their destination.
It is I. Do not be afraid.
John 6:20
Themes for the Readings for Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter
For Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter, we can focus on these themes:
- Service and Community: In the first reading from Acts, we see the community working together to solve a problem. They make sure everyone, including the widows, gets what they need. It teaches us about serving others and helping in our communities.
- Faith and Trust in Jesus: The Gospel from John shows Jesus walking on water. This miracle teaches us to trust Jesus, even when things seem scary or impossible.
- The Role of Leadership in the Church: The Apostles chose seven men to help with the work of caring for the community. This shows us that leaders are important in the Church to help guide and take care of its members.
- God’s Presence in Challenges: In both readings, people face challenges, like the storm on the sea or making sure everyone is cared for. These stories remind us that God is with us in our challenges.
- Growth in Faith: The first reading ends with more people believing in Jesus. The Gospel shows the disciples’ faith growing when they see Jesus walk on water. These readings remind us that our faith can always grow stronger.
Thoughts for Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter
The readings for Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter highlight the importance of trust in God’s power and provision, recognizing and utilizing the gifts of others, empowering others to serve the community, delegation of tasks to better serve the community, and prioritizing the primary mission.
As Catholics, it is essential that we trust in God’s power and grace, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. In doing so, we can rely on God’s strength and guidance to carry us through any situation. Additionally, recognizing and utilizing the gifts of others is essential to building a strong community. By empowering others to use their talents, we can create a community that is both supportive and inclusive.
Delegation of tasks is also crucial in serving the community effectively. By delegating tasks to others, we can prioritize our primary mission of spreading the word of God and serve the community more effectively. Moreover, this allows others to use their gifts and talents to serve the community and build it up.
Finally, prioritizing our primary mission is essential in serving the community effectively. As Catholics, our primary mission is to spread the word of God and show His love to others. By prioritizing this mission, we can better serve the community and ensure that our actions are aligned with our faith.
In all of our efforts to serve the community, it is important to remember that we must always trust in God, recognize and utilize the gifts of others, empower others to serve, delegate tasks to better serve the community, and prioritize our primary mission. By doing so, we can build a strong and supportive community that reflects the love of God to all those around us.
Prayer for Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter
Heavenly Father, help us to trust in your power and grace, and to recognize and utilize the gifts of others as we serve your community. Empower us to delegate tasks effectively, prioritize our mission, and show your love to all those around us. Amen.
Homilies and Reflections for Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter
Word on Fire: In the Storm
Bishop Robert Barron reflects on Jesus walking on water in today’s Gospel, showing Jesus’ power over nature and chaos. Water often symbolizes danger in the Bible, like the Red Sea story where God guides the Israelites. Jesus walking on water, a story told in all four Gospels, highlights his divinity and reassures us that he guides the Church through all types of storms and challenges, just as God has control over chaos from the beginning of time.
Frequently Asked Questions for Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter
What date is Monday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?
The next date is Saturday April 18, 2026.
Cycle 1 is used in odd numbered years and Cycle 2 is used in even numbered years. The gospel is the same for both years. For odd numbered years see Monday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1.
What are the Mass readings for Monday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2?
The Mass readings for Saturday April 18, 2026 are:
First Reading – Acts 6:1-7: Delegation for Community Service
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 33: Hope in the Lord’s Kindness
Gospel – John 6:16-21: Jesus Walks on Water
What is the first reading about on Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter?
On Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter, the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles talks about the early Christian community solving a problem. Some people were being left out of daily food sharing. The Apostles decided to choose seven good men to make sure everyone got food, so they could keep teaching about Jesus.
What happens in the Gospel on Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter?
In the Gospel for Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter, from the Book of John, Jesus walks on water to meet his disciples in a boat. They were scared at first, but Jesus told them not to be afraid. This shows us Jesus’ power and his care for us.
How do the readings for Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter teach us about community?
The readings show us how important it is to work together and take care of each other. The first reading tells us about the early Christians making sure everyone had enough to eat. This teaches us to look out for others in our communities.
What can we learn about faith from Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter?
We learn to trust Jesus, even when things are tough or scary. The Gospel shows Jesus doing something amazing—walking on water. It teaches us that with faith in Jesus, we can face our fears.
Why did the Apostles choose seven men to help in the first reading for Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter?
The Apostles needed help to make sure no one was left out in the daily sharing of food. They chose seven respected men to take on this task. This helped the Apostles to focus on teaching about Jesus. It shows us that leaders in the Church have important roles in caring for others.
How do the readings for Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter encourage us to grow in faith?
The readings show us people facing challenges and seeing God’s work. From making sure everyone gets food to seeing Jesus control nature, these stories help us see how our faith in God can help us through tough times and make our belief stronger.
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