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Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter

Wednesday May 7, 2025

Daily Mass Readings for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter

  • First Reading - Acts 8:1b-8: A severe persecution of the Church in Jerusalem broke out, causing everyone except the Apostles to flee to the countryside of Judea and Samaria. Despite this persecution, those who were scattered continued to preach the word of God, and many were healed and converted in the city of Samaria through the teachings and signs of Philip.
  • Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 66: Shout joyfully to God, all the earth; praise His glorious name. Marvel at His deeds, like turning the sea into dry land. Let's celebrate His eternal, powerful rule.
  • Gospel - John 6:35-40: Jesus proclaims that he is the bread of life and whoever comes to him will never go hungry or thirsty. He also states that those who believe in him and are given to him by the Father will be raised up on the last day to have eternal life.

For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him on the last day.

John 6:40

Themes for the Readings for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter

For Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter, the readings focus on how the early Church grew and how Jesus offers eternal life.

  • Spreading the word despite hardship: When the Church in Jerusalem faces persecution, Christians don't stop sharing God's message. They keep preaching even when they have to leave their homes. This shows us to keep sharing our faith, even when it's hard.
  • God works through difficult times: The persecution described in the first reading led to believers scattering and fleeing Jerusalem, which ultimately helped to spread the gospel message to other areas. This teaches us that God can bring good things out of bad situations.
  • Jesus fills our deepest needs: Jesus says He is the bread of life, meaning He gives us what we really need. We won't be spiritually hungry or thirsty if we follow Him.
  • Belief in Jesus gives eternal life: Jesus promises that if we believe in Him, we will live forever. This is a key part of Christian faith, knowing Jesus offers life that never ends.
  • God's plan includes everyone: Jesus talks about everyone the Father gives to Him. This means God wants all of us to come to Jesus and be saved.

In summary, the readings for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter tell us to keep sharing our faith even when it's tough, remember God can work through any situation, look to Jesus for what we truly need, believe in Him for eternal life, and understand God wants all of us to be part of His family.

Thoughts for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter

The readings for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter offer important insights and teachings for Catholics to reflect upon, including the early Church's perseverance despite persecution and Jesus' proclamation as the bread of life.

In Acts 8:1b-8, we witness the early Church facing persecution for their faith. Despite the danger, the believers remained steadfast in their mission to spread the Gospel message. This passage challenges us to consider the cost of discipleship and the courage needed to follow Christ. It reminds us that the path of discipleship may not always be easy, but it is necessary if we are to live a life that is faithful to Christ.

In John 6:35-40, Jesus proclaims himself as the bread of life, inviting us to partake in the spiritual nourishment that only he can provide, especially in the Eucharist. This passage teaches us that true life and sustenance are found in Christ alone. It reminds us that our faith in Christ is not just a belief system, but a way of life that leads us to eternal life with Him.

These readings invite us to reflect on the importance of sharing the Gospel message with others, even in the face of opposition. They also encourage us to deepen our faith and trust in Christ, recognizing that our spiritual nourishment and salvation come from Him alone. Finally, they call us to courageously embrace the challenges of discipleship, knowing that we do so in the name of Christ, who has already overcome the world.

Prayer for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter

Heavenly Father, we ask for the courage to spread the Gospel message in the face of opposition. Help us to trust in Your power and love, and to find spiritual nourishment in the Eucharist. Amen.

Homilies and Reflections for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter

Word on Fire: The Christified Person

Bishop Barron explains that in the Gospel for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter, Jesus as the bread of life offers eternal life to believers. The Eucharist is seen by the Church Fathers as food that grants immortality, transforming and uniting the receiver with Christ in a real, not just symbolic, way. This Real Presence in the Eucharist means those who partake in Communion are transformed, aligning their entire being with the eternal. This transformation makes worldly pursuits secondary, as life becomes an adventure with God, prioritizing spiritual over earthly treasures.

USCCB Reflection: The Bread of Life

In the Gospel for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter, Jesus declares, "I am the bread of life," promising that no one who comes to Him will hunger or thirst spiritually. Reflecting on this during the Easter season and recalling times of isolation, such as the Coronavirus pandemic's early days, we are reminded of our spiritual union with Christ and each other. Despite external challenges, our faith and longing for the Eucharist draw us closer to the Lord, whose desire to nourish us surpasses our own.

Our spiritual hunger and thirst are satisfied by Jesus through His word and mercy, encouraging us to immerse ourselves in God's word for sustenance.

Frequently Asked Questions for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter

What date is Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

The next date is Wednesday May 7, 2025.

What are the Mass readings for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

The Mass readings for Wednesday May 7, 2025 are:
First Reading - Acts 8:1b-8: Spreading the Good News Through Persecution
Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 66: Shouts of Joy and Praise
Gospel John 6:35-40: The Bread of Life

What happens in the first reading for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

The first reading tells about a severe persecution in Jerusalem, leading Christians, except the Apostles, to spread out and preach in Judea and Samaria, where Philip performs healings and conversions.

Who is Philip in the first reading for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

Philip is a follower of Jesus who goes to Samaria, preaches the word of God, and performs miracles, leading many to believe in Jesus. He is also known as St. Philip the Deacon.

What does Jesus say about Himself in the Gospel for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

Jesus says He is the bread of life, and whoever comes to Him will not be hungry or thirsty, promising eternal life to believers.

What is promised to those who believe in Jesus, according to the Gospel on Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

Those who believe in Jesus are promised never to hunger or thirst and to be raised up on the last day for eternal life.

How did the persecution of the Church affect its spread, based on the first reading for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

The persecution caused the Church to spread beyond Jerusalem as believers went to Judea and Samaria, continuing to preach and convert others.

What is the significance of Jesus being the bread of life, based on the Gospel for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

Jesus being the bread of life signifies that He offers spiritual nourishment and eternal life, satisfying our deepest needs.

How do believers receive eternal life, according to Jesus in the Gospel for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

Believers receive eternal life by coming to Jesus, believing in Him, and being chosen by the Father, as Jesus will raise them up on the last day.

Why did people flee to Judea and Samaria in the first reading for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

People fled to Judea and Samaria due to severe persecution in Jerusalem, but continued to share the word of God.

What impact did Philip’s work have in Samaria, according to the first reading for Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

Philip's preaching and miracles in Samaria led to many people being healed and converting to Christianity, showing the power of faith and the Holy Spirit.

What lesson can we learn from the events of Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

The lesson is that faith in Jesus provides eternal satisfaction and life, and despite persecution, the Christian faith can spread and bring hope and healing to many.

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