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Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter

Thursday May 8, 2025

Daily Mass Readings for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter

  • First Reading - Acts 8:26-40: The angel of the Lord sends Philip to join an Ethiopian eunuch who is reading the prophet Isaiah on his way back from Jerusalem. After explaining the passage and proclaiming Jesus to him, Philip baptizes the eunuch, and the Spirit of the Lord takes Philip away while the eunuch continues on his way rejoicing.
  • Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 66: Honor God with your cheers for giving us life and stability. I will tell of His wonders and praise Him for not ignoring my prayers or withholding His mercy.
  • Gospel - John 6:44-51: Jesus explains that no one can come to him unless the Father draws them, and that eternal life is given to those who believe in him as the bread of life which comes from heaven. He also speaks of giving his own flesh as the bread for the life of the world.

I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my Flesh for the life of the world.

John 6:51

Themes for the Readings for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter

For Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter, the readings tell us about understanding God's word and the gift of Jesus to us.

  • The importance of scripture: Both Philip and Jesus use scripture to explain and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to others.
  • God's desire for all people: In Acts 8:26-40, the Good News is brought to an Ethiopian eunuch, who was considered an outcast and excluded from the Jewish community, while in John 6:44-51, Jesus emphasizes that the Father draws all people to Himself.
  • Baptism as a joyful start: After Philip explains about Jesus, the Ethiopian gets baptized. This teaches us that starting to follow Jesus is a joyful step in our lives.
  • Jesus Christ as the source of salvation: Jesus is the bread of life, the source of spiritual sustenance and eternal life for all who come to Him in faith.
  • The Eucharist: Jesus speaks of consuming His flesh and blood to explain the profound intimacy and union between Himself and His people, which is made truly present to us daily through the sacrament of the Eucharist.

The readings for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter show us the importance of understanding and accepting God's message, the joy of baptism, how God draws us to Jesus, the promise of eternal life through belief in Jesus, and how Jesus sustains us like food sustains the body.

Thoughts for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter

In the readings for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter, we see how the Holy Spirit leads and guides believers to encounter others and to come to faith in Jesus Christ. We also see the importance of scripture in understanding and proclaiming the gospel, and the centrality of Jesus Christ as the source of salvation and eternal life.

As Catholics, we are called to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives, just as Philip was led to approach the Ethiopian eunuch. We are called to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others, using scripture to explain and proclaim the message of salvation.

Additionally, we see the universality of the gospel message and God's desire for all people to come to faith. The Ethiopian eunuch, who was considered an outcast and excluded from the Jewish community, was welcomed and accepted by Philip and the early Christian community.

This passage is a reminder that no one is beyond the reach of God's love and grace. As Catholics, we are called to embrace and welcome all, just as Jesus Himself welcomed and loved those who were marginalized and excluded by society. We are called to be a community that embraces diversity and stands in solidarity with those who are on the fringes of society.

At the heart of our faith as Catholics is also the belief that the Eucharist is the true and substantial presence of Jesus Christ, who gave Himself up for us as the bread of life. In receiving the Eucharist, we are nourished by His divine life and grace, which empowers us to live as His disciples in the world.

As we participate in the Eucharist, we are reminded of the depth of Jesus' love for us, which led Him to give His life for our salvation. The Eucharist is truly the source and summit of our faith, and we are called to approach it with reverence and gratitude, as we encounter the living Christ who continues to nourish us and guide us on our journey of faith.

Prayer for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter

Heavenly Father, help us to be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as we seek to share the good news of Jesus Christ with all people. May we embrace the universality of the gospel, and be a community that welcomes and embraces all. Amen.

Homilies and Reflections for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter

Word on Fire: Heavenly Food

In this reflection for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter, Bishop Barron comments on Jesus' statement, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven,” emphasizing the unique nature of the Eucharist. Unlike ordinary bread, which becomes part of our physical being, the Eucharist transforms us spiritually, giving us a new life in Christ. Heaven, as described by St. Paul, is beyond human comprehension, characterized by love for God. The Eucharist is a participation in the divine love shared between the Father and the Son, making Christ's sacrificial love present and accessible to us.

USCCB Reflection: Bring Them Deeper

A video reflection from USCCB for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter.

Our baptism and confirmation call us to evangelize, making disciples and bringing the presence of the Eucharist into every aspect of our lives. The Eucharist nourishes us, enabling us to embody Christ's love in a world hungry for truth. Jesus, as the Word of God, invites us deeper into God's love, offering eternal life through His sacrifice on the cross and resurrection. The Eucharist is not mere bread and wine but the literal body and blood of Christ, empowering the Church and guiding us to eternal communion with God.

Frequently Asked Questions for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter

What date is Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

The next date is Thursday May 8, 2025.

What are the Mass readings for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

The Mass readings for Thursday May 8, 2025 are:
First Reading - Acts 8:26-40: Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 66: Delighting in the Wonders of God
Gospel John 6:44-51: The Bread of Life

What is the main event in the first reading for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

Philip the Deacon, sent by an angel, meets an Ethiopian eunuch reading Isaiah, explains the scripture, preaches about Jesus, and then baptizes him.

Who is the Ethiopian eunuch in the first reading for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

The Ethiopian eunuch is a high official under the queen of Ethiopia, reading the prophet Isaiah on his way back from Jerusalem when he encounters Philip.

How does Philip leave after baptizing the eunuch, according to the first reading for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

After baptizing the eunuch, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly takes Philip away to another place, and the eunuch continues his journey rejoicing.

How does the Ethiopian eunuch respond to Philip's preaching, based on the first reading for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

The eunuch believes Philip's preaching about Jesus and asks to be baptized, showing his acceptance and faith in Jesus.

Why is Philip sent to the Ethiopian eunuch, based on the first reading for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

Philip is sent to guide the eunuch in understanding scripture and to reveal Jesus as the fulfillment of the prophecy, leading to his conversion.

What lesson can we learn from Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch’s encounter for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

This teaches us the importance of being open to God's guidance in sharing our faith and the joy and fulfillment that comes from accepting Jesus.

What does Jesus mean by giving His flesh as the bread for the life of the world in the Gospel for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

Jesus means that His sacrifice, His body given up on the cross, is the true sustenance that offers eternal life to the world. This is the Eucharist.

What does Jesus say about coming to Him in the Gospel for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

Jesus says that no one can come to Him unless drawn by the Father, promising eternal life to those who believe in Him as the bread of life.

What is the role of the Father in people coming to Jesus, according to the Gospel for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

The Father's role is essential; He draws people to Jesus, enabling them to believe and receive eternal life through Him.

How does the Gospel for Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter explain the process of believing in Jesus?

Jesus explains that belief in Him as the bread of life, sent from heaven, is initiated by the Father and results in eternal life, emphasizing the divine plan for salvation.

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