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Saturday of the 4th Week of Easter

Saturday April 27, 2024

Daily Mass Readings for Saturday of the 4th Week of Easter

  • First Reading - Acts 13:44-52: Paul and Barnabas preach to a mixed crowd of Jews and Gentiles in the synagogue in Antioch. Despite facing rejection and opposition from some of the Jews, they turn to the Gentiles, who are more receptive to their message.
  • Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 98: Sing to the LORD for His marvelous deeds and victory, His salvation and righteousness known to all. The whole world has seen God's triumphant love and faithfulness.
  • Gospel - John 14:7-14: Jesus explains to His disciples that knowing Him means knowing the Father, as they are united. When Philip asks to see the Father, Jesus stresses that seeing Him is seeing the Father, due to their profound unity. He reassures them that His words and works are the manifestations of the Father's presence and actions within Him. Jesus promises that those who believe in Him will perform even greater works, emphasizing the power of prayer in His name for the glory of the Father.

Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father. 

John 14:12

Themes for the Readings for Saturday of the 4th Week of Easter

Saturday of the 4th Week of Easter discusses rejection, acceptance, and promises from Jesus. Here are some themes from the readings:

  • Preaching to all: Paul and Barnabas talk to both Jews and Gentiles. They share God's message with everyone.
  • Rejection and turning to the Gentiles: Some Jews do not accept their message, so Paul and Barnabas focus on the Gentiles. The Gentiles are happy to hear their message.
  • Unity of Jesus and the Father: Jesus tells His disciples that knowing Him is the same as knowing the Father. He explains that they are united.
  • Jesus’ words and works show the Father: Jesus explains that what He says and does are the actions of the Father. This means Jesus' actions are the same as the Father's actions.
  • Promise of answered prayers: Jesus says if the disciples ask for anything in His name, He will do it. This shows Jesus' willingness to help His followers.

The readings for Saturday of the 4th Week of Easter highlight the challenges and opportunities in sharing Jesus' message and the special promises Jesus makes to His followers. They teach us about the importance of persistence and faith in sharing and living the Gospel.

Thoughts for Saturday of the 4th Week of Easter

The readings for Saturday of the 4th Week of Easter offer a wealth of insights for reflection. One of the most prominent themes that emerges from these readings is the idea of perseverance.

In the first reading from Acts, we see Paul and Barnabas preaching the gospel to a mixed crowd of Jews and Gentiles. Despite facing resistance and opposition from some of the Jews, they continue to share the message of God's love and salvation with everyone who will listen. This is a reminder that, as Christians, we are called to share the gospel message with everyone, even if it means facing rejection and opposition.

The gospel reading from John emphasizes the importance of faith and trust in Jesus. He tells his disciples that he is the way, the truth, and the life, and that no one can come to the Father except through him. He also promises that if they ask anything in his name, he will do it. This is a reminder that our faith in Jesus is essential to our salvation and that we can trust him to provide for our needs and guide us in our lives.

Another important theme that emerges from these readings is the inclusive nature of the gospel. Both Paul and Barnabas and Jesus emphasized that the gospel message is for all people, regardless of their background or ethnicity. This is a powerful reminder that God's love and salvation are available to everyone, and that as Christians, we are called to share this message with all people.

Overall, these readings offer a message of hope, perseverance, and inclusivity. They remind us that even when we face resistance and opposition, we can trust in Jesus to guide us and provide for our needs. They also remind us of our responsibility to share the gospel message with all people, regardless of their background or ethnicity. As we reflect on these readings, may we be inspired to persevere in our own lives, trusting in Jesus to guide us and lead us on the path of righteousness.

Prayer for Saturday of the 4th Week of Easter

Dear God, help us to persevere in sharing your message of love and salvation with all people, even in the face of resistance and opposition. Grant us the faith and trust in Jesus we need to follow his path of righteousness and inclusivity, guided by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Homilies and Reflections for Saturday of the 4th Week of Easter

Word on Fire: Our Advocate

In Bishop Barron’s reflection for Saturday of the 4th Week of Easter, he discusses the promise of Jesus from the Gospel that anything asked in His name will be granted, to glorify God. This teaching underlines the special relationship between Jesus and the Father, showing that Jesus acts as our advocate with God. Just like a representative in a city council, Jesus presents our requests to God. However, unlike a human official, God is always welcoming and pleased to receive our prayers through Jesus. This illustrates the deep bond within the Trinity and Jesus’ unique role in interceding for us.

USCCB Reflection: Holy Oneness

In the Gospel for Saturday of the 4th Week of Easter, Jesus explains that knowing Him means knowing His Father, emphasizing their unity in the Trinity. This unity is likened to the deep connection in a sacramental marriage, where couples share joy, sorrow, and perspectives. Jesus works as the Father does, showing His followers that they, too, will do great things through faith. This relationship and mission reflect the Trinity’s community and love.

Questions and Answers for Saturday of the 4th Week of Easter

What date is Saturday of the 4th Week of Easter?

The next date is Saturday April 27, 2024.

What are the Mass readings for Saturday of the 4th Week of Easter?

The Mass readings for Saturday April 27, 2024 are:
First Reading - Acts 13:44-52: Preaching the Gospel in Antioch
Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 98: Praise for God's Saving Power
Gospel John 14:7-14: Unity with the Father

What did Paul and Barnabas do in the First Reading for Saturday of the 4th Week of Easter?

Paul and Barnabas spoke to both Jews and Gentiles in a synagogue in Antioch. They faced rejection from some Jews but found that the Gentiles were happy to hear their message.

How did Paul and Barnabas react to the opposition from the Jews?

When some Jews did not accept their message, Paul and Barnabas decided to focus on preaching to the Gentiles, who welcomed what they had to say.

Why did Paul and Barnabas turn to the Gentiles?

They turned to the Gentiles because the Gentiles were more open to their message about Jesus. Paul and Barnabas wanted to share the good news with those who would accept it.

What does Jesus explain about His relationship with the Father?

Jesus tells His disciples that knowing Him is the same as knowing the Father because they are united.

What does Jesus say when Philip asks to see the Father?

When Philip asks to see the Father, Jesus explains that seeing Him is the same as seeing the Father because they are deeply united.

How does Jesus describe His words and works?

Jesus describes His words and works as coming directly from the Father. He says that what He speaks and does are the actions of the Father shown through Him.

What promise does Jesus make about those who believe in Him?

Jesus promises that those who believe in Him will do even greater works than He has done.

What does Jesus say about the power of prayer in His name?

Jesus emphasizes that anything asked in His name will be done to show the Father’s glory.

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