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Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter

Tuesday May 6, 2025

Daily Mass Readings for Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter

  • First Reading - Acts 7:51-8:1a: The story of Stephen's final speech and his stoning by the Jewish leaders, who reject and persecute the prophets, including Jesus, the righteous one.
  • Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 31: I seek refuge in You, my stronghold. Trusting You with my spirit, I rejoice in Your mercy. Keep me safe from harm and guide me by Your light.
  • Gospel - John 6:30-35: Challenged by the crowd for a sign, Jesus clarifies that the true bread from heaven, offering life to all, comes from His Father, not Moses. When the crowd asks for this bread, Jesus declares Himself as the bread of life, promising that those who come to Him will not hunger or thirst.

“I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.

John 6:35

Themes for the Readings for Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter

On Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter, the readings share important lessons.

  • Brave to speak truth: Stephen talks to the leaders without fear, even though it's dangerous. This teaches us to be brave in sharing our faith.
  • People ignore messengers: Like Stephen and Jesus, many who bring God's messages are not listened to. This reminds us that following God might be hard because others may not understand.
  • Jesus is like food for our soul: Jesus says He is the bread of life, meaning He is all we need to live a true life. He fills our heart and soul in the Eucharist.
  • Jesus offers forever life: By believing in Jesus, we get life that never ends. This is a big part of being Christian, knowing Jesus gives us this gift.
  • Believing without seeing: Even when the crowd wants a sign, Jesus tells them to believe in Him instead. It shows we should trust in Jesus even when we can't see everything.

To wrap up, the readings for Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter tell us to be brave in our faith, expect challenges, see Jesus as the one who gives us what we truly need, believe in His promise of eternal life, and trust Him even when it's hard.

Thoughts for Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter

On the Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter, we are presented with two powerful readings that, together, offer us a profound reflection on faith, witness, and the gift of the Eucharist.

In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we hear the story of Stephen's final speech and his stoning. Stephen stands firm in his faith, even as he faces death. He calls out the hardness of heart of those who resist the Holy Spirit and reject the prophets, including Jesus. Stephen's courage and faithfulness remind us of the cost of discipleship and the strength that comes from God.

The Gospel of John presents us with a different kind of challenge. The crowd asks Jesus for a sign, just as their ancestors received manna in the desert. Jesus reveals that the true bread from heaven is not like the manna, but is He Himself, the Bread of Life. Jesus invites us to a faith that goes beyond seeking signs, to a relationship that satisfies our deepest hungers and thirsts.

These readings call us to reflect on our own faith. Are we like the crowd, always looking for signs and wonders, or are we ready to believe in Jesus as the Bread of Life without seeing miracles? Are we open to the Holy Spirit, or are our hearts hardened like those who rejected Stephen and ultimately Jesus?

The story of Stephen challenges us to be bold in our witness to our faith, even in the face of opposition. It also reminds us of the long history of prophets who spoke God's truth and were rejected. Yet, their witness lives on, inspiring us to be faithful.

In the Eucharist, we receive Jesus, the Bread of Life. This is the sign above all signs, the miracle that sustains us daily. Let us come to the Eucharist with open hearts, ready to be transformed by this incredible gift of God's love.


Lord, help us to be faithful witnesses to your love, just like Stephen. Open our hearts to receive Jesus, the Bread of Life, with faith and gratitude. Give us the courage to live out our faith boldly, loving you and serving others. Amen.

Homilies and Reflections for Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter

USCCB Reflection: What Have You Done for Me Lately?

This USCCB video reflection emphasizes trust in who Jesus is over understanding his actions or teachings.

The Gospel for Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter from John 6 begins Jesus' discourse on the Eucharist. After feeding 5,000 people, Jesus crosses the Sea of Galilee. He tells the crowd he will give them the bread of life, explaining that unlike their ancestors who ate manna and died, those who eat the bread he will give will live forever. This teaching puzzles many, leading some disciples to leave Jesus. However, when asked if they will leave too, Peter and the remaining apostles affirm their faith in Jesus, acknowledging him as the source of eternal life, despite not understanding his teaching.

Frequently Asked Questions for Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter

What date is Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

The next date is Tuesday May 6, 2025.

What are the Mass readings for Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

The Mass readings for Tuesday May 6, 2025 are:
First Reading - Acts 7:51-8:1a: The Martyrdom of Stephen
Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 31: Trusting in God's Mercy and Protection
Gospel John 6:30-35: The Bread of Life

What is the first reading about on Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

The first reading is about Stephen's final speech to the Jewish leaders, his stoning, and how they rejected the prophets and Jesus.

Who was Stephen in the first reading for Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

Stephen was a follower of Jesus who spoke to the Jewish leaders about rejecting prophets and Jesus before he was killed by stoning.

What happens in the Gospel reading on Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

In the Gospel, Jesus tells the crowd that He is the bread of life, sent from His Father, and promises that those who come to Him will not be hungry or thirsty.

How does Jesus describe Himself in the Gospel for Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

Jesus describes Himself as the bread of life. Through the Eucharist he offers eternal satisfaction and life to those who believe in Him.

What was the crowd's reaction to Jesus' claim in the Gospel on Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

The crowd asked for this bread always, showing interest in what Jesus offered but possibly not understanding the spiritual significance.

Why did Stephen get stoned in the first reading of Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

Stephen was stoned because he accused the Jewish leaders of rejecting God's messengers, including Jesus, and they reacted violently to his accusations.

What is the significance of Jesus being the bread of life, as mentioned in the Gospel for Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

Jesus being the bread of life means that in the Eucharist He offers eternal life and fulfillment to those who believe in Him, unlike physical bread that satisfies only temporarily.

How do the first reading and Gospel for Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter connect?

Both readings discuss rejection: Stephen's message is rejected by the Jewish leaders, and the crowd challenges Jesus' claim, reflecting a pattern of disbelief and misunderstanding.

What lesson can we learn from Stephen's speech in the first reading for Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

We learn the importance of faithfulness and courage in witnessing for Jesus, even in the face of opposition and persecution.

Why is faith in Jesus important, based on the Gospel for Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter?

Faith in Jesus is crucial because He is the source of eternal life and spiritual fulfillment, as illustrated by His role as the bread of life.

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